Factores asociados a las prácticas de la lactancia materna en una población de niños sanos nacidos en el Hospital Niño Jesús periodo 2017-2018
Bustamante Velasquez, Milena Esther
Segura Ramos, Soraya
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
La desnutrición en Colombia en menores de cinco años se registra en un 7%. En población desplazada y de estrato uno la prevalencia de desnutrición crónica está entre 10,7 y 12%. En la costa Atlántica, 70 de cada 100 niños tienen inicio temprano de la lactancia materna, es decir alrededor de 2 puntos porcentuales inferior a Colombia (72,0%). En el departamento del Atlántico el resultado para este indicador es de 64,2%, sin embargo, para Barranquilla y su área metropolitana baja hasta 63,7, así mismo, 20 de cada 100 niños menores de 6 meses reciben lactancia materna exclusiva, alrededor de 15,6 puntos porcentuales más bajo que el país (36,1%). El presente estudio tiene como objetivo general “Determinar los factores asociados a la práctica de la lactancia materna en niños sanos nacidos en el Hospital Niño Jesús de Barranquilla entre el 2017-2- 2018-1”.
Se trató de una investigación descriptiva de corte transversal, correlacional, así mismo, el método fue cuantitativo donde se realizó la asociación entre las variables independientes y dependientes para comprobar las hipótesis planteadas. Se evidencio que : El tiempo trascurrido entre el nacimiento y la primera mamada influye en el tiempo de lactancia materna (p=0,0001), la orientación antes y durante el embarazo y el tiempo de lactancia materna exclusiva, con un (p=0,012), pues este grupo represento el mayor cumplimiento de la LME, así mismo, se determinó que: La edad de la madre influye en el tiempo de lactancia de lactancia materna exclusiva que reciben los recién nacidos sanos del hospital niño Jesús con (p=0,050), siendo las madres jóvenes las que menos cumplen con el periodo de lactancia materna y las madres maduras y añosas la que más cumplen con esta práctica.
Se concluye que es necesario implementar un programa de capacitaciones y charlas orientadas al personal de la salud y a las madres gestantes y lactantes del Hospital Niño Jesús.
Undernutrition in Colombia in children under five years of age is registered at 7%. In the displaced population and stratum one, the prevalence of chronic malnutrition is between 10.7% and 12%. In the Atlantic coast, 70 out of every 100 children have an early start of breastfeeding, that is about 2 percentage points lower than Colombia (72.0%). In the department of the Atlantic, the result for this indicator is 64.2%, however, for Barranquilla and its metropolitan area it drops to 63.7, likewise, 20 out of every 100 children under 6 months. of 15.6 percentage points lower than the country (36.1%) . The present study has as a general objective "To determine the factors associated with the practice of breastfeeding in healthy children born in the Hospital Niño Jesús de Barranquilla between 2017-2- 2018-1". A descriptive, cross-sectional, correlational investigation was carried out, likewise, the quantitative method where the association between the independent and dependent variables for the hypotheses was made. The statistical association was included between: A greater training and a greater number of infants, a longer time of exclusive breastfeeding, with a (p = 0.012), this group represents the highest compliance of the LME, likewise, it was determined that: The mother's age influences the time of breastfeeding exclusive breastfeeding that receives healthy newborns from the hospital child with (p = 0.050), being the young mothers the one that fulfills the breastfeeding period and the mature and elderly mothers the more comply with this practice. It is concluded that it is necessary to implement a skills and talks program aimed at health personnel and pregnant and lactating mothers of the Niño Jesús Hospital. Key words: exclusive breastfeeding, infant, newborn, breast milk.
Undernutrition in Colombia in children under five years of age is registered at 7%. In the displaced population and stratum one, the prevalence of chronic malnutrition is between 10.7% and 12%. In the Atlantic coast, 70 out of every 100 children have an early start of breastfeeding, that is about 2 percentage points lower than Colombia (72.0%). In the department of the Atlantic, the result for this indicator is 64.2%, however, for Barranquilla and its metropolitan area it drops to 63.7, likewise, 20 out of every 100 children under 6 months. of 15.6 percentage points lower than the country (36.1%) . The present study has as a general objective "To determine the factors associated with the practice of breastfeeding in healthy children born in the Hospital Niño Jesús de Barranquilla between 2017-2- 2018-1". A descriptive, cross-sectional, correlational investigation was carried out, likewise, the quantitative method where the association between the independent and dependent variables for the hypotheses was made. The statistical association was included between: A greater training and a greater number of infants, a longer time of exclusive breastfeeding, with a (p = 0.012), this group represents the highest compliance of the LME, likewise, it was determined that: The mother's age influences the time of breastfeeding exclusive breastfeeding that receives healthy newborns from the hospital child with (p = 0.050), being the young mothers the one that fulfills the breastfeeding period and the mature and elderly mothers the more comply with this practice. It is concluded that it is necessary to implement a skills and talks program aimed at health personnel and pregnant and lactating mothers of the Niño Jesús Hospital. Key words: exclusive breastfeeding, infant, newborn, breast milk.
Palabras clave
Lactancia materna exclusiva, Lactante, Neonato, Leche materna, Exclusive breastfeeding, Infant, Neonate, Breast milk