Cambios en las dinámicas sociales y relaciones intrafamiliares que trajo consigo las medidas de salud pública en el confinamiento por Covid-19
Hernández Ulacia, Yendry Paola
Serrano Ovallo, Dayana Michell
Hernández Benítez, María Alejandra
Penagos Requena, Luis Ángel
Arrieta Berruezo, Angie Paola
Salcedo Rodelo, Paola
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
En los antecedentes de estudios relacionados con el proyecto de investigación, se destaca: Vivencias familiares durante el confinamiento por COVID 19, en Colombia, el articulo estudia medir los comportamientos ideas sobre la cuarentena, actividad laboral, estrategias de afrontamiento familiar de la situación, estrés de los padres, con el propósito de indagar algunas vivencias durante el aislamiento preventivo. Otro informe sobre las dinámicas sociales y relaciones intrafamiliares es: Aislados del mundo, pero “en familia”. El confinamiento y las relaciones humanas dentro del hogar durante la pandemia, relata como el aislamiento social producto de la emergencia sanitaria que ha ocasionado la pandemia del COVID-19, obligó a la población al resguardo en casa y al distanciamiento social y miles de familias se separaron de cualquier persona que no habitara su hogar y se quedaron juntas y juntos en casa, quizá, mucho más tiempo del que solían estar acostumbrados y acostumbradas. Objetivo: Describir los cambios en las dinámicas sociales y relaciones intrafamiliares trajo consigo las medidas de salud pública en el confinamiento por covid-19 en familias de los sectores alameda del río, ciudadela y 7 de abril.
In the background of studies related to the research project, it stands out: Family experiences during confinement by COVID 19, in Colombia, the article studies measuring behaviors, ideas about quarantine, work activity, family coping strategies of the situation, stress of the parents, with the purpose of investigating some experiences during the preventive isolation. Another report on social dynamics and intra-family relationships is: Isolated from the world, but “in the family”. Confinement and human relationships within the home during the pandemic, recounts how social isolation as a result of the health emergency caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, forced the population to shelter at home and social distancing and thousands of families separated from any person who did not inhabit their home and stayed together and together at home, perhaps, much longer than they used to be used to and accustomed to. Objective: Describing the changes in social dynamics and intra-family relationships brought about by public health measures in confinement due to covid-19 in families in the Alameda del Río, Ciudadela and 7 de Abril sectors.
In the background of studies related to the research project, it stands out: Family experiences during confinement by COVID 19, in Colombia, the article studies measuring behaviors, ideas about quarantine, work activity, family coping strategies of the situation, stress of the parents, with the purpose of investigating some experiences during the preventive isolation. Another report on social dynamics and intra-family relationships is: Isolated from the world, but “in the family”. Confinement and human relationships within the home during the pandemic, recounts how social isolation as a result of the health emergency caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, forced the population to shelter at home and social distancing and thousands of families separated from any person who did not inhabit their home and stayed together and together at home, perhaps, much longer than they used to be used to and accustomed to. Objective: Describing the changes in social dynamics and intra-family relationships brought about by public health measures in confinement due to covid-19 in families in the Alameda del Río, Ciudadela and 7 de Abril sectors.
Palabras clave
Confinamiento, Familia, Violencia intrafamiliar, Dinámicas sociales, Salud pública, Salud mental, Pandemia, Confinement, Family, Domestic violence, Social dynamics, Public health, Mental health, Pandemic