El estatuto del consumidor ley 1480 de 2011, su aplicación como herramienta de protección al consumidor electrónico en Colombia.
Suarez Quintero, Carlos Eduardo
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
En la presente investigación se realizó un análisis de la ley 1480 de 2011, por la cual se reglamenta el estatuto del consumidor, este ha sido la principal herramienta con la que cuentan los consumidores en Colombia para defender sus derechos en los procesos de política de compra, devoluciones, derecho de retrato, medios jurídicos para defender sus derechos ante los juzgados de única instancia o la superintendencia de industria y comercio. Dentro del estudio también se evalúan sus resultados dentro del desarrollo del orden económico del país.
A partir de los resultados obtenidos se puede determinar que en el tema de protección al consumidor con respecto a las empresas, hace falta la realización de una política pública de cumplimiento por parte de las empresas en temas dentro del proceso de compra, como lo son los tiempos de entregas entre otros, posteriormente se hace necesario para el estado la regulación que apunte a proteger las relaciones comerciales en el comercio electrónico en todas sus categorías enunciando la más común la relación consumidor-consumidor al igual que incluir dentro de las reclamaciones realizadas ante despachos judiciales o la superintendencia de industria y comercio la materialización de daños causados como lo son las demoras injustificadas en el proceso de envíos.
In the present investigation an analysis of Law 1480 of 2011 was carried out, by which the consumer's statute is regulated, this has been the main tool that consumers in Colombia have to defend their rights in purchasing policy processes, returns, right of portrait, legal means to defend their rights before the courts of sole instance or the superintendence of industry and commerce. The results are also evaluated within the study within the development of the country's economic order. Based on the results obtained, it can be determined that in the topic of consumer protection with respect to companies, it is necessary to carry out a public compliance policy on the part of the companies on issues within the purchasing process, such as the Delivery times among others, later it becomes necessary for the state the regulation that aims to protect commercial relationships in electronic commerce in all its categories enunciating the most common the consumer-consumer relationship as well as include within the claims made to shipments judicial or the superintendence of industry and commerce the materialization of damages caused as they are the unjustified delays in the process of shipments.
In the present investigation an analysis of Law 1480 of 2011 was carried out, by which the consumer's statute is regulated, this has been the main tool that consumers in Colombia have to defend their rights in purchasing policy processes, returns, right of portrait, legal means to defend their rights before the courts of sole instance or the superintendence of industry and commerce. The results are also evaluated within the study within the development of the country's economic order. Based on the results obtained, it can be determined that in the topic of consumer protection with respect to companies, it is necessary to carry out a public compliance policy on the part of the companies on issues within the purchasing process, such as the Delivery times among others, later it becomes necessary for the state the regulation that aims to protect commercial relationships in electronic commerce in all its categories enunciating the most common the consumer-consumer relationship as well as include within the claims made to shipments judicial or the superintendence of industry and commerce the materialization of damages caused as they are the unjustified delays in the process of shipments.
Palabras clave
Consumidor, Garantía, Protección, Derecho de retracto, Seguridad, Consumer, Guarantee, Protection, Right of withdrawal, Security