Desarrollo de una política de inventario para disminuir la obsolescencia en ocasión del manejo inadecuado de las devoluciones de los insumos en una empresa del sector de Retail de ropa infantil en la ciudad de Barranquilla
Guerrero Figueroa, Edgardo
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ingenierías
Facultad de Ingenierías
Desde hace algún tiempo, el sector de la moda ha presentado una consolidación en cuanto a la presentación y comercialización de sus productos, el estilo de la tienda boutique ha tomado cada vez más auge y es por esto que la manera como se realiza la logística en este tipo de tiendas ha cambiado, ya no sólo se piensa en la modista que en su espacio de trabajo entrega su producto, ahora estas deben contar con tiendas, bodegas y otros espacios acompañados de procesos que agilicen y mejoren la experiencia de compra, lo que generará más efectividad y satisfacción en la entrega del producto. Para impedir que la masificación quiebre la sensación de ser único y especial que se ofrece en estas tiendas boutique, y más aun teniendo la responsabilidad de ofrecer su producto a un público especial y exigente. Se deben estudiar día a día las falencias, las debilidades que todo esto conlleva y crear propuestas directas para atacar las situaciones que pueden debilitar una empresa como EPK, empoderada desde hace 10 años, en el subsector de la moda infantil. Al mismo tiempo genera productividad y competitividad a la compañía, además de la satisfacción de complacer a lo más importante, el cliente infantil. Por esta razón, la logística de devoluciones enmarcada en los procesos de soporte para el
cumplimiento de la experiencia de compra para la empresa EPK, son nuestro material y motivo de estudio y resolución.
Some time ago, the fashion sector has filed a consolidation in terms of the exhibition and marketing of its products, the style of the boutique store has been boomed and that is the reason why logistics has changed in this kind of stores, now is not just the dressmaker who delivers the product in his workspace, now they must have stores, warehouses and other spaces, following procedures that streamline and improve the shopping experience, which It will generate more effectiveness and satisfaction in the delivery of the product. To prevent the massification from breaking the feeling of being unique and special that is offered in these boutique stores, and furthermore having the responsibility of offering the product to a special and demanding public. Failures and weaknesses that are all around must be analyzed day by day and direct proposals created to attack situations that can weaken a company like EPK, empowered in the past 10 years, in the children's fashion subsector. At the same time, it triggers productivity and competitiveness to the company, in addition to the satisfaction of pleasing the most important, the child customer. For this reason, the logistics of returns framed in the support processes for the fulfillment of the shopping experience for the EPK company, are our material and motivation for study and resolution.
Some time ago, the fashion sector has filed a consolidation in terms of the exhibition and marketing of its products, the style of the boutique store has been boomed and that is the reason why logistics has changed in this kind of stores, now is not just the dressmaker who delivers the product in his workspace, now they must have stores, warehouses and other spaces, following procedures that streamline and improve the shopping experience, which It will generate more effectiveness and satisfaction in the delivery of the product. To prevent the massification from breaking the feeling of being unique and special that is offered in these boutique stores, and furthermore having the responsibility of offering the product to a special and demanding public. Failures and weaknesses that are all around must be analyzed day by day and direct proposals created to attack situations that can weaken a company like EPK, empowered in the past 10 years, in the children's fashion subsector. At the same time, it triggers productivity and competitiveness to the company, in addition to the satisfaction of pleasing the most important, the child customer. For this reason, the logistics of returns framed in the support processes for the fulfillment of the shopping experience for the EPK company, are our material and motivation for study and resolution.
Palabras clave
Logística, Obsolescencia, Devoluciones, Insumos, Inventarios, Logistics, Obsolescence, Refunds, Supplies, Inventory