Garantía al principio de imparcialidad con relación a las funciones de investigación y sanción ejercidas de manera conjunta por una misma autoridad disciplinaria, a la luz de la ley 734 de 2002 y la ley 1952 de 2019
Tenorio Melenje, Yury
Picón Carvajal, Michelle
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
La presente investigación tiene como principal objetivo el análisis de la garantía del principio de imparcialidad en el proceso disciplinario a la luz de la Ley 734 de 2002 y la Ley 1952 de 2019 con relación a las funciones concentradas de investigación y sanción en materia disciplinaria, en el entendido que es necesario el conocimiento de la aplicación del principio de imparcialidad dentro del proceso disciplinario, toda vez que lo que podría generar implicaciones en el ordenamiento jurídico colombiano con la posible inobservancia de principios procesales y constitucionales en la práctica procedimental; para ello se abordó una metodología de naturaleza jurídica bajo un paradigma histórico hermenéutico, lo que permitió el desarrollo de ejes temáticos a partir de una descripción generalizada del sistema disciplinario en Colombia y su relación con el Estado Social de Derecho y que a su vez, ha traído consigo factores determinantes, teniendo en cuenta que en la práctica se ven inmersos los derechos del disciplinado bajo la subsunción de una autoridad que ejerce funciones de investigación y sanción dentro de un proceso, lo que contraria eventualmente el principio de imparcialidad propio del debido proceso previsto en el artículo 29 superior así como Tratados y Convenios Internacionales que hacen parte del bloque de constitucionalidad en Colombia, derivado de la evolución hacia una constitucionalización del derecho internacional que ha conllevado a que dichas disposiciones se entienden incorporadas al ordenamiento jurídico al punto que la inobservancia del principio de imparcialidad, a través de la concentración de funciones investigativas y sancionadoras, podría generar una afectación a las garantías judiciales y protección judicial en términos de la Convención Americana de Derechos Humanos.
The main objective of this investigation is the analysis of the guarantee of the principle of impartiality in the disciplinary process in view of the Law 734 of 2002 and the Law 1952 of 2019 in relation to the concentrated functions of investigation and sanction in disciplinary matter, on the understanding that knowledge of the application of the principle of impartiality within the disciplinary process is necessary, whereas this could have implications for the Colombian legal system, with possible failure to observe procedural and constitutional principles in procedural practice; a methodology of a legal nature was addressed under a hermeneutical historical paradigm, which allowed the development of thematic axes based on a general description of the disciplinary system in Colombia and its relationship with the social state of law, which has brought with it determining factors, taking into account that in practice the rights of the disciplined are immersed under the subsuming of an authority exercising investigative and sanctioning functions within a process, possibly contrary to the principle of impartiality proper to due process provided for in the Article 29 above as well as International Treaties and Conventions that are part of the constitutional block in Colombia, as a result of the move towards a constitutional recognition of the international law, which has led to those provisions being considered incorporated into the legal order to the extent that the principle of impartiality has not been observed, through the concentration of investigative and sanctioning functions, could generate an affectation to judicial guarantees and judicial protection in terms of the American Convention of Human Rights.functions within a process, which eventually contravenes the principle of impartiality proper to the expected due process in Article 29 superior as well as International Treaties and Conventions that are part of the constitutionality block in Colombia, derived from the evolution towards a constitutionalization of international law that has led to said provisions being understood to be incorporated into the legal system to the point that the non-observance of the principle of impartiality, through This is due to the concentration of investigative and sanctioning functions, it could generate an impairment to judicial guarantees and judicial protection in terms of the American Convention on Human Rights.
The main objective of this investigation is the analysis of the guarantee of the principle of impartiality in the disciplinary process in view of the Law 734 of 2002 and the Law 1952 of 2019 in relation to the concentrated functions of investigation and sanction in disciplinary matter, on the understanding that knowledge of the application of the principle of impartiality within the disciplinary process is necessary, whereas this could have implications for the Colombian legal system, with possible failure to observe procedural and constitutional principles in procedural practice; a methodology of a legal nature was addressed under a hermeneutical historical paradigm, which allowed the development of thematic axes based on a general description of the disciplinary system in Colombia and its relationship with the social state of law, which has brought with it determining factors, taking into account that in practice the rights of the disciplined are immersed under the subsuming of an authority exercising investigative and sanctioning functions within a process, possibly contrary to the principle of impartiality proper to due process provided for in the Article 29 above as well as International Treaties and Conventions that are part of the constitutional block in Colombia, as a result of the move towards a constitutional recognition of the international law, which has led to those provisions being considered incorporated into the legal order to the extent that the principle of impartiality has not been observed, through the concentration of investigative and sanctioning functions, could generate an affectation to judicial guarantees and judicial protection in terms of the American Convention of Human Rights.functions within a process, which eventually contravenes the principle of impartiality proper to the expected due process in Article 29 superior as well as International Treaties and Conventions that are part of the constitutionality block in Colombia, derived from the evolution towards a constitutionalization of international law that has led to said provisions being understood to be incorporated into the legal system to the point that the non-observance of the principle of impartiality, through This is due to the concentration of investigative and sanctioning functions, it could generate an impairment to judicial guarantees and judicial protection in terms of the American Convention on Human Rights.
Palabras clave
Principio de imparcialidad, Investigación disciplinaria, Sanción disciplinaria, Bloque de constitucionalidad, Derecho disciplinario, Principle of impartiality, Disciplinary law, Disciplinary investigation, Disciplinary sanction, Constitutionality block