Justicia transicional, una mirada al alcance y efectividad de su aplicación en el contexto latinoamericano
Gutiérrez Peñaranda, Edwin
Moreno Vargas, Estefanía
Anaya Lagos, Michel Paola
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
A través del presente artículo, se pretende conocer las experiencias vividas en algunos países latinoamericanos como Argentina, El Salvador y Chile en su orden, sobre los llamados procesos de Justicia Transicional realizados en cada nación específica, surgieron de la necesidad de solucionar los graves problemas sociales y políticos presentes en un determinado período de la historia y que fueron consecuencia de acciones violentas por parte del Estado; los procesos de Justicia Transicional incorporados en los países latinoamericanos en la segunda mitad del siglo xx, fueron creados con el objetivo de cesar la violencia y hacer tránsito a un periodo de paz en donde se pudiera empezar a esclarecer lo ocurrido y se pudiera judicializar a los autores de crímenes contra la humanidad. De esta forma, la Justicia Transicional surge como una herramienta muy valiosa, ya que por medio de sus componentes y de la debida aplicación de estos, es posible dar una respuesta a las víctimas sobre el paradero de sus familiares desaparecidos o sobre las razones que motivaron todos esos períodos de violencia y que derivaron en homicidios selectivos, masacres, desapariciones forzadas, torturas y demás. Igualmente, la Justicia Transicional surge como una solución inmediata que permite, después de un acuerdo entre víctimas y victimarios, pasar de un período de fuerte violencia, a uno de paz y reconciliación. Resulta determinante conocer el alcance y efectividad de estos procesos para tener una mayor claridad en la aplicación del Sistema Integral de Verdad, Justica, Reparación y No Repetición que ha iniciado en Colombia a raíz del acuerdo final firmado entre este y las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia F.A.R.C. E.P. denominado Acuerdo Final e integrado en el ordenamiento jurídico colombiano a través de Acto Legislativo 01 de 2017 y declarado exequible en control de constitucionalidad por la sentencia C-674 de 2017 por la Corte Constitucional Colombiana.
Con una metodología cualitativa y basado diseño de investigación hermenéutico, se analizaron un gran número de documentos que permite conocer realmente el alcance y efectividad de los procesos de Justicia Transicional y de los componentes que la integran , a saber, Comisiones de la Verdad, Búsqueda de Desaparecidos y Tribunales de Juzgamiento, con el fin de hallar y juzgar a los responsables de crímenes atroces, esclarecer los hechos que motivaron estos actos de violencia, mostrarle al mundo los crímenes cometidos y reparar a las víctimas y sus familiares; esto último orientado necesariamente a satisfacer los derechos de las víctimas, quienes se presentan como eje central y la razón de ser de todo proceso de procesos de Justicia Transicional.
Through this article, it is intended to know the experiences lived in Latin American countries such as Argentina, El Salvador and Chile in their order, on the processes of justice. and rights in the same period of history; The processes of justice. Changes in Latin American countries in the second half of the twentieth century. Authors of crimes against humanity. In this way, the Transitional Justice emerges as a very valuable tool, since the means of its components and the proper application of these, it is possible to give an answer to the victims about the whereabouts of their missing relatives or about the reasons that motivated them. the periods of violence and referral in selective homicides, massacres, forced disappearances, torture and others. Likewise, Transitional Justice emerges as an immediate solution that allows, after an agreement between victims and victims, a period of strong violence, one of peace and reconciliation. It is crucial to know the scope and effectiveness of these processes to have greater clarity in the application of the Integral System of Truth, Justice, Reparation and Non-Repetition that has begun in Colombia as a result of the final agreement signed between it and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia FARC E.P. called Final Agreement and integrated into the Colombian legal system through Legislative Act 01 of 2017 and declared enforceable in constitutionality control by the judgment C-674 of 2017 by the Colombian Constitutional Court. With a qualitative methodology and based on hermeneutical research design, a large number of documents were analyzed that allow us to really know the scope and effectiveness of the Transitional Justice processes and the components that comprise it, namely, Commissions of Truth, Search for Disappeared and Trial Courts, in order to find and prosecute those responsible for atrocious crimes, to clarify the facts that led to these acts of violence, to show the world the crimes committed and to make reparation to the victims and their families; the latter necessarily oriented to satisfy the rights of the victims, who present themselves as the central axis and the raison d'être of all processes of Transitional Justice processes.
Through this article, it is intended to know the experiences lived in Latin American countries such as Argentina, El Salvador and Chile in their order, on the processes of justice. and rights in the same period of history; The processes of justice. Changes in Latin American countries in the second half of the twentieth century. Authors of crimes against humanity. In this way, the Transitional Justice emerges as a very valuable tool, since the means of its components and the proper application of these, it is possible to give an answer to the victims about the whereabouts of their missing relatives or about the reasons that motivated them. the periods of violence and referral in selective homicides, massacres, forced disappearances, torture and others. Likewise, Transitional Justice emerges as an immediate solution that allows, after an agreement between victims and victims, a period of strong violence, one of peace and reconciliation. It is crucial to know the scope and effectiveness of these processes to have greater clarity in the application of the Integral System of Truth, Justice, Reparation and Non-Repetition that has begun in Colombia as a result of the final agreement signed between it and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia FARC E.P. called Final Agreement and integrated into the Colombian legal system through Legislative Act 01 of 2017 and declared enforceable in constitutionality control by the judgment C-674 of 2017 by the Colombian Constitutional Court. With a qualitative methodology and based on hermeneutical research design, a large number of documents were analyzed that allow us to really know the scope and effectiveness of the Transitional Justice processes and the components that comprise it, namely, Commissions of Truth, Search for Disappeared and Trial Courts, in order to find and prosecute those responsible for atrocious crimes, to clarify the facts that led to these acts of violence, to show the world the crimes committed and to make reparation to the victims and their families; the latter necessarily oriented to satisfy the rights of the victims, who present themselves as the central axis and the raison d'être of all processes of Transitional Justice processes.
Palabras clave
Justicia transicional, Búsqueda de Desaparecidos, Comisiones de la Verdad, Tribunales de Juzgamiento