Diseño arquitectónico para una aplicación móvil que gestione el recaudo de cartera de la distribuidora de medicamentos éticos LTDA
Altamar Pérez, Ever Fernando
Arias Carranza, Joe Luis
Gámez Jiménez, Jorge Junior
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ingenierías
Facultad de Ingenierías
El proyecto de grado titulado "Diseño arquitectónico para una aplicación móvil que gestione el recaudo de cartera de la distribuidora de medicamentos ÉTICOS LTDA", tiene como objetivo general construir un diseño arquitectónico para una aplicación móvil que permita gestionar el recaudo de cartera en la organización.
Para lograr este propósito, como primera medida, se identificarán las entradas, salidas y procesos asociados a la gestión de la cartera de la empresa ETICOS LTDA. En segundo lugar, se definirá el estilo y arquitectura que se adapte al diseño de la aplicación móvil. Finalmente, se especificará el diseño arquitectónico de la aplicación móvil, basado en el modelo 4+1, para la gestión de la cartera de la empresa ÉTICOS LTDA, este modelo consta de cinco vistas, cada una de las cuales representa un conjunto específico de preocupaciones del sistema: la perspectiva lógica, la perspectiva de proceso, la perspectiva física, la perspectiva de desarrollo y la vista de escenarios.
Esta aplicación móvil se enfocará en la usabilidad y accesibilidad para los usuarios finales, la puesta en marcha de medidas de seguridad, la integración con otros sistemas ya existentes, y la utilización de herramientas y tecnologías altamente escalables.
Este proyecto es de gran importancia ya que permitirá modernizar los procesos involucrados en la gestión de la cartera de la empresa, optimizando el tiempo y los recursos necesarios para llevar a cabo estas actividades, y permitir una mejor administración de los registros de los clientes y el control de los pagos de estos. Asimismo, la implementación de medidas de seguridad y la integración con otros sistemas existentes garantizarán la privacidad de los datos de los clientes y la precisión de los registros financieros de la empresa.
The overall objective of the degree project entitled "Architectural design of a mobile application to manage the portfolio collection of the drug distributor ETICOS LTDA" is to build an architectural design of a mobile application to manage the portfolio collection of the company. To achieve this objective, first, the inputs, outputs, and processes associated with the portfolio management of the company ETICOS LTDA will be identified. Secondly, the style and architecture that fits the design of the mobile application will be defined. Finally, the architectural design of the mobile application will be specified, based on the 4+1 model, for the portfolio management of the company ETICOS LTDA, this model consists of five views, each of which represents a specific set of system concerns: the logical view, the process view, the physical view, the development view, and the scenario view. The mobile application will focus on usability and accessibility for users, implementation of security measures, integration with other existing systems, and utilization of highly scalable tools and technologies. This project is of great importance because it will modernize the company's portfolio management processes, optimizing the time and resources needed to carry out these activities, and enabling better management of customer records and control of customer payments. In addition, the implementation of security measures and integration with other existing systems will ensure the confidentiality of client data and the accuracy of the company's financial records.
The overall objective of the degree project entitled "Architectural design of a mobile application to manage the portfolio collection of the drug distributor ETICOS LTDA" is to build an architectural design of a mobile application to manage the portfolio collection of the company. To achieve this objective, first, the inputs, outputs, and processes associated with the portfolio management of the company ETICOS LTDA will be identified. Secondly, the style and architecture that fits the design of the mobile application will be defined. Finally, the architectural design of the mobile application will be specified, based on the 4+1 model, for the portfolio management of the company ETICOS LTDA, this model consists of five views, each of which represents a specific set of system concerns: the logical view, the process view, the physical view, the development view, and the scenario view. The mobile application will focus on usability and accessibility for users, implementation of security measures, integration with other existing systems, and utilization of highly scalable tools and technologies. This project is of great importance because it will modernize the company's portfolio management processes, optimizing the time and resources needed to carry out these activities, and enabling better management of customer records and control of customer payments. In addition, the implementation of security measures and integration with other existing systems will ensure the confidentiality of client data and the accuracy of the company's financial records.
Palabras clave
Arquitectura hexagonal, Aplicación móvil, Gestión de cartera, Diseño alto nivel, Hexagonal architecture, Mobile application, Portfolio management, High level design