Aspectos psicooncológicos del cáncer de mama, e impacto de la intervención integral en la calidad de vida en pacientes de Cúcuta- Colombia
Hernández Bonilla, Lisa Daniela
Araque Castellanos, Franlet
Toloza Delgado, Jurgen Daniel
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Sociedad Venezolana de Farmacología Clínica y Terapéutica
Objetivos: Abordar y estudiar los rasgos biopsicosociales
propios del cáncer de mama en la población residente en
Cúcuta, específicamente en las pacientes atendidas en la
institución Oncomedical IPS.
Métodos: Es un estudio de corte prospectivo, analítico y experimental
de casos y controles, en el que se analizaron las
bases de datos de la institución Oncomedical, ubicada en el
centro médico Jericó de la ciudad de Cúcuta, y se recolectaron
datos de pacientes con patología mamaria maligna entre
el mes de octubre del 2018 y el mes de febrero del 2019. La
población muestra de la investigación se seleccionó de forma
aleatorizada y a las pacientes seleccionadas se les aplicó los
instrumentos de medición de factores biopsicosociales para
establecer factores de riesgo propios en la población.
Resultados: Se realizó seguimiento a 41 pacientes (casos)
que fueron comparados con una población sana de 41 (controles),
a quienes se les aplicaron instrumentos psicológicos
entre los que se encuentran: Instrumento 1- El cuestionario
Interno de datos biopsicosociales; Instrumento 2- El Test de
Conducta Tipo C estandarizado y validado para población
colombiana por Amaya y Gordillo(2);. Los resultados sugieren
que el porcentaje de mujeres con patrón de conducta tipo
C es mayor en el grupo de enfermas, pues se aprecia que,
dentro del grupo de mujeres diagnosticadas con cáncer de
mama, el 95,12% tiene patrón de conducta tipo C. En este
sentido, se evidencia que en promedio una mujer que tenga
conducta tipo C tiene 16,84 veces más riesgo de ser diagnosticada
con cáncer de mama que una mujer que no presenta
este patrón de conducta. De igual manera, las mujeres que
tienen antecedentes de ansiedad tienen en promedio 7,1577
veces más riesgo de padecer cáncer de mama que aquellas
mujeres sin antecedentes y aquellas mujeres que sufren de
depresión tienen 10,142 veces más riesgo de padecer cáncer
de mama que aquellas que no tienen depresión.
Conclusión: Se logró establecer la relación significativa
que existe entre la conducta tipo C y el cáncer de mama, así
como otros rasgos afectivos relacionados con la patología
mamaria como la depresión y la ansiedad.
Objectives: To approach and study the biopsychosocial features of breast cancer in the resident population in Cúcuta, specific to patients treated at the Oncomedical Ips institution. Methods: It is a prospective, analytical and experimental study of cases and controls, in which the databases of the Oncomedical institution, located in the Jericó medical center in the city of Cúcuta, are analyzed, and data is collected from patients with Malignant breast disease between the month of October 2018 and the month of February 2019. The sample population of the research will be selected randomly and the selected patients will apply the instruments for measuring biopsychosocial factors to establish their own risk factors in the population Results: A total of 41 patients (cases) were followed, who were compared with a healthy population of 41 (controls), to whom the psychological instruments were applied, among which are: Instrument 1- The Internal biopsychosocial data questionnaire; Instrument 2- The Type C Behavior Test standardized and validated for the Colombian population by Amaya and Gordillo (2); The results that indicate the percentage of women with a type C behavior pattern is higher in the group of patients, since it can be seen that, within the group of women diagnosed with breast cancer, 95.12% have a type C behavior pattern. In this sense, it is evident that on average a woman who has type C behavior has 16.84 times more risk of being diagnosed with breast cancer than a woman who does not have this pattern of behavior. Similarly, women who have a history of anxiety have an average 7.1577 times more risk of developing breast cancer than women without a history, and women who have depressions have 10.142 times more risk of developing breast cancer than they do not. have depression. Conclusion: The significant relationship between type C behavior and breast cancer is established, as well as other affective aspects related to breast pathology such as depression and anxiety.
Objectives: To approach and study the biopsychosocial features of breast cancer in the resident population in Cúcuta, specific to patients treated at the Oncomedical Ips institution. Methods: It is a prospective, analytical and experimental study of cases and controls, in which the databases of the Oncomedical institution, located in the Jericó medical center in the city of Cúcuta, are analyzed, and data is collected from patients with Malignant breast disease between the month of October 2018 and the month of February 2019. The sample population of the research will be selected randomly and the selected patients will apply the instruments for measuring biopsychosocial factors to establish their own risk factors in the population Results: A total of 41 patients (cases) were followed, who were compared with a healthy population of 41 (controls), to whom the psychological instruments were applied, among which are: Instrument 1- The Internal biopsychosocial data questionnaire; Instrument 2- The Type C Behavior Test standardized and validated for the Colombian population by Amaya and Gordillo (2); The results that indicate the percentage of women with a type C behavior pattern is higher in the group of patients, since it can be seen that, within the group of women diagnosed with breast cancer, 95.12% have a type C behavior pattern. In this sense, it is evident that on average a woman who has type C behavior has 16.84 times more risk of being diagnosed with breast cancer than a woman who does not have this pattern of behavior. Similarly, women who have a history of anxiety have an average 7.1577 times more risk of developing breast cancer than women without a history, and women who have depressions have 10.142 times more risk of developing breast cancer than they do not. have depression. Conclusion: The significant relationship between type C behavior and breast cancer is established, as well as other affective aspects related to breast pathology such as depression and anxiety.
Palabras clave
Cáncer de mama, Psico-oncología, Factores de riesgo, Breast cancer, Psycho-oncology, Risk factors