Revisión bibliográfica biomarcadores CD14, IPS, MYD88 y TLR4 en el desarrollo de shock endotóxico en los pacientes con sepsis por Gram negativos
De la Hoz Barrios, Jhonnatan Alfonso
Tamayo Rodríguez, Benjamín Daniel
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
El shock séptico es la principal complicación de la sepsis producida por
microorganismos gram negativos en la cual se logra evidenciar la presencia de
hipotensión refractaria a la fluidoterapia y la necesidad medicamentos
vasopresores para controlarlo. Esta entidad clínica representa amplios costo
para el sistema de salud solo en estados unidos costos derivados del
tratamiento de estos pacientes se estiman en 16,7 billones de dólares anuales
y 7 ,6 billones de euros en la Comunidad Económica Europea
En el diagnostico actual de sepsis se utilizan moléculas como la Proteína C
Reactiva (PCR) y Procalcitonina pero estas moléculas no son específicas para
determinar la progresión a shock endotoxico y se pueden elevar en diferentes
patologías, por esto es indispensable el estudio de otras moléculas más
específicas para esta patología como lo son el TLR4, MYD88, LPS y CD14 este
último en la actualidad es el más estudiado debido a la presencia de formas
solubles en el plasma que pueden ayudar a determinar el diagnostico precoz y
Septic shock is the main complication of sepsis caused by gram negative microorganisms is achieved which show the presence of hypotension refractory to fluid and vasopressor drugs need to control it. This clinical entity represents large cost to the health system in the US alone costs of treating these patients is estimated at 16.7 billion annually and 7.6 billion euros in the European Economic Community In the current diagnosis of sepsis molecules as C-Reactive Protein (CRP) and Procalcitonin are used but these molecules are not specific for progression to endotoxic shock and can be raised in different conditions, so the study of other molecules is essential more specific for this condition such as TLR4, MYD88, LPS and C014 latter is currently the most studied due to the presence of plasma soluble forms that can help determine the early diagnosis and stratification.
Septic shock is the main complication of sepsis caused by gram negative microorganisms is achieved which show the presence of hypotension refractory to fluid and vasopressor drugs need to control it. This clinical entity represents large cost to the health system in the US alone costs of treating these patients is estimated at 16.7 billion annually and 7.6 billion euros in the European Economic Community In the current diagnosis of sepsis molecules as C-Reactive Protein (CRP) and Procalcitonin are used but these molecules are not specific for progression to endotoxic shock and can be raised in different conditions, so the study of other molecules is essential more specific for this condition such as TLR4, MYD88, LPS and C014 latter is currently the most studied due to the presence of plasma soluble forms that can help determine the early diagnosis and stratification.
Palabras clave
Shock séptico, Sepsis, Toll Like Receptor, CD14, Septic shock