Factores atribuibles a la cancelación de cirugías programadas
Díaz-Pérez, Anderson
Vega-Ochoa, Arley
Dominguez-Lozano, Brayan
Carrillo-González, Stephanye
González-Puertas, Julia
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Academia Mexicana de Cirugía
Objetivo: Analizar los factores atribuibles a la cancelación de cirugías de una institución de salud de tercer nivel en la ciudad
de Valledupar, Cesar, Colombia (2017-2018). Material y métodos: Estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo, transversal. Se recopilaron
datos del archivo de casos adversos de la unidad quirúrgica del hospital para 6 especialidades quirúrgicas.
Mostraron que en 2017 hubo una suspensión quirúrgica del 4% del total de cirugías programadas que fueron
(3339), para 2018 la tasa fue del 3% con un total de cirugías programadas (1733). La razón de la suspensión para ambos
períodos fue el factor relacionado con las condiciones adversas del paciente con 45.9 y 38.5% respectivamente. La especialidad
más afectada para estos casos fue la especialidad de cirugía general con el mismo valor porcentual en ambos períodos
del 4%. Conclusión: Los resultados nos dan una idea de los factores presentes para la cancelación de cirugías programadas
y la necesidad de aplicar medidas para garantizar la seguridad del paciente.
Objective: To analyze the factors attributable to the cancellation of surgeries of a third level health institution in the city of Valledupar, Cesar / Colombia (2017-2018). Material and methods: Descriptive, retrospective, cross-sectional study. Data from the hospital surgical unit adverse case file were collected for 6 surgical specialties. Results: They showed that in 2017 there was a surgical suspension of 4% of the total of scheduled surgeries that were (3339), for 2018 the rate was 3% with a total of scheduled surgeries (1733). The reason for the suspension for both periods was the factor related to the patient's adverse conditions with 45.9 and 38.5% respectively. The specialty most affected for these cases was the specialty of general surgery with the same percentage value in both periods of 4%. Conclusion: The results give us an idea of the factors present for the cancellation of scheduled surgeries and the need to apply measures to guarantee patient safety.
Objective: To analyze the factors attributable to the cancellation of surgeries of a third level health institution in the city of Valledupar, Cesar / Colombia (2017-2018). Material and methods: Descriptive, retrospective, cross-sectional study. Data from the hospital surgical unit adverse case file were collected for 6 surgical specialties. Results: They showed that in 2017 there was a surgical suspension of 4% of the total of scheduled surgeries that were (3339), for 2018 the rate was 3% with a total of scheduled surgeries (1733). The reason for the suspension for both periods was the factor related to the patient's adverse conditions with 45.9 and 38.5% respectively. The specialty most affected for these cases was the specialty of general surgery with the same percentage value in both periods of 4%. Conclusion: The results give us an idea of the factors present for the cancellation of scheduled surgeries and the need to apply measures to guarantee patient safety.
Palabras clave
Cancelación, Cirugía, Errores médicos, Evento adverso, Factores, Paciente quirúrgico, Seguridad, Cancellation, Surgery, Medical errors, Adverse event, Factors, Surgical patient, Safety