Síndrome de Burnout, calidad de sueño y síntomas osteomusculares en trabajadores de la región Caribe colombiana
Acevedo Orozco, Saray Alcira
Medina Barranco , Mileidys Estella
Niño Diaz, Yesid Alexander
Roncallo Sánchez , Geraldine
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Objetivo: Determinar las características de Burnout, los niveles del sueño y los
síntomas osteomusculares en los trabajadores de la Región Caribe Colombiana.
Metodología: Este estudio empleó una metodología descriptiva y transversal, con
una muestra de 175 trabajadores. La recolección de datos se realizó mediante
encuestas estructuradas que incluyeron tres instrumentos validados: el Cuestionario
de Burnout de Maslach (MBI), compuesto por 22 ítems que evalúan el agotamiento
emocional, la despersonalización y la realización personal; el Índice de Calidad del
Sueño de Pittsburgh (PSQI), que consta de 19 preguntas autoevaluadas y 5
preguntas adicionales, midiendo siete componentes del sueño; y el Cuestionario
Nórdico de Síntomas Osteomusculares, una herramienta estandarizada de 9
preguntas que identifica la prevalencia de síntomas músculo-esqueléticos en nueve
regiones corporales específicas. El procesamiento y análisis de datos se llevó a
cabo utilizando el programa estadístico SPSS versión 25 (bajo licencia de la
Universidad Simón Bolívar), incluyendo estadística descriptiva para determinar
frecuencias y porcentajes, así como estadística inferencial mediante la prueba de
chi-cuadrado de Pearson para examinar posibles relaciones entre variables. Los
resultados se interpretaron meticulosamente y se presentaron de manera clara en
tablas, realizando además procedimientos de validación y fiabilidad para garantizar
la precisión de los hallazgos, lo que permitió una comprensión integral de la relación
entre el burnout, la calidad del sueño y los síntomas osteomusculares en la
población estudiada.
Resultados: las encuestas fueron realizadas a 175 personas, en el cual un 54.3%
son de género masculino y el 45.7% son de género femenino, se evidencia que hay
una equivalencia en cuanto al sexo; la mayor parte de la población está en un rango
de edad entre 18 a 24 años con un 39.4% y de 25 a 30 años con un 30.9%; un 81.7
% son operarios y el 18.3% del área administrativa. En relación con las
características de Burnout fueron: el 52.0% de los participantes nunca se sienten
agotados por su trabajo y el 29.7% se sienten agotados pocas veces al año o
menos; las características del Sueño fueron las siguientes: el 50.9% durante el
último mes califican su calidad de sueño como buena, el 25.7 %, muy buena; el
60% refiere no tener ningún problema para conciliar el sueño a comparación del
33.7% que refiere tener un leve problema para conciliar el sueño, los participantes
calificaron la calidad de su sueño como malo con un 68.6% y como regular el 22.9%.
Conclusión: Existe una percepción generalizada de bienestar y satisfacción laboral
entre los participantes, ya que la mayoría no experimenta niveles significativos de
agotamiento por el trabajo. Sin embargo, se evidencia una discrepancia entre la
capacidad para conciliar el sueño y la percepción de la calidad de este, lo que podría
indicar la presencia de factores que afectan el descanso adecuado, a pesar de no
tener dificultades para dormir. Los resultados de este estudio ayudarán a desarrollar
estrategias para prevenir y manejar el síndrome de burnout, mejorar la calidad del
sueño y disminuir los síntomas osteomusculares. Asimismo, ofrecerán una base
sólida para investigaciones futuras y la formulación de políticas laborales que
promuevan un entorno de trabajo saludable en la región Caribe colombiana.
Objective: Determine the characteristics of Burnout, sleep levels and musculoskeletal symptoms in workers in the Colombian Caribbean Region. Methodology: This study used a descriptive and transversal methodology, with a sample of 175 workers. Data collection was carried out through structured surveys that included three validated instruments: the Maslach Burnout Questionnaire (MBI), composed of 22 items that evaluate emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and personal accomplishment; the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), which consists of 19 self-assessed questions and 5 additional questions, measuring seven components of sleep; and the Nordic Musculoskeletal Symptom Questionnaire, a standardized 9-question tool that identifies the prevalence of musculoskeletal symptoms in nine specific body regions. Data processing and analysis was carried out using the statistical program SPSS version 25 (under license from the Simón Bolívar University), including descriptive statistics to determine frequencies and percentages, as well as inferential statistics using the Pearson chi-square test to determine examine possible relationships between variables. The results were meticulously interpreted and presented clearly in tables, also carrying out validation and reliability procedures to ensure the accuracy of the findings, which allowed a comprehensive understanding of the relationship between burnout, sleep quality and musculoskeletal symptoms. in the population studied. Results: the surveys were carried out on 175 people, in which 54.3% are male and 45.7% are female, it is evident that there is an equivalence in terms of sex; Most of the population is in the age range between 18 to 24 years with 39.4% and 25 to 30 years with 30.9%; 81.7% are operators and 18.3% are from the administrative area. In relation to the characteristics of Burnout they were: 52.0% of the participants never feel exhausted by their work and 29.7% feel exhausted a few times a year or less; Sleep characteristics were as follows: 50.9% during the last month rate their sleep quality as good, 25.7% as very good; 60% report having no problem falling asleep compared to 33.7% who report having a slight problem falling asleep. Participants rated the quality of their sleep as bad with 68.6% and as regular with 22.9%. Conclusion: There is a generalized perception of well-being and job satisfaction among the participants, since the majority do not experience significant levels of burnout from work. However, a discrepancy is evident between the ability to fall asleep and the perception of its quality, which could indicate the presence of factors that affect adequate rest, despite not having difficulties sleeping. The results of this study will help develop strategies to prevent and manage burnout syndrome, improve sleep quality, and reduce musculoskeletal symptoms. Likewise, they will offer a solid basis for future research and the formulation of labor policies that promote a healthy work environment in the Colombian Caribbean region.
Objective: Determine the characteristics of Burnout, sleep levels and musculoskeletal symptoms in workers in the Colombian Caribbean Region. Methodology: This study used a descriptive and transversal methodology, with a sample of 175 workers. Data collection was carried out through structured surveys that included three validated instruments: the Maslach Burnout Questionnaire (MBI), composed of 22 items that evaluate emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and personal accomplishment; the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), which consists of 19 self-assessed questions and 5 additional questions, measuring seven components of sleep; and the Nordic Musculoskeletal Symptom Questionnaire, a standardized 9-question tool that identifies the prevalence of musculoskeletal symptoms in nine specific body regions. Data processing and analysis was carried out using the statistical program SPSS version 25 (under license from the Simón Bolívar University), including descriptive statistics to determine frequencies and percentages, as well as inferential statistics using the Pearson chi-square test to determine examine possible relationships between variables. The results were meticulously interpreted and presented clearly in tables, also carrying out validation and reliability procedures to ensure the accuracy of the findings, which allowed a comprehensive understanding of the relationship between burnout, sleep quality and musculoskeletal symptoms. in the population studied. Results: the surveys were carried out on 175 people, in which 54.3% are male and 45.7% are female, it is evident that there is an equivalence in terms of sex; Most of the population is in the age range between 18 to 24 years with 39.4% and 25 to 30 years with 30.9%; 81.7% are operators and 18.3% are from the administrative area. In relation to the characteristics of Burnout they were: 52.0% of the participants never feel exhausted by their work and 29.7% feel exhausted a few times a year or less; Sleep characteristics were as follows: 50.9% during the last month rate their sleep quality as good, 25.7% as very good; 60% report having no problem falling asleep compared to 33.7% who report having a slight problem falling asleep. Participants rated the quality of their sleep as bad with 68.6% and as regular with 22.9%. Conclusion: There is a generalized perception of well-being and job satisfaction among the participants, since the majority do not experience significant levels of burnout from work. However, a discrepancy is evident between the ability to fall asleep and the perception of its quality, which could indicate the presence of factors that affect adequate rest, despite not having difficulties sleeping. The results of this study will help develop strategies to prevent and manage burnout syndrome, improve sleep quality, and reduce musculoskeletal symptoms. Likewise, they will offer a solid basis for future research and the formulation of labor policies that promote a healthy work environment in the Colombian Caribbean region.
Palabras clave
Estrés laboral, Trastornos de sueño, Salud laboral, Trabajadores