Impacto de los programas de la primera infancia, frente a la protección de los menores: jardín social nuevo amanecer barrio Torcoroma de Cúcuta
Lopera Pérez, Elkin Orlando
Sánchez, Wilson Freddy
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Teniendo en cuenta que Colombia es un Estado Social de Derecho y pregona garantías constitucionales para todo, incluyendo a los menores de edad de cero a seis, el presente artículo científico se desarrolló en pro de los menores de edad y el uso de políticas públicas para la garantía real de bienestar y vida en Colombia de un menor en sus primeros años de vida. La razón de ser de la investigación fue lograr establecer el impacto de los programas de primera infancia en relación con la protección de los derechos del niño en función de instrumentos internacionales y leyes domésticas. De tal forma que mediante el paradigma jurídico interpretativo se logró describir la situación de vulnerabilidad del jardín en estudio a su vez se implementó un estudio hermenéutico de la ley 1804 de 2016 en contraste con la realidad. Lo anterior se logró mediante entrevistas no estructuradas a dirigentes y estudios de casos dentro del jardín Nuevo Amanecer. Así que, el presente artículo evidencia la viabilidad de los programas de primera infancia en contraste con el plan de gobierno actual de municipio de norte de Santander, obteniendo como resultado que el jardín nuevo amanecer aplica, promueve y ejecuta los programas de primera infancia que respecta de cero a seis años de edad de los niños que se encuentran recibiendo el servicio de dicho jardín, lo anterior con el fin de preparar mediante estrategias de pedagogía a los menores de edad para una adecuada vida escolar mediante transparencia y acorde a ley.
Considering that Colombia is a Social state of law and offers constitutional guarantees for everything, including minors from zero to six, this scientific article was developed for the minors and the use of public policies for the Real guarantee of welfare and life in Colombia of a minor in his first years of life. The research's raison d'être was to establish the impact of early childhood programmes on the protection of children's rights in terms of international instruments and domestic laws. In such a way that by means of the interpretative legal paradigm it was possible to describe the vulnerability situation of the garden in study in turn, a hermeneutic study of the law 1804 of 2016 was implemented in contrast with the reality. The foregoing was achieved through unstructured interviews with leaders and case studies within the new Sunrise Garden. Thus, this article demonstrates the viability of early childhood programs in contrast to the current government plan of the municipality of Norte de Santander, resulting in the new Sunrise Garden applying, promoting and executing the programs of Early childhood that concerns zero to six years of age of children who are receiving the service of that garden, the above in order to prepare through strategies of pedagogy to minors for an adequate school life through transparency and According to law.
Considering that Colombia is a Social state of law and offers constitutional guarantees for everything, including minors from zero to six, this scientific article was developed for the minors and the use of public policies for the Real guarantee of welfare and life in Colombia of a minor in his first years of life. The research's raison d'être was to establish the impact of early childhood programmes on the protection of children's rights in terms of international instruments and domestic laws. In such a way that by means of the interpretative legal paradigm it was possible to describe the vulnerability situation of the garden in study in turn, a hermeneutic study of the law 1804 of 2016 was implemented in contrast with the reality. The foregoing was achieved through unstructured interviews with leaders and case studies within the new Sunrise Garden. Thus, this article demonstrates the viability of early childhood programs in contrast to the current government plan of the municipality of Norte de Santander, resulting in the new Sunrise Garden applying, promoting and executing the programs of Early childhood that concerns zero to six years of age of children who are receiving the service of that garden, the above in order to prepare through strategies of pedagogy to minors for an adequate school life through transparency and According to law.
Palabras clave
Primera infancia, Derechos, Educación, Alimentación, Políticas públicas, Early Childhood, Rights, Education, Food, Public policy