Ventajas y riesgos de la notificación electrónica en el proceso laboral colombiano.
Saavedra Ariza, Stefanía
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
El problema a examinar en el presente articulo científico gira en torno a las ventajas y desventajas de la notificación electrónica en el marco del proceso laboral colombiano. Lo anterior en el entendido, que como consecuencia de la popularización de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación empezaron a materializarse propuestas encaminadas a la digitalización de la justicia, siendo una de las iniciativas la realización de notificaciones por medios electrónicos. Sin embargo, mas allá de las evidentes ventajas de tal reforma, la misma también genero tensiones con principios y garantías jurídicas inalienables, siendo algunas de estas los derechos a la defensa y contradicción de los notificados. A tal efecto, resulta necesario que desde la academia se exploren dichas polémicas con la finalidad de comprenderlas, asimilarlas y criticarlas. Es así, que el presente documento académico se propuso como objetivo general identificar las ventajas y riesgos de la notificación electrónica en el proceso laboral colombiano. Con miras a concretar la anterior ambición, el presente articulo fue desarrollado mediante una metodología jurídica, de tipo descriptiva y con un enfoque cualitativo basado en la revisión documental. Todo lo anterior permitió concluir que si bien la notificación por medios electrónicos es una reforma inevitable con miras a la modernización de la justicia y el debido proceso laboral, esta no puede llevarse a cabo mediante el deterioro del mínimo de derechos de los procesados.
The problem to be examined in this scientific article revolves around the advantages and disadvantages of electronic notification within the framework of the Colombian labor process. The foregoing is with the understanding that as a consequence of the popularization of information and communication technologies, proposals aimed at the digitalization of justice began to materialize, one of the initiatives being the making of notifications by electronic means. However, beyond the obvious advantages of such reform, it also generated tensions with inalienable legal principles and guarantees, some of these being the rights to defense and contradiction of those notified. To this end, it is necessary for the academy to explore these controversies in order to understand, assimilate and criticize them. Thus, the general objective of this academic document was to identify the advantages and risks of electronic notification in the Colombian labor process. With a view to realizing the previous ambition, this article was developed using a legal methodology, descriptive in nature and with a qualitative approach based on documentary review. All of the above allowed us to conclude that although notification by electronic means is an inevitable reform with a view to the modernization of justice and due labor process, this cannot be carried out by deteriorating the minimum rights of the defendants
The problem to be examined in this scientific article revolves around the advantages and disadvantages of electronic notification within the framework of the Colombian labor process. The foregoing is with the understanding that as a consequence of the popularization of information and communication technologies, proposals aimed at the digitalization of justice began to materialize, one of the initiatives being the making of notifications by electronic means. However, beyond the obvious advantages of such reform, it also generated tensions with inalienable legal principles and guarantees, some of these being the rights to defense and contradiction of those notified. To this end, it is necessary for the academy to explore these controversies in order to understand, assimilate and criticize them. Thus, the general objective of this academic document was to identify the advantages and risks of electronic notification in the Colombian labor process. With a view to realizing the previous ambition, this article was developed using a legal methodology, descriptive in nature and with a qualitative approach based on documentary review. All of the above allowed us to conclude that although notification by electronic means is an inevitable reform with a view to the modernization of justice and due labor process, this cannot be carried out by deteriorating the minimum rights of the defendants
Palabras clave
Notificación personal, TIC. Tecnologías Información Comunicación, Ventajas, Desventajas, Riesgos