El uso de las TICs en Educación Superior como una oportunidad para fortalecer los procesos de investigación formativa y la Responsabilidad Social Universitaria: caso Escuela Superior de Administración Pública ESAP
Bolívar Atencia, Linozca
De La Hoz Garcia, Orlando
Gómez Peña, Jesús Rafael
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
El uso de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación TICs en la Educación
Superior cada día cobra más relevancia dada su presencia en la cotidianidad de las
sociedades contemporáneas, en las que su uso común y masivo las convierten en un
canal de uso obligatorio para los académicos y para los procesos formativos. De
acuerdo con (Rojas, 2020) “Con las tecnologías digitales y de comunicación e
información (TIC), que inician su desarrollo desde las últimas décadas del siglo
pasado y con mucho acierto y expansión en lo transcurrido de este siglo, se ha
advenido un cambio muy profundo en las organizaciones, surgiendo un nuevo
modelo, como son las llamadas organizaciones virtuales”.
En esta dirección queremos reflexionar sobre la importancia que la misma tiene sobre
la función misional de la investigación en la Universidad y su compromiso con la
sociedad. ¿Cómo las TICs pueden aportar a mejorar el proceso investigativo? ¿Cómo
fomentar la investigación en nuestros estudiantes a través del uso de TICs? El presente
ensayo reflexivo intenta dar respuesta a estas preguntas, con la idea precisa, de
destacar, la relevancia, promoción e innovación que el uso de TICS y redes sociales
puede representar dentro del quehacer investigativo de las Instituciones de Educación
A su vez, el concepto de Responsabilidad Social Universitaria ha cobrado una
importancia relevante durante el siglo XXI (Beltrán Llevadero y otros, 2014) dada la
discusión entre modelos hegemónicos y no hegemónicos que se expresa en la
dinámica activa y la vinculación con la sociedad que tiene la Universidad. Durante el
siglo XX las discusiones sobre el deber ser de la Universidad se centraban en el
desarrollo y materialización de sus tres funciones misionales: Docencia, Investigación
y Extensión, sin embargo hoy, la extensión universitaria ha sido re-conceptualizada a
través de la Proyección Social y la Responsabilidad Social Universitaria, conceptos
que buscan ampliar y conectar de una manera más profunda la Universidad con la
realidad y los contextos propias de una sociedad inmersa en la globalización y las
tecnologías de la comunicación.
La Escuela Superior de Administración Pública ESAP es una institución de carácter
universitario que tiene como objetivo la formación de los servidores públicos del país
y de todas aquellas personas vinculadas a la dinámica estatal en Colombia. Esto
implica ejercicios de formación académica en el aula, pero también la obligación por
mandato constitucional de llevar los saberes sobre lo público y la administración
pública a todos aquellos sujetos que ejerzan el poder local y regional y que hagan
parte de la estructura del Estado, independientemente de su proceso formativo,
capacidades o filiación. Esto hace que la labor misional de la Extensión o
Responsabilidad Social Universitaria cobre una relevancia importante en el análisis
del que hacer en la ESAP como institución al servicio de la sociedad. Es en este
escenario de Responsabilidad Social Universitaria, globalización y tecnologías, que
la Escuela Superior de Administración Pública ESAP, busca alcanzar su labor
misional y en palabras de Naidorf llevar “el conocimiento pertinente… a partir de las
demandas que se enmarca en las miradas que enfocan su interés en lo regional y lo
local” (Naidorf, 2011: 48 en Beltrán Llevador y otros, 2014: 6).
Para el presente documento se colocará una pequeña lectura de lo que refiere al
concepto de Responsabilidad Social Universitaria para luego entrar a detallar las
acciones que la ESAP realiza en aras de cumplir con su labor misional, para
finalmente generar algunas reflexiones sobre su quehacer y su responsabilidad social.
The use of ICT Information and Communication Technologies in Higher Education is becoming more and more relevant every day given their presence in the daily life of contemporary societies, in which their common and massive use make them a mandatory channel for students to use. academic and for training processes. According to (Rojas, 2020) “With digital and communication and information technologies (ICT), which began their development in the last decades of the last century and with great success and expansion in the past of this century, there has been a very profound change in organizations, emerging a new model, such as the so-called virtual organizations ”. In this direction we want to reflect on the importance that it has on the missionary function of research in the University and its commitment to society. How can ICTs contribute to improve the investigative process? How to promote research in our students through the use of ICTs? This reflective essay tries to answer these questions, with the precise idea of highlighting the relevance, promotion and innovation that the use of ICTs and social networks can represent within the investigative work of Higher Education Institutions. In turn, the concept of University Social Responsibility has gained relevant importance during the 21st century (Beltrán Llevadero et al., 2014) given the discussion between hegemonic and non-hegemonic models that is expressed in the active dynamics and the connection with the society that has the University. During the 20th century, discussions about the duty of the University focused on the development and materialization of its three missionary functions: Teaching, Research and Extension, however today, university extension has been re- conceptualized through Social Projection and University Social Responsibility, concepts that seek to broaden and connect in a deeper way the University with the reality and the contexts of a society immersed in globalization and communication technologies. The ESAP Higher School of Public Administration is a university institution whose objective is to train the country's public servants and all those people linked to state dynamics in Colombia. This implies academic training exercises in the classroom, but also the obligation by constitutional mandate to bring knowledge about the public and public administration to all those subjects who exercise local and regional power and who are part of the State structure, regardless of their training process, abilities or affiliation. This makes the missionary work of the Extension or University Social Responsibility take on an important relevance in the analysis of what to do in ESAP as an institution at the service of society. It is in this Scenario of University Social Responsibility, globalization and technologies, that the Higher School of Public Administration ESAP, seeks to achieve its missionary work and in the words of Naidorf bring "the relevant knowledge ... from the demands that are framed in the views that focus their interest regionally and locally ”(Naidorf, 2011: 48 in Beltrán Llevador and others, 2014: 6). For this document, a short reading of what refers to the concept of University Social Responsibility will be placed in order to then go into detail the actions that ESAP performs in order to fulfill its missionary work, to finally generate some reflections on its work and responsibility Social.
The use of ICT Information and Communication Technologies in Higher Education is becoming more and more relevant every day given their presence in the daily life of contemporary societies, in which their common and massive use make them a mandatory channel for students to use. academic and for training processes. According to (Rojas, 2020) “With digital and communication and information technologies (ICT), which began their development in the last decades of the last century and with great success and expansion in the past of this century, there has been a very profound change in organizations, emerging a new model, such as the so-called virtual organizations ”. In this direction we want to reflect on the importance that it has on the missionary function of research in the University and its commitment to society. How can ICTs contribute to improve the investigative process? How to promote research in our students through the use of ICTs? This reflective essay tries to answer these questions, with the precise idea of highlighting the relevance, promotion and innovation that the use of ICTs and social networks can represent within the investigative work of Higher Education Institutions. In turn, the concept of University Social Responsibility has gained relevant importance during the 21st century (Beltrán Llevadero et al., 2014) given the discussion between hegemonic and non-hegemonic models that is expressed in the active dynamics and the connection with the society that has the University. During the 20th century, discussions about the duty of the University focused on the development and materialization of its three missionary functions: Teaching, Research and Extension, however today, university extension has been re- conceptualized through Social Projection and University Social Responsibility, concepts that seek to broaden and connect in a deeper way the University with the reality and the contexts of a society immersed in globalization and communication technologies. The ESAP Higher School of Public Administration is a university institution whose objective is to train the country's public servants and all those people linked to state dynamics in Colombia. This implies academic training exercises in the classroom, but also the obligation by constitutional mandate to bring knowledge about the public and public administration to all those subjects who exercise local and regional power and who are part of the State structure, regardless of their training process, abilities or affiliation. This makes the missionary work of the Extension or University Social Responsibility take on an important relevance in the analysis of what to do in ESAP as an institution at the service of society. It is in this Scenario of University Social Responsibility, globalization and technologies, that the Higher School of Public Administration ESAP, seeks to achieve its missionary work and in the words of Naidorf bring "the relevant knowledge ... from the demands that are framed in the views that focus their interest regionally and locally ”(Naidorf, 2011: 48 in Beltrán Llevador and others, 2014: 6). For this document, a short reading of what refers to the concept of University Social Responsibility will be placed in order to then go into detail the actions that ESAP performs in order to fulfill its missionary work, to finally generate some reflections on its work and responsibility Social.
Palabras clave
Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación, Responsabilidad Social Universitaria, Investigación formativa, Investigación acción participativa, Information and Communication Technologies, University Social Responsibility, Formative Research, Participatory Action Research