Efecto de la instrucción en conciencia morfológica en usuarios con dislexia. Revisión sistemática
Camejo-Rodríguez, Junny Alexandra
Caicedo, Victor
Arenas-Villamizar, Vivian Vanessa
Martinez-Santana, Maria-Carolina
Rivera-Porras, Diego
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Saber UCV, Universidad Central de Venezuela
Academia Nacional de Medicina de Venezuela
Academia Nacional de Medicina de Venezuela
Introducción: Se evaluó el efecto de la instrucción en
la conciencia morfológica en alumnos con dislexia;
este estudio es importante para el ámbito educativo
y clínico, ya que permite comprender los procesos
implicados en la lectura, centrando su interés por la
conciencia morfológica como centro de estudio en
esta investigación. Métodos: Revisión sistemática,
bajo un enfoque complementario, se ejecutó la
estrategia PICO para la formulación de la pregunta
de investigación y búsqueda de literatura científica,
además se implementó la herramienta GRADEpro
para clasificar el nivel de evidencia y grado de
recomendación. Resultados: Fueron localizados 58
artículos, de los cuales al realizar la revisión literaria 5
cumplían con los criterios establecidos para la revisión.
Análisis y discusión: La evidencia encontrada en el
estudio, demuestra que la instrucción en la conciencia
morfológica genera avances positivos en la enseñanza
de lectura en alumnos con dislexia. Conclusiones: Se logró concluir que la conciencia morfológica,
es un factor clave en los procesos lingüísticos y de
aprendizaje, sobre todo lo que se refiere a lenguaje
escrito, lectura, comprensión lectora y, ortografía;
la literatura señala que existe relación alta entre la
conciencia fonológica y morfológica siendo estas
independientes, una predice de la otra por esto, es
indispensable trabajar en conjunto. De tal modo se
concluyó que la intervención fonológica, es eficaz
para mejorar las habilidades de lectura de palabras
en niños disléxicos como también se logró demostrar
que la instrucción morfológica, genera un gran efecto
positivo, revelando resultados significativos, en los
estudios mencionados.
Introduction: This study aimed to assess the effect of instruction on morphological awareness in students with dyslexia, this study is important for the educational and clinical field since it allows us to understand the processes involved in reading, focusing its interest in morphological awareness being the body of study in this process. Methods: Systematic review, under a complementary approach, the PICO strategy was implemented for the formulation of the research question and search of scientific literature, the GRADEpro tool was used to measure the level of evidence and degree of recommendation. Results: 58 articles were found, of which when performing the literary review 5 met the criteria established for the review. Analysis and discussion: The evidence found in the study shows that instruction in morphological awareness generates positive advances in the teaching of reading in students with dyslexia. Conclusions: It was concluded that morphological awareness is a key factor in linguistic and learning processes, especially with respect to written language, reading, reading comprehension, and spelling, the literature indicates that there is a high relationship between awareness of phonological and morphological independent, one predicts the other, therefore it is essential to work together, therefore the phonological intervention is effective to improve word reading skills of dyslexic children but the morphological instruction, despite producing a great positive effect, could not show significant results, in the mentioned studies.
Introduction: This study aimed to assess the effect of instruction on morphological awareness in students with dyslexia, this study is important for the educational and clinical field since it allows us to understand the processes involved in reading, focusing its interest in morphological awareness being the body of study in this process. Methods: Systematic review, under a complementary approach, the PICO strategy was implemented for the formulation of the research question and search of scientific literature, the GRADEpro tool was used to measure the level of evidence and degree of recommendation. Results: 58 articles were found, of which when performing the literary review 5 met the criteria established for the review. Analysis and discussion: The evidence found in the study shows that instruction in morphological awareness generates positive advances in the teaching of reading in students with dyslexia. Conclusions: It was concluded that morphological awareness is a key factor in linguistic and learning processes, especially with respect to written language, reading, reading comprehension, and spelling, the literature indicates that there is a high relationship between awareness of phonological and morphological independent, one predicts the other, therefore it is essential to work together, therefore the phonological intervention is effective to improve word reading skills of dyslexic children but the morphological instruction, despite producing a great positive effect, could not show significant results, in the mentioned studies.
Palabras clave
Conciencia morfológica, Aprendizaje, Lectura, Dislexia, Intervención, Instrucción
Camejo-Rodríguez, J. A. ., Caicedo-Téllez, V., Pérez-Reyes, G. ., Arenas-Villamizar, V. V. ., Martínez-Santana, M. C. ., & Rivera-Porras, D. (2023). Efecto de la instrucción en conciencia morfológica en usuarios con dislexia. Revisión sistemática. Gaceta Médica De Caracas, 131(1). Recuperado a partir de http://saber.ucv.ve/ojs/index.php/rev_gmc/article/view/25814