El incremento pensional del 14% por cónyuge a cargo según el artículo 21 del acuerdo 049 de 1990, aprobado por el decreto 758 del mismo año
Lentini Llinas, Aneyder
Quintero Agudelo, Jaime
Camargo Suarez, Walter
Barrios Barrios, Ana
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
En la presente monografía pretendemos dimensionar el incremento pensional del 14% por conyugue a cargo, que tiene derecho todos los pensionados (a), establecido en el acuerdo 049 de 1.990 y aprobado por el decreto 758 del mismo año, desde la perspectiva de los derechos adquiridos en Colombia, como lo establece el artículo 36 de la ley 100 de 1.993, cuando el fondo de administraciones Colpensiones no tiene en cuenta la condición más favorable del afiliado al momento de pensionarse. La presente investigación gira en torno a Colpensiones administrador del régimen de prima media, cuando se circunscribe dos eventos: El primero tiene que ver con la responsabilidad del Estado, el cual debe velar porque se cumplan los principios, criterios constitucionales y el estatuto de seguridad social integral al momento de pensionar un afiliado. El segundo con la carga que tiene que asumir el usuario para mejorar las condiciones económicas de su prestación, es decir el incremento pensional del 14% establecido en el acuerdo 049 de 1.990 y aprobado por el decreto 759 del mismo año. Podemos expresar que el reajuste pensional es la consecuencia de la inequidad y la mala adjudicación en la prestación económica que hacen las AFP (administradoras de fondos de pensiones privados) y Colpensiones en calidad de administrador de prima media, porque al momento de emitir las resoluciones de reconocimiento de pensión. Esas faltas por lo general de la administración se deben a una automatización de funciones que tienen por regla general la descongestión de las solicitudes de los afiliados, las cuales no atienden el sentido literal de lo pretendido por el actor ni la condición más beneficiosa.
Cabe destacar que el reajuste pensional es una defensa material que tiene el afiliado del sistema de pensiones para reclamar la condición más favorable de sus prestaciones económicas, que en muchas ocasiones se ve afectada por Colpensiones, que al reconocer la pensión de vejez, invalidez y sobreviviente no tiene en cuenta los derechos adquiridos que consagra el artículo 48 de la Constitución Política de Colombia, como es el principio de favorabilidad y el principio de inescindibilidad en materia laboral. El sistema general de pensiones es el conjunto de normas que tiene por objeto garantizar a la población el amparo contra las contingencias derivadas de la vejez, la invalidez y la muerte, mediante el reconocimiento de las pensiones y prestaciones que se determinan en la ley. Como se ha podido observar, el sistema fue creado con el objetivo de mejorar las condiciones de vida de los habitantes del territorio nacional, desde su nacimiento hasta la muerte. Estas están a cargo de Colpensiones (anteriormente ISS) o de los fondos privados de pensiones.
In this monograph we intend to measure the pension increase of 14% per dependent spouse, to which all pensioners have the right, established in agreement 049 of 1990 and approved by decree 758 of the same year, from the perspective of rights acquired in Colombia, as established in article 36 of Law 100 of 1993, when the Colpensiones administration fund does not take into account the most favorable condition of the member at the time of retirement. This research revolves around Colpensiones administrator of the medium premium regime, when two events are circumscribed: The first has to do with the responsibility of the State, which must ensure that the principles, constitutional criteria and the comprehensive social security statute are met at the time of pensioning an affiliate. The second with the burden that the user has to assume to improve the economic conditions of their benefit, that is, the pension increase of 14% established in agreement 049 of 1990 and approved by decree 759 of the same year. We can express that the pension readjustment is the consequence of the inequity and the bad allocation in the economic benefit that the AFPs (administrators of private pension funds) and Colpensiones make as average premium administrator, because at the time of issuing the resolutions of recognition of pension. Generally, these failures of the administration are due to an automation of functions that have as a general rule the decongestion of the requests of the affiliates, which do not meet the literal meaning of what is intended by the actor or the most beneficial condition. It should be noted that the pension readjustment is a material defense that the member of the pension system has to claim the most favorable condition of their economic benefits, which on many occasions is affected by Colpensiones, which by recognizing the old-age, disability and survivor pension it does not take into account the acquired rights enshrined in article 48 of the Political Constitution of Colombia, such as the principle of favorability and the principle of inescindibility in labor matters. The general pension system is the set of rules that is intended to guarantee the population protection against contingencies arising from old age, disability and death, through the recognition of pensions and benefits that are determined by law. As has been observed, the system was created with the aim of improving the living conditions of the inhabitants of the national territory, from their birth to death. These are run by Colpensiones (formerly ISS) or private pension.
In this monograph we intend to measure the pension increase of 14% per dependent spouse, to which all pensioners have the right, established in agreement 049 of 1990 and approved by decree 758 of the same year, from the perspective of rights acquired in Colombia, as established in article 36 of Law 100 of 1993, when the Colpensiones administration fund does not take into account the most favorable condition of the member at the time of retirement. This research revolves around Colpensiones administrator of the medium premium regime, when two events are circumscribed: The first has to do with the responsibility of the State, which must ensure that the principles, constitutional criteria and the comprehensive social security statute are met at the time of pensioning an affiliate. The second with the burden that the user has to assume to improve the economic conditions of their benefit, that is, the pension increase of 14% established in agreement 049 of 1990 and approved by decree 759 of the same year. We can express that the pension readjustment is the consequence of the inequity and the bad allocation in the economic benefit that the AFPs (administrators of private pension funds) and Colpensiones make as average premium administrator, because at the time of issuing the resolutions of recognition of pension. Generally, these failures of the administration are due to an automation of functions that have as a general rule the decongestion of the requests of the affiliates, which do not meet the literal meaning of what is intended by the actor or the most beneficial condition. It should be noted that the pension readjustment is a material defense that the member of the pension system has to claim the most favorable condition of their economic benefits, which on many occasions is affected by Colpensiones, which by recognizing the old-age, disability and survivor pension it does not take into account the acquired rights enshrined in article 48 of the Political Constitution of Colombia, such as the principle of favorability and the principle of inescindibility in labor matters. The general pension system is the set of rules that is intended to guarantee the population protection against contingencies arising from old age, disability and death, through the recognition of pensions and benefits that are determined by law. As has been observed, the system was created with the aim of improving the living conditions of the inhabitants of the national territory, from their birth to death. These are run by Colpensiones (formerly ISS) or private pension.
Palabras clave
Derechos adquiridos, Reajuste pensional, Seguridad social, Prestación económica, Acquired rights, Pension readjustment, Social security, Economic benefit