Mir 145, mir-146a, mir-423 y mir183 diferencialmente expresado en pacientes con nefritis lúpica clase IV al compararlo con controles sanos en la región caribe colombiana, 2015
Boyle Caballi, Angely
De La Espriella Rivera, Brayan
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
La nefritis lúpica y sus complicaciones constituyen la principal causa de morbilidad y mortalidad en pacientes con lupus eritematoso sistémico. En la actualidad el diagnóstico clínico no está establecido, lo que subraya la necesidad de una biopsia de riñón, la cual presenta diversas complicaciones. Los microRNA's (miRNA's) se encuentra en varios tejidos con expresión variable, y cambios en su expresión están relacionados con procesos patológicos de diversas enfermedades. Los miRNA's están en diversos fluidos biológicos como la sangre y la orina haciendo de los mismos candidatos potenciales para su uso como biomarcadores diagnósticos. El propósito del presente trabajo es caracterizar los perfiles de expresión de miRNA's en muestras de sangre de pacientes con lupus eritematoso sistémico con afección renal. Para ello se tomará una muestra de sangre venosa de pacientes con nefritis lúpicatipo IV previamente diagnosticados por biopsia renal. Se extraerá el ARN total. El análisis de secuenciación profunda por el sistema ILLUMINA se realizará a dos grupos de sujetos 4 individuos con nefritis lúpica grado IV grupo "casos", y 4 individuos saludables grupo "control". En total, por secuenciación profunda se analizarán 8 individuos. Para la identificación de miRNA's previamente descritos se alinearán las secuencias obtenidas por secuenciación con la base de datos miRBase, y se predecirán nuevos miRNA's con DiverMireap. Esperamos poder identificar diferencias en los patrones de expresión de miRNA's, lo cual a futuro permitirá hacer un diagnóstico diferencial basado en biología molecular.
Lupus nephritis and its complications are the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus. At present the clinical diagnostic is not established , underscoring the need for a kidney biopsy, which has several complications. The miRNA is found in various tissues with variable expression, and changes in expression are related to pathological processes of various diseases. MiRNA'sare in various biological fluids such as blood and urine making them pqotential candidates for use as diagnostic biomarkers. The purpose of this. Study is to characterize the miRNA expression profiles in blood and urine samples from patients with different types of lupus nephritis. This will take blood and urine samples from patients with types IV of renal disease previously diagnosed by renal biopsy. Total RNA will be extracted. The analysis of deep sequencing by GS- FLX 454 system will be subject to two sets of four individuals with lupus nephritis grade IV group "cases" , and 4 individuals healthy "control" group . In total by deep sequencing 8 individuals were analyzed. To identify previously described miRNA's, the sequences will be aligned with miRBase database, and new miRNA's will be predicted with Diver Mireap. We hope to identify differences in miRNA expression patterns, enabling us to make a differential diagnosis based in molecular biology.
Lupus nephritis and its complications are the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus. At present the clinical diagnostic is not established , underscoring the need for a kidney biopsy, which has several complications. The miRNA is found in various tissues with variable expression, and changes in expression are related to pathological processes of various diseases. MiRNA'sare in various biological fluids such as blood and urine making them pqotential candidates for use as diagnostic biomarkers. The purpose of this. Study is to characterize the miRNA expression profiles in blood and urine samples from patients with different types of lupus nephritis. This will take blood and urine samples from patients with types IV of renal disease previously diagnosed by renal biopsy. Total RNA will be extracted. The analysis of deep sequencing by GS- FLX 454 system will be subject to two sets of four individuals with lupus nephritis grade IV group "cases" , and 4 individuals healthy "control" group . In total by deep sequencing 8 individuals were analyzed. To identify previously described miRNA's, the sequences will be aligned with miRBase database, and new miRNA's will be predicted with Diver Mireap. We hope to identify differences in miRNA expression patterns, enabling us to make a differential diagnosis based in molecular biology.
Palabras clave
Nefritis lúpica, Enfermedad renal