Diseño web en la generación de horarios del personal en una institución prestadora de servicios de salud de tercer nivel en Soledad Atlántico 2020
Gari Carrillo, Luis Miguel
Martínez Sejin, William José
Martínez Petro, Juan De la Cruz
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad Administración y Negocios
Facultad Administración y Negocios
Es de común conocimiento y casi considerada como una problemática social en el mundo cuando de salud se habla. De esto se conoce que en países como Estados Unidos se invierte una fuerte suma de dinero para sostener el sistema de salud, la cual proviene casi en su totalidad del sector privado.
Por su parte Colombia tiene un sistema de salud económicamente sostenido por ambos sectores que, en su planteamiento debería resolver el problema de salud, pero en su ejecución presenta falencias. Una de las mencionadas falencias, es la de brindar una atención humanizada y con calidad, esto debido a un sin número de variables que interactúan desde el ámbito económico hasta el vocacional.
En la Institución prestadora de servicios en salud Fundación Clínica Materno Infantil Adela de Char, en la cual se realizó el diseño web para la generación de horarios del personal, se evidencio también las carencias en la calidad de la atención al paciente y fue por ello, por lo que se consideró realizar una innovación tecnológica que, a través de esta, permita liberar carga laboral administrativa a cargo del personal asistencial, como la creación de los horarios mensuales del personal de forma manual.
It is common knowledge and almost considered a social problem in the world when it comes to health. From this it is known that in countries like the United States a large sum of money is invested to support the health system, which comes almost entirely from the private sector. For its part, Colombia has a health system economically supported by both sectors that, in its approach, should solve the health problem, but in its execution it has shortcomings. One of the aforementioned shortcomings is to provide humanized and quality care, this due to a number of variables that interact from the economic to the vocational field. In the Institution that provides health services, Fundación Clínica Materno Infantil Adela de Char, in which the web design was carried out to generate staff schedules, the deficiencies in the quality of patient care were also evidenced and that was why For this reason, it was considered to carry out a technological innovation that, through this, allows to release administrative workload in charge of the healthcare personnel, such as the creation of the monthly schedules of the personnel manually.
It is common knowledge and almost considered a social problem in the world when it comes to health. From this it is known that in countries like the United States a large sum of money is invested to support the health system, which comes almost entirely from the private sector. For its part, Colombia has a health system economically supported by both sectors that, in its approach, should solve the health problem, but in its execution it has shortcomings. One of the aforementioned shortcomings is to provide humanized and quality care, this due to a number of variables that interact from the economic to the vocational field. In the Institution that provides health services, Fundación Clínica Materno Infantil Adela de Char, in which the web design was carried out to generate staff schedules, the deficiencies in the quality of patient care were also evidenced and that was why For this reason, it was considered to carry out a technological innovation that, through this, allows to release administrative workload in charge of the healthcare personnel, such as the creation of the monthly schedules of the personnel manually.
Palabras clave
Salud, Calidad, Servicio, Horario