Instalación de sistema acuapónico a pequeña escala para la cría de tilapia y cultivo de lechuga
Barros Goenaga, Iván Andrés
De La Hoz Fernández, Victoria Beatriz
Soto Casas, Esteban Luis
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ingenierías
Facultad de Ingenierías
Con este trabajo, esperamos brindar una alternativa de producción de alimentos
a bajos costos y en espacios reducidos, con altos niveles nutricionales, que permita
cubrir el aumento en la demanda alimenticia del país. En la actualidad podemos
identificar que para la producción de alimentos proteínicos en el país son necesario
grandes extensiones de tierra fértil, con un costo beneficio al medio ambiente muy
perjudicial. En Colombia la producción de alimentos depende de la disponibilidad
de recursos como suelo, agua, aire y energía. El sobreuso actual y la degradación
de dichos recursos es uno de los principales retos que enfrentamos para la sobrevivencia
en nuestro país. Las tasas actuales de consumo de alimentos y la gestión
inadecuada de los recursos naturales ejercen una presión sin precedentes sobre los
sistemas nacionales. Se estima que entre 10 y 60 millones de hectáreas (hasta el 30%
de la superficie terrestre del país) se han degradado (datos recopilados de la base
de datos de la página de Gibbs y Salmon, 2015). La degradación de la tierra afecta negativamente a más de 15 millones de personas en el país siendo uno de los principales
contribuyentes al cambio climático y la perdida de biodiversidad. Al mismo
tiempo, la población colombiana crece muy rápidamente, se prevé que alcanzará los
53 millones en el 2025, más de 70 millones en el 2050, y 100 millones a fines del siglo
XXI. (Datos recolectados en la página del DANE Colombia, 2020) Con el ritmo
actual de crecimiento de la población colombiana, y los desafíos que representa el
cambio climático, es imperativo el desarrollo de sistemas agroalimentarios que puedan
garantizar la seguridad alimentaria del país sin causar daño a la biodiversidad
y servicios ecosistémicos. La agenda 2030 de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible
(ODS) enfatiza la necesidad de abordar estos desafíos mundiales, priorizando el uso
de modelos de producción agroalimentarios más eficientes, productivos y sostenibles
(Goddek 2019; FAO 2019). Bajo este contexto, se identifica a la “acuaponía” como
un enfoque agrícola sostenible que, aumenta la eficiencia del recurso hídrico (utiliza
menos del 90% de agua comparado con la agricultura convencional), reutiliza contaminantes
como nutrientes y no aumenta la presión de urbanización sobre la tierra
al utilizar menos área.
With this work, we hope to provide an alternative for food production at low costs and in reduced spaces, with high nutritional levels, which allows us to cover the increase in the country’s food demand. At present we can identify that for the production of protein foods in the country, large extensions of fertile land are necessary, with a cost benefit to the environment that is very harmful. In Colombia, food production depends on the availability of resources such as soil, water, air and energy. The current overuse and degradation of these resources is one of the main challenges we face for survival in our country. Current rates of food consumption and inadequate management of natural resources put unprecedented pressure on national systems. It is estimated that between 10 and 60 million hectares (up to 30% of the land area of the country) have been degraded (data compiled from the Gibbs and Salmon page database, 2015). Land degradation negatively affects more than 15 million people in the country, being one of the main contributors to climate change and biodiversity loss. At the same time, the Colombian population is growing very rapidly, forecast to reach 53 million in 2025, more than 70 million in 2050, and 100 million by the end of the 21st century. (Data collected on the DANE Colombia page, 2020) With the current rate of growth of the Colombian population, and the challenges posed by climate change, it is imperative to develop agri-food systems that can guarantee the country’s food security without causing damage to biodiversity and ecosystem services. The 2030 agenda of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) emphasizes the need to address these global challenges, prioritizing the use of more efficient, productive and sustainable agri-food production models (Goddek 2019; FAO 2019). In this context, .aquaponics¨ıs identified as a sustainable agricultural approach that increases the efficiency of water resources (uses less than 90% of water compared to conventional agriculture), reuses pollutants such as nutrients and does not increase the pressure of urbanization. above ground by using less area.
With this work, we hope to provide an alternative for food production at low costs and in reduced spaces, with high nutritional levels, which allows us to cover the increase in the country’s food demand. At present we can identify that for the production of protein foods in the country, large extensions of fertile land are necessary, with a cost benefit to the environment that is very harmful. In Colombia, food production depends on the availability of resources such as soil, water, air and energy. The current overuse and degradation of these resources is one of the main challenges we face for survival in our country. Current rates of food consumption and inadequate management of natural resources put unprecedented pressure on national systems. It is estimated that between 10 and 60 million hectares (up to 30% of the land area of the country) have been degraded (data compiled from the Gibbs and Salmon page database, 2015). Land degradation negatively affects more than 15 million people in the country, being one of the main contributors to climate change and biodiversity loss. At the same time, the Colombian population is growing very rapidly, forecast to reach 53 million in 2025, more than 70 million in 2050, and 100 million by the end of the 21st century. (Data collected on the DANE Colombia page, 2020) With the current rate of growth of the Colombian population, and the challenges posed by climate change, it is imperative to develop agri-food systems that can guarantee the country’s food security without causing damage to biodiversity and ecosystem services. The 2030 agenda of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) emphasizes the need to address these global challenges, prioritizing the use of more efficient, productive and sustainable agri-food production models (Goddek 2019; FAO 2019). In this context, .aquaponics¨ıs identified as a sustainable agricultural approach that increases the efficiency of water resources (uses less than 90% of water compared to conventional agriculture), reuses pollutants such as nutrients and does not increase the pressure of urbanization. above ground by using less area.
Palabras clave
Elaboración de proyectos, Cultivo acuapónicos