Diagnóstico y caracterización de cáncer mamario en seres humanos: Una revisión
Sandra Vargas, Sandra
Vera, Miguel
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Universidad Central de Venezuela
El cáncer de mama es una enfermedad de tipo clonal ya sea
por mutación adquirida o por mutación de línea germinal que
introduce una transformación significativa en la estructura
anatómica del parénquima mamario o en los elementos que
le sirven de soporte. En diversos países, las alarmantes estadísticas asociadas con la muerte por este tipo de cáncer
justifican el enorme esfuerzo que está haciendo la comunidad internacional para abordar este problema de salud. Mediante el presente trabajo, para construir el estado del arte
actual del cáncer mamario, se realizó una revisión sistemática de diversas fuentes de información que incluyó un total
de ochenta y cinco documentos o unidades de análisis. Los
hallazgos fundamentales muestran que, históricamente, se
ha producido una constante evolución en el desarrollo y perfeccionamiento tanto de la terapéutica como de las técnicas
de detección del cáncer mamario, lo cual ha estado respaldado por la incorporación de los avances tecnológicos en la
rutina clínica y en la cultura de los sujetos aquejados por esta
patología. En ese sentido, el análisis de los mencionados documentos permitió detectar una importante transformación
de los protocolos de diagnóstico y seguimiento de este tipo
de cáncer, una profusa aplicación de las técnicas imagenológicas médicas y un visible posicionamiento de las técnicas
de aprendizaje automático, especialmente de los operadores
de inteligencia artificial, como elementos fundamentales para
el desarrollo de un sinnúmero de estrategias bioingenieriles
las cuales pueden ser muy útiles como apoyo clínico para
los especialistas oncólogos que estudian el cáncer mamario.
Breast cancer is a clonal type of disease either by acquired mutation or by germ line that introduces a significant transformation in the anatomical structure of the breast parenchyma or in the elements that support it. In several countries, the alarming statistics associated with death from this type of cancer justify the enormous effort being made by the international community to address this health problem. To build the current state of the art of breast cancer, through the present work, a systematic review of diverse sources of information was carried out, which included a total of eighty-five documents or analysis units. The fundamental findings show that, historically, there has been a constant evolution in the development and improvement of both the therapeutics and the techniques of breast cancer detection, which has been supported by the incorporation of technological advances in the clinical routine and in the culture of the subjects affected by this pathology. In that sense, the analysis of the mentioned documents allowed detecting an important transformation of the protocols of diagnosis and monitoring of this type of cancer, a profuse application of the medical imaging techniques and a visible positioning of the automatic learning techniques, especially of the artificial intelligence operators, as fundamental elements for the development of an endless number of bioengineering strategies which can be very useful as clinical support for the oncology specialists who study breast cancer.
Breast cancer is a clonal type of disease either by acquired mutation or by germ line that introduces a significant transformation in the anatomical structure of the breast parenchyma or in the elements that support it. In several countries, the alarming statistics associated with death from this type of cancer justify the enormous effort being made by the international community to address this health problem. To build the current state of the art of breast cancer, through the present work, a systematic review of diverse sources of information was carried out, which included a total of eighty-five documents or analysis units. The fundamental findings show that, historically, there has been a constant evolution in the development and improvement of both the therapeutics and the techniques of breast cancer detection, which has been supported by the incorporation of technological advances in the clinical routine and in the culture of the subjects affected by this pathology. In that sense, the analysis of the mentioned documents allowed detecting an important transformation of the protocols of diagnosis and monitoring of this type of cancer, a profuse application of the medical imaging techniques and a visible positioning of the automatic learning techniques, especially of the artificial intelligence operators, as fundamental elements for the development of an endless number of bioengineering strategies which can be very useful as clinical support for the oncology specialists who study breast cancer.
Palabras clave
Cáncer mamario, imagenología médica, Operadores inteligentes, Breast cancer, Medical imaging, Artificial intelligence operators