Caracterización de bebidas energizantes consumidas por estudiantes de diferentes universidades del área metropolitana de Barranquilla y cuantificación de su contenido de cafeína
Escorcia Campis, Oriana Marcela
Mercado Hernández, Katherin Johana
Sibaja Caballero, Leidy Vanessa
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Básicas y Biomédicas
Facultad de Ciencias Básicas y Biomédicas
El consumo de bebidas energizantes ha experimentado un aumento significativo de consumo entre los estudiantes universitarios, quienes las utilizan para mantenerse despiertos y activos durante largas jornadas académicas. Su ingesta se ha relacionado con trastornos de sueño, aumento de la frecuencia cardíaca, daños estomacales y en algunos casos, problemas psiquiátricos. Son consumidas con mayor frecuencia en los jóvenes, asociando su consumo a actividades de ocio, estudio o para saciar la sed y desconocen la problemática asociada a su consumo. Por eso, esta investigación buscó caracterizar el consumo de bebidas energizantes en Universitarios de instituciones de la Ciudad de Barranquilla, con la finalidad de conocer sus bebidas frecuentadas y los patrones de consumo asociados a su ingesta, para posteriormente, cuantificar el contenido de cafeína en las tres bebidas mas consumidas y comparar el contenido con lo reportado en la etiqueta nutricional y lo estipulado en la Resolución 4150 de 2009 del INVIMA. La investigación incluyó a 170 estudiantes universitarios de diferentes instituciones educativas de Barranquilla. Los resultados indicaron que las bebidas energizantes más consumidas son Vive 100, Speed Max y Monster. Se identificó que el consumo de estas bebidas está asociado principalmente a actividades de
estudio, aunque también se consumen durante actividades de ocio y, en algunos casos, para saciar la sed. Este patrón de consumo refleja el uso multifuncional que los estudiantes atribuyen a las bebidas energizantes, lo cual podría explicar su creciente popularidad en este grupo poblacional. En cuanto al contenido de cafeína se encontró que Vive 100 y Speed Max tienen un contenido de cafeína inferior al reportado en sus etiquetas nutricionales, manteniéndose dentro de los niveles permitidos (32 mg/100 mL) por la Resolución 4150 de 2009 del INVIMA. Por otro lado, Monster presentó un contenido de cafeína superior al indicado en su etiqueta, excediendo también el límite máximo permitido por la normativa colombiana. Este hallazgo plantea interrogantes sobre la precisión de la información proporcionada por algunos fabricantes y la necesidad de garantizar que los consumidores puedan tomar decisiones informadas sobre el consumo de estos productos. Este estudio aporta información detallada sobre las marcas de bebidas energizantes más populares entre los estudiantes universitarios de Barranquilla, sus patrones de consumo y el contenido real de cafeína en estas bebidas. Estos datos son fundamentales para comprender las dinámicas de consumo en este grupo específico y los posibles riesgos asociados.
The consumption of energy drinks has significantly increased among university students, who use them to stay awake and active during long academic sessions. Their intake has been linked to sleep disorders, increased heart rate, stomach damage, and, in some cases, psychiatric issues. Energy drinks are most frequently consumed by young people, often associated with leisure activities, studying, or quenching thirst, with limited awareness of the potential problems associated with their consumption. This research aimed to characterize the consumption of energy drinks among university students from institutions in the city of Barranquilla to identify the most frequently consumed drinks and the consumption patterns associated with their intake. Subsequently, the study quantified the caffeine content in the three most consumed drinks and compared the actual content with the values reported on their nutritional labels and the limits established by Resolution 4150 of 2009 by INVIMA. The study included 170 university students from different educational institutions in Barranquilla. Results indicated that the most consumed energy drinks are Vive 100, Speed Max, and Monster. It was identified that the consumption of these drinks is mainly associated with study activities, although they are also consumed during leisure activities and, in some cases, to quench thirst. This consumption pattern reflects the multifunctional use that students attribute to energy drinks, which could explain their growing popularity within this demographic group. Regarding caffeine content, it was found that Vive 100 and Speed Max contain caffeine levels lower than those reported on their nutritional labels, remaining within the permissible limits (32 mg/100 mL) established by Resolution 4150 of 2009 by INVIMA. Conversely, Monster showed a caffeine content higher than indicated on its label, exceeding the maximum allowable limit under Colombian regulations. This finding raises questions about the accuracy of the information provided by some manufacturers and underscores the need to ensure that consumers can make informed decisions about these products. This study provides detailed information on the most popular energy drink brands among university students in Barranquilla, their consumption patterns, and the actual caffeine content of these beverages. These data are essential to understanding consumption dynamics within this specific group and the potential risks associated with their intake.
The consumption of energy drinks has significantly increased among university students, who use them to stay awake and active during long academic sessions. Their intake has been linked to sleep disorders, increased heart rate, stomach damage, and, in some cases, psychiatric issues. Energy drinks are most frequently consumed by young people, often associated with leisure activities, studying, or quenching thirst, with limited awareness of the potential problems associated with their consumption. This research aimed to characterize the consumption of energy drinks among university students from institutions in the city of Barranquilla to identify the most frequently consumed drinks and the consumption patterns associated with their intake. Subsequently, the study quantified the caffeine content in the three most consumed drinks and compared the actual content with the values reported on their nutritional labels and the limits established by Resolution 4150 of 2009 by INVIMA. The study included 170 university students from different educational institutions in Barranquilla. Results indicated that the most consumed energy drinks are Vive 100, Speed Max, and Monster. It was identified that the consumption of these drinks is mainly associated with study activities, although they are also consumed during leisure activities and, in some cases, to quench thirst. This consumption pattern reflects the multifunctional use that students attribute to energy drinks, which could explain their growing popularity within this demographic group. Regarding caffeine content, it was found that Vive 100 and Speed Max contain caffeine levels lower than those reported on their nutritional labels, remaining within the permissible limits (32 mg/100 mL) established by Resolution 4150 of 2009 by INVIMA. Conversely, Monster showed a caffeine content higher than indicated on its label, exceeding the maximum allowable limit under Colombian regulations. This finding raises questions about the accuracy of the information provided by some manufacturers and underscores the need to ensure that consumers can make informed decisions about these products. This study provides detailed information on the most popular energy drink brands among university students in Barranquilla, their consumption patterns, and the actual caffeine content of these beverages. These data are essential to understanding consumption dynamics within this specific group and the potential risks associated with their intake.
Palabras clave
Cafeína, Energizantes, Universitarios, Consumo