Estilos de aprendizaje de los estudiantes y padres de familia de dos instituciones educativas estrato 2 del municipio de Soledad
Costa Castro, Natalie
De la Cruz Yeidys P.
Morelo Padilla, Sindy Dayana
Quintero Escalante, Diana
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Este artículo describe los estilos de aprendizaje presentes en los estudiantes y padres de familia de dos colegios estrato 2 del municipio de Soledad , se tomó como autores guías a Honey y Mumford, quienes determinan cuatro estilos de aprendizaje: activo, reflexivo, teórico y pragmático y a Vygotski, quien planteo la importancia del aprendizaje social para la adquisición de conocimientos, conductas, quien hace hincapié en las Zonas de Desarrollo Próximo como la capacidad para el aprendizaje guiado hacia un nivel de competencias. El paradigma utilizado fue el empírico-analítico con un tipo de estudio descriptivo. Este proyecto se desarrolló con dos Instituciones Educativas del municipio de Soledad con un total de 650 individuo quienes conforman la comunidad educativa de los dos colegios, tomando con una Población de 250 estudiantes, los cuales se encuentran entre los 12 y los 14 años de edad y conviven con ambos padres y una muestra de 100 estudiantes y 64 padres de familias pertenecientes a la Sección Básica Secundaria y Media Técnica, al los cuales a través de un cuestionario (CHAEA) se les evaluó cada uno de los estilos de aprendizaje anteriormente mencionados. Los resultados coinciden en general con los de los estudios llevados a cabo en otros contextos nacionales e internacionales que los individuos poseen mas de un estilo de aprendizaje y estos tiene gran relación con el padre encargado del acompañamiento en la realización de las actividades escolares en casa.
This article describes the learning styles presented by the students and parents from two schools stratum 2 of the municipality of Soledad, the authors took as guides to Honey and Mumford, who identifies four learning styles: active, reflective, theoretical and pragmatic and Vygotsky, who proposed the importance of social learning for the acquisition of knowledge, behaviors, who emphasizes the Zones of Proximal Development as the capacity for learning led to a level of competence. The paradigm used was the empirical-analytic study with a descriptive study. This project was developed by two educational institutions in the municipality of Soledad with a total of 650 individuals who make up the educational community of the two schools, taking with a population of 250 students, which are between 12 and 14 years of age and live with both parents and a sample of 100 students and 64 parents of families belonging to the Media Section Technical Secondary and Basic, to which through a questionnaire (CHAEA) were evaluated each of the above learning styles. The results generally coincide with those of studies conducted in other national and international individuals have more than one learning style and they have great relationship with the father in charge of accompanying the implementation of school activities at home.
This article describes the learning styles presented by the students and parents from two schools stratum 2 of the municipality of Soledad, the authors took as guides to Honey and Mumford, who identifies four learning styles: active, reflective, theoretical and pragmatic and Vygotsky, who proposed the importance of social learning for the acquisition of knowledge, behaviors, who emphasizes the Zones of Proximal Development as the capacity for learning led to a level of competence. The paradigm used was the empirical-analytic study with a descriptive study. This project was developed by two educational institutions in the municipality of Soledad with a total of 650 individuals who make up the educational community of the two schools, taking with a population of 250 students, which are between 12 and 14 years of age and live with both parents and a sample of 100 students and 64 parents of families belonging to the Media Section Technical Secondary and Basic, to which through a questionnaire (CHAEA) were evaluated each of the above learning styles. The results generally coincide with those of studies conducted in other national and international individuals have more than one learning style and they have great relationship with the father in charge of accompanying the implementation of school activities at home.
Palabras clave
Estilos de aprendizaje, Activo, Reflexivo, Teórico, Pragmático, Andamiaje, Agentes educativos, Learning Styles, Active, Reflective, Theorist, Pragmatist, Scaffolding, Educational agents