Caracterización sociodemográfica de mujeres víctimas del conflicto armado que asisten a una fundación sin ánimo de lucro en el municipio de San Juan de Nepomuceno, Bolívar-Colombia
Martínez Merlo, Jorge Andrés
Suarez-Villa, Mariela
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Sociedad Venezolana de Farmacología Clínica y Terapéutica
Objetivo: Este estudio tuvo como objetivo caracterizar los
datos sociodemográficos de las mujeres víctimas del conflicto
armado que asisten a una fundación sin ánimo de lucro en
el municipio de San Juan de Nepomuceno, Bolívar-Colombia.
Materiales y métodos: Estudio descriptivo - transversal con
enfoque cuantitativo en una población conformada por 800
mujeres víctimas del conflicto armado en el municipio de
San Juan de Nepomuceno, Bolívar; perteneciente a la subregión
de los Montes de María. Se empleó un cuestionario
diseñado por los investigadores y avalado por expertos de
contenido. Los datos fueron analizados en el programa estadístico
Spss v23.
Resultados: La edad promedio de las mujeres objeto de estudio
fue de 40,88 años (DE ± 10,61 años), con un mínimo
de edad de 19 años y un máximo de 77 años. Respecto a la
etnia de la población el 84,2% no pertenecía a ninguna. De
acuerdo al estado civil, el 66,9% manifestó estar en unión
libre. El 30,8% de las mujeres expresaron tener una primaria
incompleta como el mayor nivel de escolaridad, además el
95% de la población expresó tener hijos; de las cuales el
31,2% tenían un promedio de dos. En cuanto al tipo de hecho
violento del cual fue víctima, el de mayor predominio fue
desplazamiento (91,1%)
Conclusiones: La violencia en Colombia, y actos violentos
como el desplazamiento forzado, son hechos impactantes
que repercuten a nivel social y a la salud de las mujeres víctimas
del conflicto armado. Además, vulneran los derechos de
las mismas, tales como a la educación; debido a los diferentes
roles que deben asumir para afrontar la situación.
Objective: This study aimed to characterize the sociodemographic data of women victims of the armed conflict who attend a non-profit foundation in the municipality of San Juan de Nepomuceno, Bolívar-Colombia. Materials and methods: Descriptive-transversal study with a quantitative approach in a population formed by 800 women victims of the armed conflict in the municipality of San Juan de Nepomuceno, Bolívar; belonging to the sub-region of the Montes de Maria. A questionnaire designed by the researcher and endorsed by content experts was used. The data were analyzed in the statistical program Spss v23. Results: The average age of the women under study was 40.88 years (SD ± 10.61 years), a range of 58 years, with a minimum age of 19 years and a maximum of 77 years. Regarding the ethnic group of the population, 84.2% did not belong to any. According to the civil status, 66.9% said they were in a free union. 30.8% of the women expressed having an incomplete primary as the highest level of schooling, in addition 95% of the population expressed having children; of which 31.2% had an average of two. As for the type of violent act of which he was a victim, the one with the highest prevalence was displacement (91.1%) Conclusions: Violence in Colombia, and violent acts such as forced displacement, are shocking events that impact socially and the health of women victims of the armed conflict. In addition, they violate their rights, such as education; due to the different roles they must assume to face the situation.
Objective: This study aimed to characterize the sociodemographic data of women victims of the armed conflict who attend a non-profit foundation in the municipality of San Juan de Nepomuceno, Bolívar-Colombia. Materials and methods: Descriptive-transversal study with a quantitative approach in a population formed by 800 women victims of the armed conflict in the municipality of San Juan de Nepomuceno, Bolívar; belonging to the sub-region of the Montes de Maria. A questionnaire designed by the researcher and endorsed by content experts was used. The data were analyzed in the statistical program Spss v23. Results: The average age of the women under study was 40.88 years (SD ± 10.61 years), a range of 58 years, with a minimum age of 19 years and a maximum of 77 years. Regarding the ethnic group of the population, 84.2% did not belong to any. According to the civil status, 66.9% said they were in a free union. 30.8% of the women expressed having an incomplete primary as the highest level of schooling, in addition 95% of the population expressed having children; of which 31.2% had an average of two. As for the type of violent act of which he was a victim, the one with the highest prevalence was displacement (91.1%) Conclusions: Violence in Colombia, and violent acts such as forced displacement, are shocking events that impact socially and the health of women victims of the armed conflict. In addition, they violate their rights, such as education; due to the different roles they must assume to face the situation.
Palabras clave
Mujeres, Conflictos armados, Colombia, Women, Armed conflicts