Evaluation of low-cost alternatives for water purification in the stilt house villages of Santa Marta's Ciénaga Grande

dc.contributor.authorLugo Arias, José
dc.contributor.authorBurgos Vergara, Javier
dc.contributor.authorLugo Arias, Elkyn
dc.contributor.authorGould, Audrey
dc.contributor.authorOvallos Gazabon, David
dc.description.abstractWater purification is indispensable to guarantee safe human consumption and to prevent diseases caused by the ingestion of contaminated water. This requires a series of water treatment processes which require investment. However, the economic limitations of rural communities hinder their ability to implement such water-treatment systems, as is the case in Ci enaga Grande of Santa Marta (“Large Swamp”, in English) in Colombia. Low-cost systems can be used instead as simple and safe alternatives. Therefore, the objective of this work was to evaluate non-conventional, low-cost water processes to purify the water from the collection point of two stilt house villages in Ci enaga Grande of Santa Marta. These include: 1) Using two natural coagulants, Moringa Oleifera and Cassia Fistula; 2) filtration through a biosand filter and a carbon activated filter; and 3) disinfection through UV-C Radiation and through solar disinfection. The results showed a turbidity values reduction between 52% and 96% using the two natural coagulants; both turbidity and total coliforms achieved reductions of 98.4% and 76.9%, respectively in the filtration process; and removal of total coliforms up to 98.8% in the disinfection process. Despite the high rates of reduction in the different parameters, the water does not comply with the recommended limits for safe drinking water.eng
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacionaleng
dc.sourceVol. 6 N° 1 (2020)
dc.subjectWater treatmenteng
dc.subjectGreen engineeringeng
dc.subjectEnvironmental chemical engineeringeng
dc.subjectEnvironmental healtheng
dc.subjectPublic healtheng
dc.subjectCiénaga Grande of Santa Martaeng
dc.subjectLow-cost water purificationeng
dc.subjectStilt house villageseng
dc.subjectNon-conventional treatmenteng
dc.titleEvaluation of low-cost alternatives for water purification in the stilt house villages of Santa Marta's Ciénaga Grandeeng
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