Síndrome de burnout, calidad de sueño y síntomas osteomusculares de trabajadores de la región Caribe Colombiana
Antequera Jiménez, Oswall Roberto
Gallardo Natera, Laura Cristina
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Objetivo: Determinar las características de Burnout, los niveles del sueño y los síntomas osteomusculares en los trabajadores de la Región Caribe Colombiana. Materiales y Métodos: Se realizo una investigación de tipo descriptivo transversal con enfoque cuantitativo, La recolección de datos se realizó a través de la aplicación de encuestas entre los trabajadores de una clínica privada del sector salud en el municipio de Baranoa, Atlántico. Utilizando como instrumentos principales el cuestionario Maslach Burnout Inventory, el cual está constituido por 22 ítems en forma de afirmaciones, sobre los sentimientos y actitudes del profesional en su trabajo. Como objetivo tienen el medir el desgaste profesional (frecuencia e intensidad con la que se sufre el Burnout). El cual mide los 3 aspectos del síndrome de Burnout: 1. Subescala de agotamiento o cansancio emocional, Subescala de despersonalización y Subescala de realización personal. Encuesta de Índice de Calidad del Sueño de Pittsburgh, el cual consta de 19 preguntas autoevaluadas y cinco preguntas secundarias para ser respondidas. Las puntuaciones de las 19 preguntas autoevaluadas se suman de forma no lineal para obtener siete componentes que incluyen calidad subjetiva del sueño, latencia del sueño, duración del sueño, eficiencia habitual del sueño, alteraciones del sueño, uso de medicamentos para dormir y disfunción diurna y el Cuestionario nórdico de Kuorinka el cual consiste en identificar los síntomas musculoesqueléticos presentes en la población objeto de estudio, en el que se interroga al trabajador sobre la presencia de molestia o de dolor osteomuscular en alguna parte del cuerpo durante los últimos 12 meses y últimos 7 días. El cuestionario fue aprobado para uso y traducción por la agencia publicadora Oxford Press University. Resultados: Se evidenció que el 66,2 % de la población es de sexo femenino, mientras que el 33,8 % de la población encuestada es de sexo masculino, de los cuales el 23,9 % tienen edades que oscilan entre 25 a 30 años. El 7% de los encuestados se siente emocionalmente agotado, el 22,5% se siente activo pocas veces a la semana, así mismo el 14,1 % de los encuestados se siente quemado en su trabajo una vez a la semana y el 2,8% todos los días. Así mismo el 76 % piensa que tiene una calidad del sueño mala de los cuales el 23% lo considera como un problema leve, así mismo 9,9% considera que durante el último mes tuvieron una calidad de sueño bastante mala, de los cuales 39 personas pertenecen al cargo operativo. Por último, se evidencian que el 43,7% presento síntomas osteomusculares en cuello en los últimos 7 días, así mismo un 8,40% presento en los últimos 12 meses y 7 días síntomas en muñeca, el 12,70% de los trabajadores presento molestias en región lumbar en los últimos 12 meses y 7 días. Conclusión: Dados los resultados encontrados en este trabajo se puede concluir que un porcentaje significativo de trabajares presentan síntomas asociado a síndrome de burnout y trastornos osteomusculares predominando estos en el sector operativo, así mismo gran parte de la población estudiaba presenta mala calidad del sueño. en este sentido se sugiere crear estrategias desde el área de seguridad y salud en el trabajo que permitan una identificación de dichos trabajadores, fortalecer los sistemas de vigilancia epidemiológicos y/o crearlos según la prioridad del caso y de este modo evitar la progresión de síntomas, hasta aparición de enfermedad laboral.
Objective: Determine the characteristics of Burnout, sleep levels and musculoskeletal symptoms in workers in the Colombian Caribbean Region. Materials and Methods: Cross-sectional descriptive research was carried out with a quantitative approach. Data collection was carried out through the application of surveys among the workers of a private clinic in the health sector in the municipality of Baranoa, Atlántico. Using the Maslach Burnout Inventory questionnaire as main instruments, which is made up of 22 items in the form of statements, about the professional's feelings and attitudes in their work. Their objective is to measure professional burnout (frequency and intensity with which Burnout is suffered). Which measures the 3 aspects of Burnout syndrome: 1. Exhaustion or emotional exhaustion subscale, Depersonalization subscale and Personal accomplishment subscale. Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index Survey, which consists of 19 self-assessed questions and five secondary questions to be answered. Scores from the 19 selfrated questions are summed nonlinearly to obtain seven components including subjective sleep quality, sleep latency, sleep duration, habitual sleep efficiency, sleep disturbances, sleep medication use, and daytime dysfunction. the Kuorinka Nordic Questionnaire which consists of identifying the musculoskeletal symptoms present in the population under study, in which the worker is asked about the presence of musculoskeletal discomfort or pain in some part of the body during the last 12 months and last 7 days. The questionnaire was approved for use and translation by the publishing agency Oxford Press University. Results: It was evident that 66.2% of the population is female, while 33.8% of the surveyed population is male, of which 23.9% have ages ranging from 25 to 30. years. 7% of those surveyed feel emotionally exhausted, 22.5% feel active a few times a week, likewise 14.1% of those surveyed feel burned out at work once a week and 2. 8% every day. Likewise, 76% think that they have a poor quality of sleep, of which 23% consider it a slight problem, likewise 9.9% consider that during the last month they had a fairly bad quality of sleep, of which 39 people belong to the operational position. Finally, it is evident that 43.7% presented musculoskeletal symptoms in the neck in the last 7 days, likewise 8.40% presented symptoms in the wrist in the last 12 months and 7 days, 12.70% of the workers I have had discomfort in the lumbar region in the last 12 months and 7 days. Conclusion: Given the results found in this work, it can be concluded that a significant percentage of workers present symptoms associated with burnout syndrome and musculoskeletal disorders, these predominating in the operational sector; likewise, a large part of the population studied presents poor quality of sleep. In this sense, it is suggested to create strategies from the area of safety and health at work that allow the identification of said workers, strengthen the epidemiological surveillance systems and/or create them according to the priority of the case and thus prevent the progression of symptoms. until the appearance of an occupational disease.
Objective: Determine the characteristics of Burnout, sleep levels and musculoskeletal symptoms in workers in the Colombian Caribbean Region. Materials and Methods: Cross-sectional descriptive research was carried out with a quantitative approach. Data collection was carried out through the application of surveys among the workers of a private clinic in the health sector in the municipality of Baranoa, Atlántico. Using the Maslach Burnout Inventory questionnaire as main instruments, which is made up of 22 items in the form of statements, about the professional's feelings and attitudes in their work. Their objective is to measure professional burnout (frequency and intensity with which Burnout is suffered). Which measures the 3 aspects of Burnout syndrome: 1. Exhaustion or emotional exhaustion subscale, Depersonalization subscale and Personal accomplishment subscale. Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index Survey, which consists of 19 self-assessed questions and five secondary questions to be answered. Scores from the 19 selfrated questions are summed nonlinearly to obtain seven components including subjective sleep quality, sleep latency, sleep duration, habitual sleep efficiency, sleep disturbances, sleep medication use, and daytime dysfunction. the Kuorinka Nordic Questionnaire which consists of identifying the musculoskeletal symptoms present in the population under study, in which the worker is asked about the presence of musculoskeletal discomfort or pain in some part of the body during the last 12 months and last 7 days. The questionnaire was approved for use and translation by the publishing agency Oxford Press University. Results: It was evident that 66.2% of the population is female, while 33.8% of the surveyed population is male, of which 23.9% have ages ranging from 25 to 30. years. 7% of those surveyed feel emotionally exhausted, 22.5% feel active a few times a week, likewise 14.1% of those surveyed feel burned out at work once a week and 2. 8% every day. Likewise, 76% think that they have a poor quality of sleep, of which 23% consider it a slight problem, likewise 9.9% consider that during the last month they had a fairly bad quality of sleep, of which 39 people belong to the operational position. Finally, it is evident that 43.7% presented musculoskeletal symptoms in the neck in the last 7 days, likewise 8.40% presented symptoms in the wrist in the last 12 months and 7 days, 12.70% of the workers I have had discomfort in the lumbar region in the last 12 months and 7 days. Conclusion: Given the results found in this work, it can be concluded that a significant percentage of workers present symptoms associated with burnout syndrome and musculoskeletal disorders, these predominating in the operational sector; likewise, a large part of the population studied presents poor quality of sleep. In this sense, it is suggested to create strategies from the area of safety and health at work that allow the identification of said workers, strengthen the epidemiological surveillance systems and/or create them according to the priority of the case and thus prevent the progression of symptoms. until the appearance of an occupational disease.
Palabras clave
Trastornos de sueño, Estrés laboral, Salud laboral, Trabajadores