La comunicación corporativa y su influencia a través de la publicidad digital. Un estudio en productos de la línea cosmética y cuidado corporal en el departamento de Boyacá (Colombia)
Limas Suárez, Sonia Janneth
Vargas Soracá, Gloria
Salazar Araujo, Eduardo José
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AISTI (Associação Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação)
Los avances tecnológicos del siglo XXI han transcendido y modificado
las formas de comunicación corporativa en la actualidad, hecho que conlleva al
desarrollo de nuevas tecnologías y medios de comunicación incursionando en
la publicidad digital; lo que representa nuevas oportunidades para compartir
información de manera especializada e interactiva, a fin de llegar mejor a sus clientes.
Lo anterior motiva a analizar la comunicación corporativa y su influencia a través
de la publicidad digital a partir de un estudio en productos de la línea cosmética y
cuidado corporal en el departamento de Boyacá (Colombia). Como resultado, la
publicidad digital como herramienta de comunicación externa, direcciona a nuevas
tendencias y tecnologías que representan nuevos medios, formatos y conceptos
aplicados en la comunicación a nivel corporativo. Se apoya en soportes interactivos
mediante formatos digitales que evolucionan día a día para tener mayor aceptación,
impacto y éxito en el uso y la comunicación.
The technological advances of the 21st century have transcended and modified the forms of corporate communication nowadays, a fact that leads to the development of new technologies and means of communication venturing into digital advertising; which represents new opportunities to share information in a specialized and interactive way in order to better reach their customers. The foregoing motivates the analysis of corporate communication and its influence through digital advertising on products of the cosmetic line and body care in the department of Boyacá (Colombia). As a result, digital advertising as a tool for external communication, addresses new trends and technologies that represent new media, formats and concepts applied to corporate communication at the institutional level. It is supported by interactive media through digital formats that evolve day by day to have greater acceptance, impact and success in the use and communication.
The technological advances of the 21st century have transcended and modified the forms of corporate communication nowadays, a fact that leads to the development of new technologies and means of communication venturing into digital advertising; which represents new opportunities to share information in a specialized and interactive way in order to better reach their customers. The foregoing motivates the analysis of corporate communication and its influence through digital advertising on products of the cosmetic line and body care in the department of Boyacá (Colombia). As a result, digital advertising as a tool for external communication, addresses new trends and technologies that represent new media, formats and concepts applied to corporate communication at the institutional level. It is supported by interactive media through digital formats that evolve day by day to have greater acceptance, impact and success in the use and communication.
Palabras clave
Comunicación corporativa, Publicidad digital, Empresa, Medios publicitarios, Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC), Corporate communication, Digital advertising, Company, Advertising media, Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)