Propuesta de diseño de un manual de evaluación para proveedores en el desarrollo del proceso de compras en la empresa Indufaros
Jiménez Mojica, Gary
Munzon Pastran, Carlos Andrés
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ingenierías
Facultad de Ingenierías
INDUFAROS es una empresa importadora de autopartes, reconocida a nivel
nacional e internacional por ser la principal Comercializadora de Auto Repuestos al
por mayor (Mayoreo) en Colombia. Su experiencia de más de 30 años en el
mercado, solidez, cumplimiento y servicios oportunos les ha permitido ser parte
fundamental del éxito en los negocios de sus clientes como el principal proveedor de
partes importadas.
Con el fin de continuar siendo líderes en el mercado y ser aún más competitivos se
realizó un estudio de investigación, el cual permitió identificar las falencias en el área
de aprovisionamiento, lo que conllevó a cuestionarnos ¿Cuál es el procedimiento
adecuado que permitirá desarrollar, evaluar y optimizar la correcta gestión de
compras en INDUFAROS?, dado que cuando una organización se encuentra
conformada en su totalidad por departamentos y/o áreas, aumentan las actividades
operativas y aumentan los niveles de riesgo. Por esta razón, es indispensable que
se desarrollen niveles de control en los procesos con el fin de lograr y mantener una
mayor productividad.
De acuerdo con lo anterior, el objetivo principal de este proyecto es proponer un
diseño de un manual de evaluación para proveedores en el desarrollo de la gestión
de compras en INDUFAROS, lo que permitirá formalizar el proceso y desarrollar un
mayor control en las compras, garantizando el cumplimiento del procedimiento y la
disminución de sus niveles de riesgo.
En el desarrollo de esta propuesta inicialmente se realizará un diagnóstico interno de
la empresa mediante observación directa e información suministrada por los
directivos. Con base en la información recopilada se presentará la propuesta de
diseñar un manual de evaluación de proveedores.
El diseño del manual de proveedores nos permitirá verificar el cumplimiento de las
necesidades de INDUFAROS por parte de los proveedores, desarrollar un mayor
control en las compras y con esto controlar los inventarios para los productos que
tienen poca rotación en la organización y aumentar los que tienen alta rotación, lo
que va a permitir optimizar el margen de utilidad y ser más competitivos en el
El desarrollo del manual se podrá soportar en diferentes metodologías,
herramientas y conceptos de la Ingeniería Industrial como son los modelos de
gestión por procesos, gerenciamiento estratégico, gestión de la calidad, desarrollo
de proveedores y de diseño de sistemas de trabajo.
Dentro de la disciplina contable, el proyecto de diseñar el manual de
procedimientos en la gestión de compras es relevante en la medida que contribuye
a que las organizaciones reconozcan la necesidad y la importancia de su
También se presentarán las propuestas de procedimientos para la evaluación al
desempeño de proveedores, los cuales igualmente se encuentran adaptados a la
realidad actual de empresa y con un enfoque en la mejora actual del proceso de
compras, por tanto, al implementar estas propuestas se tendrá una base sólida
para la selección y control de proveedores, siendo estas las más importantes
dentro del proceso productivo de la empresa.
Finalmente, para el control y medición del proceso de compras se ha propuesto el
uso de indicadores, los cuales reflejarán de manera periódica y objetiva el impacto
que tiene sobre el proceso y las acciones que se tomen, incluyendo la
implantación de la propuesta entregada en esta investigación.
INDUFAROS is an importer of auto parts, recognized nationally and internationally for being the main wholesale auto parts marketer (Wholesale) in Colombia. Its experience of more than 30 years in the market, solidity, compliance and timely services has allowed us to be a fundamental part of the success in the business of our customers as the leading supplier of imported parts. In order to continue being leaders in the market and be even more competitive, a research study was carried out, which allowed us to identify the shortcomings in the area of supply, which led us to question What is the appropriate procedure that will allow me to develop, evaluate and optimize the correct management of purchases in INDUFAROS?, given that when an organization is made up entirely of departments / areas, operational activities increase and risk levels increase. For this reason, it is essential that levels of control are developed in the processes to achieve and maintain greater productivity. In accordance with the above, the main objective of this project is to propose a design of an evaluation manual for suppliers in the development of procurement management in INDUFAROS, which will formalize the process and develop greater control in purchasing, ensuring compliance with the procedure and the reduction of their risk levels. In the development of this proposal initially an internal diagnosis of the company will be made, based on the information collected the proposal to design an evaluation manual will be presented. The design of the suppliers manual will allow us to verify compliance with the needs of INDUFAROS by suppliers, develop greater control in purchases and thus reduce inventories for products that have low turnover in the organization, which will allow to optimize the profit margin and be more competitive in the market. The development of the model can be supported in different methodologies, tools, and concepts of Industrial Engineering such as the models of process management, strategic management, quality management, supplier development and design of work systems. Within the accounting discipline, the project of designing the manual of procedures in procurement management is relevant insofar as it contributes to organizations recognizing the need for and importance of its applicability. Proposals for procedures for the evaluation of supplier performance will also be presented, which are also adapted to the current reality of the company and with a focus on improving the current purchasing process, therefore, by implementing these proposals will have a solid basis for the selection and control of suppliers, these being the most important within the production process of the company. Finally, for the control and measurement of the purchasing process, the use of indicators has been proposed, which will reflect periodically and objectively the impact that the actions taken have on the process, including the implementation of the proposal delivered in this research.
INDUFAROS is an importer of auto parts, recognized nationally and internationally for being the main wholesale auto parts marketer (Wholesale) in Colombia. Its experience of more than 30 years in the market, solidity, compliance and timely services has allowed us to be a fundamental part of the success in the business of our customers as the leading supplier of imported parts. In order to continue being leaders in the market and be even more competitive, a research study was carried out, which allowed us to identify the shortcomings in the area of supply, which led us to question What is the appropriate procedure that will allow me to develop, evaluate and optimize the correct management of purchases in INDUFAROS?, given that when an organization is made up entirely of departments / areas, operational activities increase and risk levels increase. For this reason, it is essential that levels of control are developed in the processes to achieve and maintain greater productivity. In accordance with the above, the main objective of this project is to propose a design of an evaluation manual for suppliers in the development of procurement management in INDUFAROS, which will formalize the process and develop greater control in purchasing, ensuring compliance with the procedure and the reduction of their risk levels. In the development of this proposal initially an internal diagnosis of the company will be made, based on the information collected the proposal to design an evaluation manual will be presented. The design of the suppliers manual will allow us to verify compliance with the needs of INDUFAROS by suppliers, develop greater control in purchases and thus reduce inventories for products that have low turnover in the organization, which will allow to optimize the profit margin and be more competitive in the market. The development of the model can be supported in different methodologies, tools, and concepts of Industrial Engineering such as the models of process management, strategic management, quality management, supplier development and design of work systems. Within the accounting discipline, the project of designing the manual of procedures in procurement management is relevant insofar as it contributes to organizations recognizing the need for and importance of its applicability. Proposals for procedures for the evaluation of supplier performance will also be presented, which are also adapted to the current reality of the company and with a focus on improving the current purchasing process, therefore, by implementing these proposals will have a solid basis for the selection and control of suppliers, these being the most important within the production process of the company. Finally, for the control and measurement of the purchasing process, the use of indicators has been proposed, which will reflect periodically and objectively the impact that the actions taken have on the process, including the implementation of the proposal delivered in this research.
Palabras clave
Proveedores, Gestión de Compras, Manual de proveedores, Inventario