Evaluación de un panel de 21 genes y su impacto en la terapia adyuvante según el score de recurrencia (RS), en la Fundación Hospital San Pedro en el departamento de Nariño
Perea Valverde, Sandra Liliana
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Básicas y Biomédicas
Facultad de Ciencias Básicas y Biomédicas
El cáncer de mama femenino se ha convertido en el cáncer más comúnmente diagnosticado en todo el mundo, con 2.26 millones de nuevos casos estimados en para el año 2020 y representa más de 1 de cada 10 nuevos diagnósticos de cáncer cada año. El cáncer de mama invasivo en etapa temprana presenta, biomarcadores que son de gran utilidad en el momento de dirigir la estrategia sistémica adyuvante, como el estado de los receptores hormonales (RH), receptor del factor de crecimiento epidérmico humano 2 (HER2), la estratificación ganglionar, entre otros. Estos han servido para guiar los ensayos de firmas genéticas, los cuales han modificado el panorama del tratamiento del cáncer de mama temprano.
El Oncotype DX® es un ensayo que evalúa el riesgo de recurrencia del cáncer de mama con el fin de ayudar a individualizar el tratamiento.
Objetivo: Evaluar el impacto de los resultados del score de recurrencia de la prueba Oncotype DX®, frente a la definición del tratamiento aplicado en una cohorte de mujeres con cáncer de mama en la Fundación Hospital San Pedro (Pasto-Colombia) en el periodo comprendido desde año 2015 al año 2022.
Metodología: Mediante análisis retrospectivo en 90 registros de pacientes que contaban con la información de la firma genética de 21 genes (Oncotype DX®) en la institución de salud, se realizó análisis descriptivo o exploratorio para las variables categóricas y se utilizaron frecuencias, porcentajes y promedios, para la distribución de la características clínico-patológicas con relación a los puntos de corte de los Score de recurrencia se empleó un análisis bivariado a través de tablas de contingencia, con la prueba Chi cuadrado de Person, para determinar el nivel de significancia entre las variables (p= 0,05). El tiempo de corte del seguimiento de la población en estudio fue hasta el 29 de septiembre del año 2022. Para la determinación de la supervivencia global (SG), se utilizó la herramienta estadista de Kaplan-Meier con la fecha del momento del diagnóstico y/o fecha del procedimiento quirúrgico, cuando no se contaba con la información registrada del diagnóstico, hasta el momento de muerte o la última evolución a pacientes vivas con corte hasta última fecha de seguimiento.
Female breast cancer has become the most commonly diagnosed cancer worldwide, with an estimated 2.26 million newly diagnosed cases for the year 2020 and represents more than 1 in 10 newly diagnosed cancer diagnoses every year. An early stage of invasive breast cancer exhibits biomarkers that have a great deal of value when it comes to directing adjunctive systemic strategies, such as hormone receptor status (RH), human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2), and ganglionic stratification, which have helped to guide the trials of genetic companies, which have been modified, and how early breast cancer can be treated. Oncotype DX® is an assay that assesses the risk of recurrence of breast cancer with the aim of helping to individualize treatment. Aim: Evaluation of the impact of the recurrence score of the Oncotype DX® test compared to the definition of the treatment applied to a cohort of women with breast cancer at the Fundación Hospital San Pedro (Pasto-Colombia) between the years 2015 - 2022. Method: Through a retrospective analysis in 90 records of patients who had the information of the genetic signature of 21 genes (Oncotype DX®) in the health institution, a descriptive or exploratory analysis was performed for the categorical variables, frequencies, percentages and averages were used, for the distribution of the clinicopathological characteristics in relation to the cut-off points of the recurrence score, a bivariate analysis was used through contingency tables, with the Chi-square test of Person, to determine the level of significance between variables (p= 0,05). The follow-up study population cutoff time was until September 29, 2022. For the determination of overall survival (OS), the Kaplan-Meier statistical tool was used with the date of diagnosis and/or date of the surgical procedure, when the recorded information of the diagnosis was not available, until the time of death or the last evolution to live patients with cut-off until the last follow-up date.
Female breast cancer has become the most commonly diagnosed cancer worldwide, with an estimated 2.26 million newly diagnosed cases for the year 2020 and represents more than 1 in 10 newly diagnosed cancer diagnoses every year. An early stage of invasive breast cancer exhibits biomarkers that have a great deal of value when it comes to directing adjunctive systemic strategies, such as hormone receptor status (RH), human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2), and ganglionic stratification, which have helped to guide the trials of genetic companies, which have been modified, and how early breast cancer can be treated. Oncotype DX® is an assay that assesses the risk of recurrence of breast cancer with the aim of helping to individualize treatment. Aim: Evaluation of the impact of the recurrence score of the Oncotype DX® test compared to the definition of the treatment applied to a cohort of women with breast cancer at the Fundación Hospital San Pedro (Pasto-Colombia) between the years 2015 - 2022. Method: Through a retrospective analysis in 90 records of patients who had the information of the genetic signature of 21 genes (Oncotype DX®) in the health institution, a descriptive or exploratory analysis was performed for the categorical variables, frequencies, percentages and averages were used, for the distribution of the clinicopathological characteristics in relation to the cut-off points of the recurrence score, a bivariate analysis was used through contingency tables, with the Chi-square test of Person, to determine the level of significance between variables (p= 0,05). The follow-up study population cutoff time was until September 29, 2022. For the determination of overall survival (OS), the Kaplan-Meier statistical tool was used with the date of diagnosis and/or date of the surgical procedure, when the recorded information of the diagnosis was not available, until the time of death or the last evolution to live patients with cut-off until the last follow-up date.
Palabras clave
Cáncer de mama, Oncotype DX®, Quimioterapia, RS (Score de Recurrencia), Supervivencia global (SG), Terapia adyuvante, Breast cancer, Chemotherapy, RS (Recurrence Score), Overall survival (OS), Adjuvant therapy