Estado visual relacionado al rendimiento académico de los estudiantes de 5 grado de primaria, de la institución educativa Alejandro Obregón de la ciudad de Barranquilla, de julio de 2012 a mayo de 2013
Gil Herrera, Oscar Jabib
Gil Gil, Jorge
Montenegro García, Wendy
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Objetivo: Identificar la relación del estado visual con el rendimiento académico de los
estudiantes de quinto de primaria a la institución educativa Alejandro Obregón. Materiales
y métodos: Se presenta un estudio descriptivo Comparativo transversal para la
identificación de los problemas visuales en estudiantes de una secundaria básica urbana del
municipio de Barranquilla en el departamento del Atlántico (INSTITUCION EDUCATIVA
ALEJANDRO OBREGON), durante el periodo junio 2012 a mayo 2013. A los 29 alumnos
estudiados, se les realizó la medición de la agudeza visual utilizando la cartilla de Snellen
calibrada de diferentes letras y un análisis de su seguimiento académico. La información
obtenida de cada estudiante se ingresó en el formato de historia clínica elaborada por el
grupo investigativo. Los resultados se presentan en forma de tablas estadísticas y gráficos.
Resultados: En la exploración realizada en la escuela, el 48,27 % de los alumnos presentó
alteraciones visuales, y fueron remitidos a los especialistas de oftalmología y optometría de
la universidad metropolitana de la ciudad de barranquilla, por tener déficit visual. A estos
se les diagnosticaron afecciones específicas, entre las más frecuentes El 20.69% de los
adolescentes presentaron astigmatismo en ambos ojos. La presencia de miopía e
hipermetropía en los adolescentes de la institución educativa Alejandro obregón fui igual en
ambos casos con una prevalencia del 10.34% respectivamente. En menores porcentajes
encontramos combinaciones de ametropías más emetropías es decir, en el 6.90% de los
estudiantes se observó que presentaron emetropía más astigmatismo. De los 19
adolescentes con Aceptable rendimiento académico, el 73.68% tenía trastornos
oftalmológicos. Conclusiones: se pudo concluir que si existe relación entre los trastornos
de agudeza visual y el bajo rendimiento académico de los estudiantes de 5 grado de
primaria del colegio Alejandro obregón.
Objective: To identify the relationship of the visual state academic performance of students in fifth grade at the school Alejandro Obregon. Materials and Methods: We present a comparative descriptive transversal study to identify vision problems in secondary school students in a city of the municipality of Barranquilla in the department of the Atlantic (OBREGON ALEJANDRO EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION), during the period June 2012 to May 2013. At 29 students studied underwent measurement of visual acuity using the Snellen chart calibrated different letters and an analysis of their academic monitoring. The information obtained from each student was entered into the medica} record format developed by the research group. The results are presented in tabular statistics and graphs. Results: On examination completed school, 48.27% of students had visual disturbances, and were referred to specialists in ophthalmology and optometry Metropolitan University Barranquilla city, having visual deficit. These specific conditions were diagnosed among the most frequent The 20.69% of the adolescents had astigmatism in both eyes. The presence of myopia and hyperopia in school teen obregón Alejandro was the same in both cases with a prevalence of 10.34% respectively. Lesser percentages combinations found most emetropías ametropies ie 6.90% of the students who had emmetropia observed more astigmatism. Of the 19 adolescents with Acceptable academic performance, 73.68% had ophthalmologic disorders. Conclusions: It was concluded that the correlation between visual acuity disorders and low academic performance of students in 5th grade Alejandro obregón school.
Objective: To identify the relationship of the visual state academic performance of students in fifth grade at the school Alejandro Obregon. Materials and Methods: We present a comparative descriptive transversal study to identify vision problems in secondary school students in a city of the municipality of Barranquilla in the department of the Atlantic (OBREGON ALEJANDRO EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION), during the period June 2012 to May 2013. At 29 students studied underwent measurement of visual acuity using the Snellen chart calibrated different letters and an analysis of their academic monitoring. The information obtained from each student was entered into the medica} record format developed by the research group. The results are presented in tabular statistics and graphs. Results: On examination completed school, 48.27% of students had visual disturbances, and were referred to specialists in ophthalmology and optometry Metropolitan University Barranquilla city, having visual deficit. These specific conditions were diagnosed among the most frequent The 20.69% of the adolescents had astigmatism in both eyes. The presence of myopia and hyperopia in school teen obregón Alejandro was the same in both cases with a prevalence of 10.34% respectively. Lesser percentages combinations found most emetropías ametropies ie 6.90% of the students who had emmetropia observed more astigmatism. Of the 19 adolescents with Acceptable academic performance, 73.68% had ophthalmologic disorders. Conclusions: It was concluded that the correlation between visual acuity disorders and low academic performance of students in 5th grade Alejandro obregón school.
Palabras clave
Agudeza Visual, Rendimiento académico, Adolescentes, Visual Acuity, Academic performance, Adolescent