Envejecimiento e intervenciones terapéuticas desde la perspectiva psicológica a adultos mayores: una revisión descriptiva
Carrillo-Sierra, Sandra-Milena
Rivera-Porras, Diego
García-Echeverri, Mabel
Rodríguez González, Daymi
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Sociedad Venezolana de Farmacología Clínica y Terapéutica
Objetivo: Analizar el estado de la producción científica sobre envejecimiento e intervenciones terapéuticas a adultos ma- yores desde la perspectiva psicológica.
Metodología: Investigación cuantitativa, diseño bibliomé- trico, muestra teórica, recolección de datos con técnica de ficheo. Se realizó la búsqueda bibliográfica consultando en bases de datos como Pubmed, Scopus, ScienceDirect, PsycInfo, ProQuest, Dialnet entre otros, las palabras de bús- queda fueron Vejez, Psicología Positiva, Envejecimiento ac- tivo, Calidad de vida en adulto mayor, modelo PERMA. Los criterios de inclusión fueron publicaciones correspondientes al periodo de 2015 al 2020, criterio de calidad científica pu- blicaciones fundamentadas en procesos de investigación. El análisis de resultados, se desarrolló a partir de matriz de an- tecedentes, según los diferentes descriptores y descartando los documentos que no cumplieran los criterios de inclusión.
Resultados: se reconocieron los modelos teóricos y metodo- lógicos en las investigaciones recaudadas, siendo los autores principales desde la perspectiva psicológica (Fernández1): con envejecimiento saludable, positivo y con éxito (Ramos y García2), determinantes transversales del envejecimiento activo (Riff y Keyes3), con bienestar psicológico y finalmente, desde la promoción de la salud (Organización Mundial de la Salud4), Actividades Diarias (Salvarezza, 19885) y Teoría de actividad (Glanz, Rimer y Viswanath6). Metodológicamente los estudios revisados fueron no experimentales, con pre- sencia de algunos estudios cuasi experimentales, no obstan- te, en la información científica seleccionada estuvieron au- sentes las investigaciones longitudinales. Se concluye que la perspectiva psicológica contribuye a la comprensión del envejecimiento en variables susceptibles a intervenir, tales como, calidad de vida, bienestar psicológico, felicidad, acti- vidad diaria, por tanto, se perciben en el campo de la psico- gerentología oportunidades de investigación e intervención.
To analyse the state of scientific production on ageing and therapeutic interventions for older adults from a psychological perspective. Methodology: Quantitative research, bibliometric design, theoretical sample, data collection with a photometric tech- nique. Bibliographic search was made consulting databases such as Pubmed, Scopus, ScienceDirect, PsycInfo, Pro- Quest, Dialnet among others. The search words were Old age, Positive Psychology, Active aging, quality of life in older adults, PERMA model. The inclusion criteria were publica- tions corresponding to the period from 2015 to 2020, scientif- ic quality criteria, publications based on research processes. The analysis of results was developed from a background matrix, according to the different descriptors and discarding the documents that did not meet the inclusion criteria. Results: the theoretical and methodological models were rec- ognized in the collected researches, being the main authors from the psychological perspective1: with Healthy, Positive and Successful Aging2, transversal determinants of active ag- ing3, with psychological well-being and finally from health pro- motion4, Daily Activities5 and Theory of Activity6. Methodologi- cally the studies reviewed were non-experimental, with some quasi-experimental studies present, however, in the scientific information selected longitudinal research was absent. It is concluded that the psychological perspective contributes to the understanding of aging in variables susceptible to inter- vention such as quality of life, psychological well-being, hap- piness, daily activity, therefore, opportunities for research and intervention are perceived in the field of psycho-gerontology.
To analyse the state of scientific production on ageing and therapeutic interventions for older adults from a psychological perspective. Methodology: Quantitative research, bibliometric design, theoretical sample, data collection with a photometric tech- nique. Bibliographic search was made consulting databases such as Pubmed, Scopus, ScienceDirect, PsycInfo, Pro- Quest, Dialnet among others. The search words were Old age, Positive Psychology, Active aging, quality of life in older adults, PERMA model. The inclusion criteria were publica- tions corresponding to the period from 2015 to 2020, scientif- ic quality criteria, publications based on research processes. The analysis of results was developed from a background matrix, according to the different descriptors and discarding the documents that did not meet the inclusion criteria. Results: the theoretical and methodological models were rec- ognized in the collected researches, being the main authors from the psychological perspective1: with Healthy, Positive and Successful Aging2, transversal determinants of active ag- ing3, with psychological well-being and finally from health pro- motion4, Daily Activities5 and Theory of Activity6. Methodologi- cally the studies reviewed were non-experimental, with some quasi-experimental studies present, however, in the scientific information selected longitudinal research was absent. It is concluded that the psychological perspective contributes to the understanding of aging in variables susceptible to inter- vention such as quality of life, psychological well-being, hap- piness, daily activity, therefore, opportunities for research and intervention are perceived in the field of psycho-gerontology.
Palabras clave
Envejecimiento, Adulto mayor, Servicios de salud para ancianos, Psicología positiva, Calidad de vida, Aging, Older adults, Health services for the elder- ly, Positive psychology, Quality of life