La perspectiva psicológica de una post ruptura amorosa en mujeres jóvenes
Donado Zapata, Zumara Andrea
Guzmán Granados, Katherin
García Cuartas, Valentina
Meléndez Rojas, Adrián
Navarro Osorio, Jhojaira María
Llinás Psiciotti, Yesenia Carolina
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
El presente proyecto tiene propósito de proporcionar comprensión, apoyo y orientación durante este proceso emocionalmente desafiante. Al abordar este tema, se busca brindar información y estrategias que puedan ayudar a las mujeres jóvenes a superar la ruptura y promover su bienestar emocional. Para esto, se encuestó a 15 personas, todas mujeres, en edades de 19- 25 años. Se aplicó múltiples encuestas construidas por medio de Google, que describían de forma interrogativa y progresiva los síntomas y manifestaciones que experimentaban las mujeres luego de vivenciar y terminar una ruptura o etapa de duelo. Se pudo observar afectaciones personales, físicas y psicológicas en la comunidad femenina. Una ruptura puede afectar la autoestima y el auto concepto de las mujeres jóvenes. Pueden surgir sentimientos de inseguridad, duda de sí mismos y baja autoestima. Es fundamental trabajar en la reconstrucción de la autoestima y en el fortalecimiento de la confianza en uno mismo. Para esto, tenemos a Slotter et al. (2010), que resaltan cómo una ruptura afecta el autoconcepto de una persona. El análisis se enfoca en el género femenino y cómo transcurren los cambios tras finalizar un vínculo afectivo. Se menciona que las rupturas pueden tener un impacto negativo en distintas áreas de la vida, como lo físico, lo psicológico y lo social. El objetivo general con el cual conto la investigación fue la aparición de anomalías dentro de un mal proceso de una ruptura amorosa. También se expone la relación entre la salud mental y las rupturas, destacando que estas pueden desencadenar síntomas físicos si no se manejan adecuadamente, lo que afecta la calidad de vida en diversos aspectos. Además, se aborda el tema de la violencia de género y cómo las rupturas pueden desencadenarla, revelando cifras alarmantes de violencia contra la mujer. la investigación se llevó a cabo con un tipo de modalidad mixta, la cual permitió explorar de forma completa las distintas áreas que pretendíamos explorar. Por otra parte, Se destaca que cuando una relación llega a su fin, se desencadena un proceso de duelo que conlleva sentimientos de pérdida, causando dolor y fluctuaciones emocionales. Es fundamental destacar que estos efectos se experimentan tanto por las dos personas involucradas en la relación. En resumen, la investigación resalta cómo la estabilidad en una relación amorosa afecta la dinámica emocional de las personas tanto durante la relación como después de su término. Los resultados de esta investigación determinan que cuando una relación termina, se desencadena un proceso de duelo que conlleva un profundo sentimiento de pérdida y variaciones emocionales, afectando tanto a la persona que tomó la decisión de terminar la relación como a la que no la tomó. Los individuos pueden pasar por fases de negación, enojo, tristeza y finalmente aceptación. Estos sentimientos pueden ser abrumadores y duraderos, lo que a menudo afecta su bienestar emocional y psicológico. Además, el proceso de duelo también puede tener un impacto en otros aspectos de la vida, como la productividad laboral y las relaciones con amigos y familiares. Estos efectos subrayan la importancia de comprender el impacto emocional de las rupturas amorosas y de brindar apoyo a las personas que atraviesan este proceso.
This project is intended to provide understanding, support and guidance during this emotionally challenging process. In addressing this topic, we seek to provide information and strategies that can help young women overcome the breakup and promote their emotional well-being. For this, 15 people were surveyed, all women, aged 19-25 years. Multiple surveys constructed through Google were applied, which described in an interrogative and progressive way the symptoms and manifestations that women experienced after experiencing and ending a breakup or stage of grief. Personal, physical and psychological effects could be observed in the female community. A breakup can affect the self-esteem and self-concept of young women. Feelings of insecurity, self-doubt, and low self-esteem may arise. It is essential to work on rebuilding self-esteem and strengthening self-confidence. For this, we have Slotter et al. (2010), who highlight how a breakup affects a person's self- concept. The analysis focuses on the female gender and how changes occur after ending an emotional bond. It is mentioned that breakups can have a negative impact on different areas of life, such as physical, psychological and social. The general objective of the investigation was the appearance of anomalies within a bad process of a love breakup. The relationship between mental health and breakups is also exposed, highlighting that these can trigger physical symptoms if they are not managed properly, which affects the quality of life in various aspects. In addition, the issue of gender violence and how breakups can trigger it is addressed, revealing alarming figures of violence against women. The research was carried out with a type of mixed modality, which allowed us to fully explore the different areas that we intended to explore. On the other hand, it is highlighted that when a relationship comes to an end, a grieving process is triggered that entails feelings of loss, causing pain and emotional fluctuations. It is essential to highlight that these effects are experienced by both people involved in the relationship. In summary, the research highlights how stability in a romantic relationship affects people's emotional dynamics both during the relationship and after it ends. The results of this research determine that when a relationship ends, a grieving process is triggered that entails a deep feeling of loss and emotional variations, affecting both the person who made the decision to end the relationship and the person who did not make it. Individuals may go through phases of denial, anger, sadness and finally acceptance. These feelings can be overwhelming and long-lasting, often affecting your emotional and psychological well-being. Additionally, the grieving process can also have an impact on other aspects of life, such as work productivity and relationships with friends and family. These effects underscore the importance of understanding the emotional impact of breakups and providing support to people going through this process.
This project is intended to provide understanding, support and guidance during this emotionally challenging process. In addressing this topic, we seek to provide information and strategies that can help young women overcome the breakup and promote their emotional well-being. For this, 15 people were surveyed, all women, aged 19-25 years. Multiple surveys constructed through Google were applied, which described in an interrogative and progressive way the symptoms and manifestations that women experienced after experiencing and ending a breakup or stage of grief. Personal, physical and psychological effects could be observed in the female community. A breakup can affect the self-esteem and self-concept of young women. Feelings of insecurity, self-doubt, and low self-esteem may arise. It is essential to work on rebuilding self-esteem and strengthening self-confidence. For this, we have Slotter et al. (2010), who highlight how a breakup affects a person's self- concept. The analysis focuses on the female gender and how changes occur after ending an emotional bond. It is mentioned that breakups can have a negative impact on different areas of life, such as physical, psychological and social. The general objective of the investigation was the appearance of anomalies within a bad process of a love breakup. The relationship between mental health and breakups is also exposed, highlighting that these can trigger physical symptoms if they are not managed properly, which affects the quality of life in various aspects. In addition, the issue of gender violence and how breakups can trigger it is addressed, revealing alarming figures of violence against women. The research was carried out with a type of mixed modality, which allowed us to fully explore the different areas that we intended to explore. On the other hand, it is highlighted that when a relationship comes to an end, a grieving process is triggered that entails feelings of loss, causing pain and emotional fluctuations. It is essential to highlight that these effects are experienced by both people involved in the relationship. In summary, the research highlights how stability in a romantic relationship affects people's emotional dynamics both during the relationship and after it ends. The results of this research determine that when a relationship ends, a grieving process is triggered that entails a deep feeling of loss and emotional variations, affecting both the person who made the decision to end the relationship and the person who did not make it. Individuals may go through phases of denial, anger, sadness and finally acceptance. These feelings can be overwhelming and long-lasting, often affecting your emotional and psychological well-being. Additionally, the grieving process can also have an impact on other aspects of life, such as work productivity and relationships with friends and family. These effects underscore the importance of understanding the emotional impact of breakups and providing support to people going through this process.
Palabras clave
Postruptura, Duelo, Consecuencias, Emociones, Relación, Apoyo, Amor