Reubicación local de las mujeres víctimas vinculadas a la asociación tejedoras de paz, del barrio La Conquista, sobrevivientes de los diferentes hechos victimizantes con ocurrencia del conflicto armado en Colombia
Marcucci Abreo, Marjoly Andrea
Yáñez Tarazona, Luis Jesús
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
En este trabajo se logró identificar el contexto social, económico y familiar de las mujeres vinculadas a la asociación tejedoras de paz, del barrio La conquista, víctimas del conflicto armado
reubicadas localmente en el municipio de san José de Cúcuta. Esta labor se fundamentó en una
metodología cualitativa, con enfoque explicativo basado en el método fenomenológico, el cual se
refiere a una interpretación, aclaración explicativa del sentido del ser, donde la dimensión
fundamental de toda conciencia humana es histórica y sociocultural y se expresa por medio del
lenguaje; dando cumplimiento ante la respuesta de la pregunta problema que se planteó al
momento de proyectar el estudio de la presente investigación; desde el proceso de intervención
social frente a la gran preocupación que existe ante las condiciones en que se encontraban estas
mujeres, quienes en su condición de víctima se enfrentan a estereotipos de desigualdad por su
género y las pocas oportunidades en los procesos de inclusión en las políticas públicas
encaminadas hacia la reconstrucción de la no revictimización de los hechos vulnerados; arrojando
como resultado que las mujeres después de sus procesos de reubicación lograron establecer un
minino adecuado de condiciones de vida dentro de los límites de la pobreza, a partir de la
ocurrencia de la vulneración de sus derechos humanos, intentado superar situaciones personales,
familiares, sociales y económicas presentadas a lo largo de sus procesos de reubicación local ,
incluyéndose socioeconómicamente en el ámbito urbano, desde actividades labores tales como el comercio informal logrando conseguir lo humanamente posible para subsanar sus necesidades
básicas y para su supervivencia humana, a pesar de la precarización de sus entornos.
The objective of this work is to identify the social, economic and family context of women belonging to the Tejedoras de Paz Association, from the neighbourhood of La Conquista, who are victims of the armed conflict and they are actually relocated locally in the city of San José de Cucuta. This work is based on a qualitative methodology, with an explanatory approach based on the phenomenological method, which refers to an interpretation, explanatory clarification of the sense of being, where the fundamental dimension of all human consciousness is historical and sociocultural and is expressed through of language. complying with the answer to the problem question that was raised at the time of projecting the study of this research; from the process of social intervention in the face of the great concern that exists regarding the conditions in which these women found themselves, who as victims face stereotypes of inequality due to their gender and the few opportunities in the processes of inclusion in policies public directed towards the reconstruction of the non-revictimization of the violated acts; throwing as a result that women after their relocation processes managed to establish an adequate minimum of living conditions within the limits of poverty, from the occurrence of the violation of their human rights, trying to overcome personal, family, social situations and economic presented throughout their local relocation processes, including socioeconomically in the urban area, from work activities such as informal commerce, achieving what is humanly possible to meet their basic needs and for their human survival, despite the precariousness of their environments.
The objective of this work is to identify the social, economic and family context of women belonging to the Tejedoras de Paz Association, from the neighbourhood of La Conquista, who are victims of the armed conflict and they are actually relocated locally in the city of San José de Cucuta. This work is based on a qualitative methodology, with an explanatory approach based on the phenomenological method, which refers to an interpretation, explanatory clarification of the sense of being, where the fundamental dimension of all human consciousness is historical and sociocultural and is expressed through of language. complying with the answer to the problem question that was raised at the time of projecting the study of this research; from the process of social intervention in the face of the great concern that exists regarding the conditions in which these women found themselves, who as victims face stereotypes of inequality due to their gender and the few opportunities in the processes of inclusion in policies public directed towards the reconstruction of the non-revictimization of the violated acts; throwing as a result that women after their relocation processes managed to establish an adequate minimum of living conditions within the limits of poverty, from the occurrence of the violation of their human rights, trying to overcome personal, family, social situations and economic presented throughout their local relocation processes, including socioeconomically in the urban area, from work activities such as informal commerce, achieving what is humanly possible to meet their basic needs and for their human survival, despite the precariousness of their environments.
Palabras clave
Víctimas, Hechos victimizantes, Reubicación, Conflicto armado, Ley de víctimas, Victims, Victimizing acts, Relocation, Armed conflict, Victims' law