Gestión del mejoramiento del impacto del programa de modos condiciones y estilos de vida saludable de bienestar universitario de la Universidad Simón Bolívar
De la Hoz Reyes, Maura Lineth
Webster Cabarcas, Chaira
Ardila Berdugo, Yurainys Paola
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
El presente trabajo se realizó con la finalidad de identificar y proponer una ruta de mejoramiento de la gestión del
Programa Modos Condiciones y Estilos de Vida Saludable de la Comunidad Universitaria de la Universidad Simón
Bolívar, que contribuya con acciones concretas a mejorar los estilos de vida saludable aplicable al proceso de Bienestar
Universitario en lo concerniente a la gestión de la prevención de enfermedades y la promoción de la salud integral.
Como metodología se aplicó un cuestionario para la recolección de datos acerca de hábitos de alimentación y
realización de actividad física, donde la comunidad respondió a preguntas comunes de su día a día que luego se
catalogaron en términos de conocimiento, comportamiento y disposición; posterior se realizó la tabulación y análisis
de los datos para llegar a las acciones de mejora.
Por otra parte, se utilizó como herramienta teórica de referencia para los procesos de mejora, el ciclo PHVA, esta
estrategia de mejoramiento es indispensable para poder cumplir con los objetivos trazados por las organizaciones de
alcanzar la calidad y satisfacción del cliente. El resultado de la implementación del ciclo nos brinda una solución que
nos permite mantener la competitividad de nuestros servicios en el departamento de Bienestar universitario. Se
encontraron altos indicadores en materia de riesgos tales como la inadecuada conducta alimenticia, presencia de
somnolencia, impulsividad, problemas de ansiedad, depresión, la no realización de actividad física o deportiva en la
vida diaria a los que están sometidos la población, son los que principalmente están afectando su salud. Con esta
identificación de factores se contribuye, a que el Programa Modos Condiciones y Estilos de Vida Saludable, oriente
sus acciones de mejora en aspectos relacionados a sus áreas de intervención y con base en los resultados pueda tomar
acciones correctivas impulsando estrategias de promoción y prevención en los ámbitos citados.
This paper had the propose to identify and suggest a improvement management route of modes, conditions and healthy lifestyles program for the university community at Simon Bolivar University, that contributes with concrete actions to improve healthy lifestyles applicable to the University Welfare process with regard to the management of disease prevention and the promotion of integral health. Methodology consisted on apply a questionnaire to collect data about eating habits and physical activities practices in daily living in a university community. The data was organized into three categories: knowledge, behaviour and attitude, then was analyzed for propose the improvement actions. On the other hand, the Deming or Shewhart cycle (Plan-Do-Check-Act or Adjust) was the theoretical tool of reference for proposed improvements. This is an iterative method used in different organizations to achieve quality and customer satisfaction. The result of the implementation of the cycle provides a solution that allows to maintain the competitiveness of our services in the University Welfare Department. High indicators were found in terms of risks such as inappropriate eating behavior, presence of drowsiness, impulsivity, anxiety problems, depression and lack of physical or sports activities in daily life, which the population is subjected, are the ones that are mainly affecting their health. This identification of factors contributes to the Modes Conditions and Healthy Lifestyles Program, directing its improvement actions in aspects related to its areas of intervention and based on the results, it can take corrective actions by promoting promotion and prevention strategies in the aforementioned areas.
This paper had the propose to identify and suggest a improvement management route of modes, conditions and healthy lifestyles program for the university community at Simon Bolivar University, that contributes with concrete actions to improve healthy lifestyles applicable to the University Welfare process with regard to the management of disease prevention and the promotion of integral health. Methodology consisted on apply a questionnaire to collect data about eating habits and physical activities practices in daily living in a university community. The data was organized into three categories: knowledge, behaviour and attitude, then was analyzed for propose the improvement actions. On the other hand, the Deming or Shewhart cycle (Plan-Do-Check-Act or Adjust) was the theoretical tool of reference for proposed improvements. This is an iterative method used in different organizations to achieve quality and customer satisfaction. The result of the implementation of the cycle provides a solution that allows to maintain the competitiveness of our services in the University Welfare Department. High indicators were found in terms of risks such as inappropriate eating behavior, presence of drowsiness, impulsivity, anxiety problems, depression and lack of physical or sports activities in daily life, which the population is subjected, are the ones that are mainly affecting their health. This identification of factors contributes to the Modes Conditions and Healthy Lifestyles Program, directing its improvement actions in aspects related to its areas of intervention and based on the results, it can take corrective actions by promoting promotion and prevention strategies in the aforementioned areas.
Palabras clave
Mejoramiento continuo, Gestión del mejoramiento, Gestión de la calidad, Estilo de vida saludable, Promoción y prevención, Servicios de salud, Continuous-improvement, Management of the improvement, Quality-management, Healthy lifestyle, Promotion and prevention, In health-services