Administración de los recursos financieros en la detección temprana del cáncer de mama en Colombia (Monografía)
Marín Bolívar, Karen Paola
Hernández Salcedo, Ashley Sajara
Cantillo Londoño, Belarmino de Jesús
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
El cáncer de mama es una de las principales causas de muerte por cáncer en mujeres de todo el mundo. En Colombia, el cáncer de mama representa el 25% de todos los cánceres diagnosticados en mujeres. La enfermedad es considerada una enfermedad de alto costo debido a los costos asociados con su tratamiento. El objetivo de esta investigación es desarrollar un plan estratégico para optimizar la asignación de recursos financieros para la prevención y detección temprana del cáncer de mama en Colombia. La investigación se basó en una revisión documental del estado del arte. La exploración se basó en la selección de artículos por su contexto, relevancia del tema y contribución al interés científico-académico. Los resultados de la investigación permiten concluir que la importancia de la detección temprana del cáncer de mama en Colombia radica en la mejora de las perspectivas y la calidad de vida de los pacientes. Es crucial gestionar eficazmente los recursos para asegurar la accesibilidad a programas de tamización y concientización, además de promover una coordinación efectiva entre las Instituciones de salud para abordar este significativo problema de salud pública en el País. Esta conclusión guarda relación con lo definido en el decreto 2699 de 2007, que estableció la Cuenta de Alto Costo; la Resolución 1383 de 2013, por la que se adopta el Plan Decenal
para el Control del Cáncer en Colombia 2012-2021; la Resolución 247 de 2014, que establece que las EAPB tienen la responsabilidad de notificar a la CAC acerca de los pacientes que están siendo tratados por cáncer; y demás definidas por el Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social.
Breast cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer death in women worldwide. In Colombia, breast cancer represents 25% of all cancers diagnosed in women. The disease is considered a high-cost disease due to the costs associated with its treatment. The objective of this research is to develop a strategic plan to optimize the allocation of financial resources for the prevention and early detection of breast cancer in Colombia. The research was based on a documentary review of the state of the art. The exploration was based on the selection of articles for their context, relevance of the topic and contribution to the scientific-academic interest. The results of the research lead to the conclusion that the importance of early detection of breast cancer in Colombia lies in improving the prospects and quality of life of patients. It is crucial to effectively manage resources to ensure accessibility to screening and awareness programs, in addition to promoting effective coordination between health institutions to address this significant public health problem in the country. This conclusion is related to what is defined in Decree 2699 of 2007, which established the High Cost Account; Resolution 1383 of 2013, which adopts the Ten-Year Plan for Cancer Control in Colombia 2012-2021; Resolution 247 of 2014, which establishes that the EAPBs have the responsibility to notify the CAC about patients being treated for cancer; and others defined by the Ministry of Health and Social Protection.
Breast cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer death in women worldwide. In Colombia, breast cancer represents 25% of all cancers diagnosed in women. The disease is considered a high-cost disease due to the costs associated with its treatment. The objective of this research is to develop a strategic plan to optimize the allocation of financial resources for the prevention and early detection of breast cancer in Colombia. The research was based on a documentary review of the state of the art. The exploration was based on the selection of articles for their context, relevance of the topic and contribution to the scientific-academic interest. The results of the research lead to the conclusion that the importance of early detection of breast cancer in Colombia lies in improving the prospects and quality of life of patients. It is crucial to effectively manage resources to ensure accessibility to screening and awareness programs, in addition to promoting effective coordination between health institutions to address this significant public health problem in the country. This conclusion is related to what is defined in Decree 2699 of 2007, which established the High Cost Account; Resolution 1383 of 2013, which adopts the Ten-Year Plan for Cancer Control in Colombia 2012-2021; Resolution 247 of 2014, which establishes that the EAPBs have the responsibility to notify the CAC about patients being treated for cancer; and others defined by the Ministry of Health and Social Protection.
Palabras clave
Enfermedad, Cáncer, Costo, Manejo, Cuentas, Disease, Cancer, Cost, Management, Accounts