La palma de aceite en Colombia: incidencia de su cultivo en el ámbito ambiental y social
Caballero Velasco, Daniel Felipe
Cornejo Portilla, Carlos Andrés
Goyeneche Balaguera, Candi Daniela
Monsalve Rozo, Heilly Karime
Peñaranda Castellanos, Andrés Felipe
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Esta investigación permite visualizar dinámicas socioespaciales que impactan claramente los
equilibrios ecológicos de las regiones donde se impulsan estas plantaciones, ocasionando
problemas de contaminación del agua y el aire por el uso de agroquímicos, procesos de
deforestación, subordinación o eliminación de la economía campesina y dominio de grupos
empresariales en la producción de palma africana. Para ello, el objetivo de esta indagación fue el
de acercarse a conocer los posibles impactos socioambientales, soportada en el paradigma
estructuralista de tipo descriptivo, con base en Hurtado, a través de la técnica de observación
estructurada, planteada por la misma autora. Con este trabajo, se logró identificar que los
cultivos de palma de aceite causan infertilidad del suelo a largo plazo en las zonas en donde se
llevan a cabo y secamiento de fuentes hídricas naturales, a su vez, esta actividad es dinamizadora
de desplazamientos forzados en zonas rurales de Colombia, lo que hace concluir al grupo de
trabajo en que la práctica de esta actividad no es sostenible en el territorio colombiano.
This research allows visualizing socio-spatial dynamics that clearly impact the ecological balances of the regions where these plantations are promoted, causing problems of water and air 3 pollution due to the use of agrochemicals, deforestation processes, subordination or elimination of the peasant economy and dominance of business groups in the production of African palm. For this, the objective of this investigation was to get closer to knowing the possible socio environmental impacts, supported by the descriptive structuralist paradigm, based on Hurtado, through the unstructured observation technique, proposed by the same author. With this work, it was possible to identify that oil palm crops cause long-term soil infertility in the areas where they are carried out and the drying up of natural water sources, in turn, this activity is a catalyst for forced displacement in areas rural areas of Colombia, which leads the working group to conclude that the practice of this activity is not sustainable in Colombian territory.
This research allows visualizing socio-spatial dynamics that clearly impact the ecological balances of the regions where these plantations are promoted, causing problems of water and air 3 pollution due to the use of agrochemicals, deforestation processes, subordination or elimination of the peasant economy and dominance of business groups in the production of African palm. For this, the objective of this investigation was to get closer to knowing the possible socio environmental impacts, supported by the descriptive structuralist paradigm, based on Hurtado, through the unstructured observation technique, proposed by the same author. With this work, it was possible to identify that oil palm crops cause long-term soil infertility in the areas where they are carried out and the drying up of natural water sources, in turn, this activity is a catalyst for forced displacement in areas rural areas of Colombia, which leads the working group to conclude that the practice of this activity is not sustainable in Colombian territory.
Palabras clave
Impacto socioambiental, Palma de aceite, Legislación ambiental, Social and environmental impact, Environmental law, Oil palm