Prevalencia de trastornos depresivos y su asociación con el bajo rendimiento académico en estudiantes de ingeniería y educación de la universidad del Atlántico
Fontalvo, R. A.
Martínez, Q. E.
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
El objetivo de este trabajo fue, por un lado, comparar las prevalencias de los trastornos depresivos entre los estudiantes de las facultades y el grado de severidad de estos. Por otro lado, establecer la asociación de los trastornos depresivos según las variables demográficas (edad, género, facultad, semestre) en la población de estudio y su relación con el bajo rendimiento académico. El instrumento empleado para el revelamiento de datos fue la Prueba MINI INTERNACIONAL, la cual es una entrevista estructurada que explora los principales trastornos psiquiátricos del DSMIV Y CIE-10. Por otra parte el rendimiento académico, se obtuvo a través de los promedios semestrales y acumulados suministrados por la Universidad. Se trabajó con una muestra de 200 estudiantes de I a X semestre, de ambos sexos. Los resultados globales indicaron que los trastornos depresivos en general no influyen en el rendimiento académico, solo se pudo determinar que existe una correlación significativa entre el bajo rendimiento académico y el riesgo suicida, lo que quiere decir que a mayor riesgo suicida menor rendimiento académico.
The aim of this study was, firstly, to compare the prevalence of depressive disorders among students of the faculties and degree of severity of these. Moreover, establishing the association of depressive disorders according to demographic variables (age, gender, faculty, and semester) in the study population and its relationship to underachievement. The instrument used for the developer of the test data was INTERNATIONAL MINI, which is a structured interview that explores the main psychiatric disorders of DSM-IV and ICD-10. Furthermore academic achievement was obtained through the semester and cumulative averages provided by the University. We worked with a sample of 200 students from I to X semester, of both sexes. The overall results indicated that depressive disorders in general do not affect academic performance, only it was determined that there is significant correlation between low academic performance and suicidal risk, which means that the higher the suicide risk lower academic performance.
The aim of this study was, firstly, to compare the prevalence of depressive disorders among students of the faculties and degree of severity of these. Moreover, establishing the association of depressive disorders according to demographic variables (age, gender, faculty, and semester) in the study population and its relationship to underachievement. The instrument used for the developer of the test data was INTERNATIONAL MINI, which is a structured interview that explores the main psychiatric disorders of DSM-IV and ICD-10. Furthermore academic achievement was obtained through the semester and cumulative averages provided by the University. We worked with a sample of 200 students from I to X semester, of both sexes. The overall results indicated that depressive disorders in general do not affect academic performance, only it was determined that there is significant correlation between low academic performance and suicidal risk, which means that the higher the suicide risk lower academic performance.
Palabras clave
Trastorno depresivos, Prevalencias, DSMIV y CIE-10, Rendimiento académico, Depressive disorder, Prevalence, DSM-IV and ICD-10, Academic performance