La vulneración al derecho de desconexión laboral: Impacto en la generación de riesgos psicosociales a los teletrabajadores de la ciudad de Barranquilla en el periodo 2023-2024
Acendra Gutiérrez, Isabella María
Vásquez Bermúdez , Julianna Karolina
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
La irrupción de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación ha transformado radicalmente el mundo laboral, esto, dando lugar a nuevas formas de organización y ejecución del trabajo, una de estas modalidades es el teletrabajo, que ha permitido a los empleados realizar sus actividades a distancia. Sin embargo, uno de los principales problemas asociados al teletrabajo es la vulneración del derecho a la desconexión laboral, que se entiende como, el derecho que tienen los trabajadores y servidores públicos, a no tener contacto, por cualquier medio, sobre su ámbito o actividad laboral, en horarios por fuera de la jornada ordinaria, jornada máxima legal de trabajo, vacaciones o descansos. En este entendido, como consecuencia de la flexibilidad que ofrece el teletrabajo, se puede presentar
una constante conectividad y la presión por responder a correos electrónicos, llamadas y mensajes fuera del horario laboral, con ello, se han generado un fenómeno conocido como síndrome de "burnout" o agotamiento profesional. Esta situación se agrava debido a la falta de límites claros entre la vida personal y laboral, lo que puede llevar a un desequilibrio que afecta tanto la salud física como mental de los trabajadores. A raíz de la pandemia, se ha cambiado drásticamente la forma en que las personas trabajan, con un aumento significativo del teletrabajo. Este cambio ha generado una serie de desafíos relacionados con la desconexión laboral, que pueden tener impactos importantes en la salud física y mental de los trabajadores. La presente monografía busca abordar la problemática enfocada a como la vulneración al desconexion laboral impacta en la generación de riesgos psicosociales en el contexto de la modalidad de teletrabajo. Con esta, se propone analizar como la violación de este derecho contribuye a la aparición de riesgos psicosociales en lo teletrabajadores de la ciudad de barranquilla en el periodo 2023-2024. Para ello, se establecen objetivos orientados a la exposición de marco legal nacional con la ley 2191 de 2022 e internacional con leyes de países pioneros como Francia, España, etc., análisis de la influencia de esta vulneración en la salud mental de los trabajadores y la identificación de factores que agravan los riesgos psicosociales. Para ello, se emplea un enfoque metodológico mixto que combina métodos cuantitativos y cualitativos, centrados en análisis de textos, como leyes y artículos, encuestas diseñadas para medir la frecuencia con la que los teletrabajadores experimentan la vulneración de su derecho a desconectarse del trabajo fuera del horario laboral para evaluar la prevalencia de riesgos psicosociales y entrevistas para obtener una exploración más profunda de las percepciones de expertos en derecho laboral, riesgos psicosociales y psicólogos, enfocándose en comprender cómo la vulneración del derecho de desconexión
afecta a los teletrabajadores desde un ámbito legal y psicológico. Los resultados permitirán visibilizar la importancia de la regulación del derecho de desconexión, así como las consecuencias que su vulneración puede tener en la salud y bienestar de los trabajadores en un entorno laboral digitalizado y la necesidad de vigilancia, protección y prevención de este derecho para evitar incidencia en riesgos psicosociales.
The emergence of information and communication technologies has radically transformed the labor market, giving rise to new forms of organization and execution of work. One of these modalities is telecommuting, which has allowed employees to perform their tasks remotely. However, one of the main problems associated with telecommuting is the violation of the right to disconnect, understood as the right of workers and public servants not to be contacted, by any means, regarding their work activities outside of regular working hours, legal maximum working hours, vacations, or breaks. In this context, the flexibility offered by telecommuting can lead to constant connectivity and pressure to respond to emails, calls, and messages outside of working hours, resulting in a phenomenon known as "burnout" syndrome. This situation is exacerbated by the lack of clear boundaries between personal and work life, which can lead to an imbalance that affects both the physical and mental health of workers. In the wake of the pandemic, the way people work has changed dramatically, with a significant increase in telecommuting. This shift has generated a series of challenges related to the right to disconnect, which can have significant impacts on the physical and mental health of workers. This monograph aims to address the issue of how the violation of the right to disconnect impacts the generation of psychosocial risks in the context of telecommuting. It proposes to analyze how the violation of this right contributes to the emergence of psychosocial risks among teleworkers in the city of Barranquilla during the period of 2023-2024. To this end, objectives are established to present the national legal framework with Law 2191 of 2022 and international laws from pioneering countries like France and Spain, analyze the influence of this violation on workers' mental health, and identify factors that exacerbate psychosocial risks. A mixed methodological approach is employed, combining quantitative and qualitative methods focused on text analysis, such as laws and articles, surveys designed to measure the frequency with which teleworkers experience the violation of their right to disconnect outside of working hours to assess the prevalence of psychosocial risks, and interviews to gain deeper insights into the perceptions of experts in labor law, psychosocial risks, and psychologists, focusing on understanding how the violation of the right to disconnect affects teleworkers from both a legal and psychological perspective. The results will highlight the importance of regulating the right to disconnect, as well as the consequences that its violation can have on the health and well-being of workers in a digitized work environment, and the need for oversight, protection, and prevention of this right to avoid incidences of psychosocial risks.
The emergence of information and communication technologies has radically transformed the labor market, giving rise to new forms of organization and execution of work. One of these modalities is telecommuting, which has allowed employees to perform their tasks remotely. However, one of the main problems associated with telecommuting is the violation of the right to disconnect, understood as the right of workers and public servants not to be contacted, by any means, regarding their work activities outside of regular working hours, legal maximum working hours, vacations, or breaks. In this context, the flexibility offered by telecommuting can lead to constant connectivity and pressure to respond to emails, calls, and messages outside of working hours, resulting in a phenomenon known as "burnout" syndrome. This situation is exacerbated by the lack of clear boundaries between personal and work life, which can lead to an imbalance that affects both the physical and mental health of workers. In the wake of the pandemic, the way people work has changed dramatically, with a significant increase in telecommuting. This shift has generated a series of challenges related to the right to disconnect, which can have significant impacts on the physical and mental health of workers. This monograph aims to address the issue of how the violation of the right to disconnect impacts the generation of psychosocial risks in the context of telecommuting. It proposes to analyze how the violation of this right contributes to the emergence of psychosocial risks among teleworkers in the city of Barranquilla during the period of 2023-2024. To this end, objectives are established to present the national legal framework with Law 2191 of 2022 and international laws from pioneering countries like France and Spain, analyze the influence of this violation on workers' mental health, and identify factors that exacerbate psychosocial risks. A mixed methodological approach is employed, combining quantitative and qualitative methods focused on text analysis, such as laws and articles, surveys designed to measure the frequency with which teleworkers experience the violation of their right to disconnect outside of working hours to assess the prevalence of psychosocial risks, and interviews to gain deeper insights into the perceptions of experts in labor law, psychosocial risks, and psychologists, focusing on understanding how the violation of the right to disconnect affects teleworkers from both a legal and psychological perspective. The results will highlight the importance of regulating the right to disconnect, as well as the consequences that its violation can have on the health and well-being of workers in a digitized work environment, and the need for oversight, protection, and prevention of this right to avoid incidences of psychosocial risks.
Palabras clave
Derecho a la desconexion, Teletrabajo, Salud psicosocial, Riesgo psicosocial, Síndrome Burnout