Concentraciones de los oligoelementos cobre y zinc en leche materna, de vaca y de cabra
Lastre-Amell, Gloria
Carrero González, Carmen María
Delgado Diloreto, Francis Beatriz
Suarez-Villa, Mariela
Granadillo Morán, Víctor
Orostegui Santander, Maria Alejandra
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Editorial Ciencias Médicas
Objetivo: Comparar las concentraciones de los oligoelementos cobre y zinc en la leche
materna, de vaca y de cabra.
Métodos: Estudio descriptivo de corte transversal. Se recogieron muestras de leche materna
de madres lactantes sanas (91 mujeres) que asistieron a un centro materno infantil en la
ciudad de Maracaibo-Venezuela. Previo consentimiento informado se seleccionaron madres
que cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión. Las concentraciones de los oligoelementos en
estudio, se determinaron mediante espectrofotometría de absorción atómica con llama.
Resultados: En el análisis de la muestra de leche humana se hallaron concentraciones de
cobre de 0,290 ± 0,04 mg/L y concentraciones de zinc de 1,580 ± 0,35 mg/L. Estos valores
son considerados aceptables según la ingesta diaria de referencia para estos oligoelementos
y fueron más elevada en muestras en leche de cabra según la literatura, mientras que las concentraciones de zinc en ambas leches (cabra y vaca), registradas por otros especialistas,
fueron más elevadas que en la leche humana del presente estudio.
Conclusiones: Las concentraciones de cobre y zinc halladas en la leche materna en este
trabajo son las ingestas recomendadas para el desarrollo y madurez del sistema nervioso
central del neonato.
Objective: To compare the concentrations of trace elements like copper and zinc present in breast, cow's and goat's milk. Methods: Descriptive, cross sectional study. Samples of breast milk were collected from healthy lactating mothers (91 women) who attended a maternal and children health center in Maracaibo city, Venezuela. Mothers were selected prior informed consent who met the inclusion criteria. The concentrations of the studied trace elements were determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry with flame. Results: In the analysis of the human milk´s sample, there were found concentrations of Cu (0.290 ± 0.04 mg/L) and concentrations of Zn (1.580 ± 0.35 mg/L). These levels are considered acceptable according to the permitted intake of trace elements and according to the literature, those are higher in goat milk´s samples, while concentrations of Zn in both milks (goat and cow), registered by other specialists were higher than in the human milk´s of the present study. Conclusions: The concentrations of copper and zinc found in breast milk are the recommended daily intake for the development and maturity of the central nervous system of the newborns.
Objective: To compare the concentrations of trace elements like copper and zinc present in breast, cow's and goat's milk. Methods: Descriptive, cross sectional study. Samples of breast milk were collected from healthy lactating mothers (91 women) who attended a maternal and children health center in Maracaibo city, Venezuela. Mothers were selected prior informed consent who met the inclusion criteria. The concentrations of the studied trace elements were determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry with flame. Results: In the analysis of the human milk´s sample, there were found concentrations of Cu (0.290 ± 0.04 mg/L) and concentrations of Zn (1.580 ± 0.35 mg/L). These levels are considered acceptable according to the permitted intake of trace elements and according to the literature, those are higher in goat milk´s samples, while concentrations of Zn in both milks (goat and cow), registered by other specialists were higher than in the human milk´s of the present study. Conclusions: The concentrations of copper and zinc found in breast milk are the recommended daily intake for the development and maturity of the central nervous system of the newborns.
Palabras clave
Leche humana, Sustitutos de la leche humana, Zinc, Cobre, Human milk, Human milk substitutes, Copper