Efecto de una estrategia didáctica apoyada en TIC sobre el aprendizaje en la solución de ecuaciones simultáneas
Marchena De la Hoz, Jair Lorenzo
De La Rosa Castrillón, Ulises Segundo
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Tomando como base el ámbito en que se desarrolla la enseñanza de las matemáticas en las instituciones educativas públicas, localizadas en la ciudad de Barranquilla, se centra el interés por el diseño y desarrollo de un proyecto de investigación para determinar el efecto de una estrategia didáctica apoyada en las TIC sobre el aprendizaje en la solución de ecuaciones simultáneas de primer grado en los estudiantes de noveno nivel de básica secundaria, con el fin de fortalecer la enseñanza del álgebra, promovida por la motivación y la comunicación a través del uso de las tecnologías.
En primer lugar, se llevó a cabo un análisis de los conocimientos previos a través de un Pretest que permitió identificar los saberes que poseen los estudiantes del grupo Control y del grupo Experimental. Posteriormente, se diseñó una estrategia apoyada en las TIC para fortalecer estos conocimientos; y, por último, se comparó el nivel de desempeño alcanzado a través de un Postest.
Basado en los resultados, se identificó el nivel de apropiación de los conocimientos alcanzados por los estudiantes del grupo experimental.
Based on the school context in which the teaching of mathematics is developed in public educational institutions, located in the city of Barranquilla, the interest in the design and development of a research project is focused to determine the effect of a supported didactic strategy in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) on learning in the solution of simultaneous equations of first grade, in students of ninth level of high school. In order to strengthen the teaching of algebra, promoted by motivation and communication through the use of technologies. In the first place, an analysis of the previous knowledge was carried out through a Pretest that allowed to identify the knowledge that the students of the Control group and the Experimental group possess. Subsequently, a strategy supported by ICT was designed to strengthen this knowledge; and, finally, the level of performance achieved through a Posttest was compared. According to the results, the level of appropriation of the knowledge reached by the students of the experimental group was identified.
Based on the school context in which the teaching of mathematics is developed in public educational institutions, located in the city of Barranquilla, the interest in the design and development of a research project is focused to determine the effect of a supported didactic strategy in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) on learning in the solution of simultaneous equations of first grade, in students of ninth level of high school. In order to strengthen the teaching of algebra, promoted by motivation and communication through the use of technologies. In the first place, an analysis of the previous knowledge was carried out through a Pretest that allowed to identify the knowledge that the students of the Control group and the Experimental group possess. Subsequently, a strategy supported by ICT was designed to strengthen this knowledge; and, finally, the level of performance achieved through a Posttest was compared. According to the results, the level of appropriation of the knowledge reached by the students of the experimental group was identified.
Palabras clave
Estrategia didáctica, TIC, Aprendizaje, Ecuaciones simultaneas, Álgebra, Didactic strategy, ICT, Learning, Simultaneous equations, Algebra