Funcionamiento ejecutivo en niños de primaria en colegio público y privado de Cúcuta-Colombia: Contribuciones a la terapia neuropsicológica
Riaño-Garzón, Manuel E.
Niño Celis, Yandry Jaritza
Quintero Quintero, Kelly Johanna
Vélez Santiago, Michel Yeraldin
Díaz Camargo, Edgar Alexis
Orellano Tuta, Mónica Valeria
Claire Raynaud, Nathalie
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Sociedad Venezolana de Farmacología Clínica y Terapéutica
El estudio analizó la relación entre el funcionamiento ejecutivo y las características
sociodemográficas de niños en inicio de edad escolar en Cúcuta, mediante la descripción de
las características de sueño, hábitos de estudio, acompañamiento extraescolar, nivel
socioeconómico y otras condiciones sociodemográficas de los padres en relación con el nivel
de desempeño en funciones ejecutivas. El estudio se desarrolló mediante un método de tipo
cuantitativo, con un diseño no experimental, transversal, de alcance correlacional con una
muestra conformada por 60 niños y niñas de un colegio público y uno privado ubicados en la
ciudad de Cúcuta, con edades entre los 5 y 7 años. Se encontró que el nivel funcionamiento
ejecutivo se ubica dentro del promedio en ambos contextos escolares, sin embargo hay
características particulares del escenario privado como el mayor acompañamiento extraescolar,
motivación a que los niños duerman sin compañía de sus padres y la convivencia con ambos
padres, factores que han mostrado beneficios en el desarrollo psicológico infantil. Por el
contrario, en el contexto escolar público, se evidenció un mayor tiempo en horas de sueño, lo
cual se ha relacionado con mejor desempeño cognitivo en general. Se concluye, que las
variables que muestran mayor relación con la función ejecutiva son el nivel socioeconómico, la
edad de los padres y su nivel de formación. El número de horas de sueño, también mostró
relación positiva específicamente con la capacidad de control inhibitorio y la memoria de
trabajo. Se discuten los resultados a la luz de estudios previos, cuyos aportes pueden ser
utilizados en beneficio de la terapéutica psicológica y la prevención.
The study analyzed the relationship between executive functioning and the sociodemographic characteristics of children at the beginning of school age in Cúcuta, by describing sleep characteristics, study habits, extracurricular accompaniment, socioeconomic status and other sociodemographic conditions of parents in relation to with the level of performance in executive functions. The study was developed using a quantitative method, with a non-experimental, cross-sectional design, correlational in scope with a sample consisting of 60 children from a public and a private school located in the city of Cúcuta, ages 5 and under. and 7 years. It was found that the level of executive functioning is within the average in both school contexts, however there are particular characteristics of the private scenario such as the greater extracurricular accompaniment, motivation for children to sleep without their parents' company and coexistence with both parents. that have shown benefits in children's psychological development. On the contrary, in the public school context, there was a greater time in sleep hours, which has been related to better cognitive performance in general. It is concluded that the variables that show greater relation with the executive function are the socioeconomic level, the age of the parents and their level of education. The number of hours of sleep, also showed positive relationship specifically with the capacity of inhibitory control and working memory. The results are discussed in light of previous studies, whose contributions can be used for the benefit of psychological therapy and prevention.
The study analyzed the relationship between executive functioning and the sociodemographic characteristics of children at the beginning of school age in Cúcuta, by describing sleep characteristics, study habits, extracurricular accompaniment, socioeconomic status and other sociodemographic conditions of parents in relation to with the level of performance in executive functions. The study was developed using a quantitative method, with a non-experimental, cross-sectional design, correlational in scope with a sample consisting of 60 children from a public and a private school located in the city of Cúcuta, ages 5 and under. and 7 years. It was found that the level of executive functioning is within the average in both school contexts, however there are particular characteristics of the private scenario such as the greater extracurricular accompaniment, motivation for children to sleep without their parents' company and coexistence with both parents. that have shown benefits in children's psychological development. On the contrary, in the public school context, there was a greater time in sleep hours, which has been related to better cognitive performance in general. It is concluded that the variables that show greater relation with the executive function are the socioeconomic level, the age of the parents and their level of education. The number of hours of sleep, also showed positive relationship specifically with the capacity of inhibitory control and working memory. The results are discussed in light of previous studies, whose contributions can be used for the benefit of psychological therapy and prevention.
Palabras clave
Funciones ejecutivas, Características sociodemográficas, Sueño, Control inhibitorio, Planeación, Educación, Conducta infantil, Executive functions, Sociodemographic characteristics, Sleep, Inhibitory control, Planning, School, Children behavior