Lexicometría: enfoque aplicado a la redefinición de conceptos e identificación de unidades temáticas
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Romero-Pérez, Ivón
Alarcón-Vásquez, Yolima
García-Jiménez, Rafael
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University Library System, University of Pittsburgh
Objetivo. Redefinir la expresión conceptual Proyecto Pedagógico Productivo (PPP) e identificar los enfoques temáticos derivados de la extracción de patrones de conocimiento inherentes en la descomposición y comparación de unidades léxica derivadas de varias definiciones aplicando el análisis lexicométrico. Método. Este estudio es de naturaleza documental con alcance descriptivo, se desarrolla con la aplicación del método lexicometrico o de análisis textual.Se determinó un muestreo intencional y no probabilístico, con una población constituida por todos los documentos sobre el tema disponible en google scholar y bases de datos bibliográficas. Resultados. Se identificaron las unidades léxicas: rural, vida, familia y social, con un alto grado de distribución en comparación con docentes, estudiantes, estrategia y aprendizaje, que emergen de manera preponderante en las distintas representaciones gráficas derivadas del análisis de correspondencia. Conclusiones. La lexicometría una herramienta que contribuyen a la extracción de conocimiento relevante para la redefinición de un concepto desde el punto de vista de su representación colectiva, sin embargo, para la identificación de las categorias de análisis éstos deben complementarse con la revisión documental, a fin de extraer del legado historico y del estado del arte, las unidades temáticas que sólo emergen de un análisis cualatitativo.
Objective. Redefine the conceptual expression productive pedagogical project (PPP) and identify thematic approaches derived from the extraction of knowledge patterns inherent in the decomposition and comparison of lexical units derived from several definitions. Method. This study is of documentary nature with descriptive scope, it is developed with the application of lexicometric methods and textual analysis. It was determined an intentional and non-probabilistic sampling, with a population constituted by all the documents on the subject available in google scholar and databases Bibliographical references. Results. The lexical units were identified: rural, life, family and social, with a high degree of distribution in comparison to teachers, students, strategy and learning, which emerge predominantly in the different graphical representations derived from correspondence analysis. Conclusions. Lexicometry and textual analysis are qualitative approaches that contribute to the extraction of knowledge relevant to the redefinition of a concept from the point of view of its collective representation, however, for the identification of the categories of analysis, these should be complemented by the documentary revision , In order to extract from the historical legacy and state of the art, the thematic units that only emerge from a qualitative analysis.
Objective. Redefine the conceptual expression productive pedagogical project (PPP) and identify thematic approaches derived from the extraction of knowledge patterns inherent in the decomposition and comparison of lexical units derived from several definitions. Method. This study is of documentary nature with descriptive scope, it is developed with the application of lexicometric methods and textual analysis. It was determined an intentional and non-probabilistic sampling, with a population constituted by all the documents on the subject available in google scholar and databases Bibliographical references. Results. The lexical units were identified: rural, life, family and social, with a high degree of distribution in comparison to teachers, students, strategy and learning, which emerge predominantly in the different graphical representations derived from correspondence analysis. Conclusions. Lexicometry and textual analysis are qualitative approaches that contribute to the extraction of knowledge relevant to the redefinition of a concept from the point of view of its collective representation, however, for the identification of the categories of analysis, these should be complemented by the documentary revision , In order to extract from the historical legacy and state of the art, the thematic units that only emerge from a qualitative analysis.
Palabras clave
Análisis de correspondencia, Análisis textual, Corpus, Lexicometría, Proyectos pedagógicos productivos, Correspondence analysis, Lexicometry, Productive pedagogical projects, Textual analysis