Cultura de la seguridad del paciente en el servicio de cirugía de una institución de cuarto nivel de la ciudad de Barranquilla
Castillo Miranda, Bleidys
Sarmiento Castro, Maryuris Arleth
Barandica Morales, Maricellys
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
Introducción. La Cultura de Seguridad del Paciente (CSP) se funda a manera de elemento cardinal para instaurar la atención adecuada sin fallas idealmente cuando atendemos un paciente, se ha transformado en un argumento de utilidad general, que integra aspectos relacionados con la comprensión y las cualidades del aparato de salud hacia la atención segura de los usuarios con finalidad única de impedir o mermar el daño potencial prevenible producto de asistencia durante el proceso de atención en salud; además, promueve, en el personal que ofrece el servicio, la responsabilidad liderazgo y compromiso. Valorar la Cultura de Seguridad del Paciente (CSP) permite desarrollar acciones hacia la mejora de procesos para las instituciones de salud y convertirlas en organizaciones confiables y seguras. objetivo del estudio fue Conocer que opinan las personas involucradas directamente en el servicio quirúrgico del camino universitario Adelita de Char acerca de la aplicación de los conocimientos que pretenden brindar atención segura al paciente. Metodología. Se realizo un estudio de tipo cuantitativo, descriptivo, transversal; población y muestra que se escogió fueron 106 colaboradores que laboran en el servicio de cirugía o realizas sus prácticas con las diferentes corporaciones que tiene convenios entre los Criterios de inclusión: Personal de salud con contrato vigente, activo que labora en el servicio de quirúrgica, exprese su deseo de participar por voluntad en el estudio. Para la exclusión los criterios fueron: personal de salud sin vinculación ya sea laboral o educativa en este servicio, de vacaciones o licencia y aquellos que no desearon participar en la investigación; el instrumento que utilizamos fue el diseñado en la Agency for Health Care Research and Quality (AHRQ) de los Estados Unidos el cual fue adaptado al español; las respuestas del interrogatorio fueron recodificadas en 3 categorías: siendo la primera negativo, la segunda neutral y la tercera positivos; los resultados fueron estudiados por el SPSSS en su versión 20.
Introduction. The Patient Safety Culture (CSP) is founded as a cardinal element to establish adequate care without failures ideally when we care for a patient, it has become a general utility argument, which integrates aspects related to the understanding and qualities of the patient. health apparatus towards the safe care of users with the sole purpose of preventing or reducing the potential damage that can be prevented because of assistance during the health care process; In addition, it promotes, in the personnel that offers the service, responsibility, leadership and commitment. Valuing the Patient Safety Culture (CSP) allows developing actions towards the improvement of processes for health institutions and turning them into reliable and safe organizations. The objective of the study was to know what the people directly involved in the surgical service of the Adelita de Char university path think about the application of knowledge that aims to provide safe patient care. Methodology. A quantitative, descriptive, cross-sectional study was carried out; Population and sample that was chosen were 106 collaborators who work in the surgery service or carry out their practices with the different corporations that have agreements between the Inclusion Criteria: Health personnel with a current contract, active who work in the surgical service, express their willingness to participate in the study. For exclusion, the criteria were: health personnel without employment or educational ties to this service, on vacation or leave, and those who did not wish to participate in the research; The instrument we used was the one designed by the Agency for Health Care Research and Quality (AHRQ) of the United States, which was adapted to Spanish; the responses to the interrogation were recoded into 3 categories: the first being negative, the second neutral, and the third positive; the results were studied by the SPSSS in its version 20.
Introduction. The Patient Safety Culture (CSP) is founded as a cardinal element to establish adequate care without failures ideally when we care for a patient, it has become a general utility argument, which integrates aspects related to the understanding and qualities of the patient. health apparatus towards the safe care of users with the sole purpose of preventing or reducing the potential damage that can be prevented because of assistance during the health care process; In addition, it promotes, in the personnel that offers the service, responsibility, leadership and commitment. Valuing the Patient Safety Culture (CSP) allows developing actions towards the improvement of processes for health institutions and turning them into reliable and safe organizations. The objective of the study was to know what the people directly involved in the surgical service of the Adelita de Char university path think about the application of knowledge that aims to provide safe patient care. Methodology. A quantitative, descriptive, cross-sectional study was carried out; Population and sample that was chosen were 106 collaborators who work in the surgery service or carry out their practices with the different corporations that have agreements between the Inclusion Criteria: Health personnel with a current contract, active who work in the surgical service, express their willingness to participate in the study. For exclusion, the criteria were: health personnel without employment or educational ties to this service, on vacation or leave, and those who did not wish to participate in the research; The instrument we used was the one designed by the Agency for Health Care Research and Quality (AHRQ) of the United States, which was adapted to Spanish; the responses to the interrogation were recoded into 3 categories: the first being negative, the second neutral, and the third positive; the results were studied by the SPSSS in its version 20.
Palabras clave
Cultura, Seguridad del paciente, Servicio de cirugía, Culture, Patient safety, Surgery service