Análisis de la política criminal en Colombia hacia los menores de edad que cometen conductas punibles
Rincon Lemus, Deissy Lorena
Rodriguez Florez, Deimer Andres
Suarez Sanchez, Karen Yuliana
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
La política criminal que se ha desarrollado en el país hacia los menores de edad ha generado diferentes debates sobre su incidencia y resultados obtenidos en la búsqueda de un ambiente pacífico en donde el restablecimiento de los derechos de esta población esté presente. La metodología que se utilizó en la investigación consistió en dos escenarios, primero analizar los preceptos jurídicos y legales que rigen este tipo de conductas y segundo la percepción que se presenta en la sociedad sobre la actuación de la justicia hacia los niños, niñas y adolescentes. Entre los resultados obtenidos se identifica que el país tiene presente los diferentes preceptos legales de orden internacional para el reconocimiento de los derechos de los menores de edad, especialmente en los procedimientos relacionados ante la vulneración de los bienes jurídicos tutelados por el ordenamiento jurídico colombiano
The criminal policy that has been developed in the country towards minors has generated different debates about its incidence and results obtained in the search for a peaceful environment where the restoration of the rights of this population is present. The methodology used in the investigation consisted of two scenarios, first analyzing the legal and legal precepts that govern this type of behavior and second the perception that is presented in society about the performance of justice towards children and adolescents. Among the results obtained, it is identified that the country is aware of the different legal precepts of international order for the recognition of the rights of minors, especially in the procedures related to the violation of legal rights protected by the Colombian legal system.
The criminal policy that has been developed in the country towards minors has generated different debates about its incidence and results obtained in the search for a peaceful environment where the restoration of the rights of this population is present. The methodology used in the investigation consisted of two scenarios, first analyzing the legal and legal precepts that govern this type of behavior and second the perception that is presented in society about the performance of justice towards children and adolescents. Among the results obtained, it is identified that the country is aware of the different legal precepts of international order for the recognition of the rights of minors, especially in the procedures related to the violation of legal rights protected by the Colombian legal system.
Palabras clave
Menores de edad, Política criminal, Conductas punibles, restablecimiento de los derechos, Minors, Criminal policy, Punishable behavior, Restoration of rights