Estrategias didácticas para una innovación de las prácticas docentes en lengua castellana, en la institución Educativa Departamental Técnica Simón Bolívar del Municipio de Tenerife, en el Departamento del Magdalena
Sanchez Salinas, Caterine Paola
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Este proyecto presenta una propuesta de estrategias didácticas para una innovación en la práctica docente en Lengua Castellana, la cual es producto de una caracterización del quehacer docente, en donde se identificó cómo son las practicas docentes en lengua castellana y cuáles son las estrategias didácticas utilizadas en las clases de esta asignatura, en el contexto de la Institución Educativa Departamental Técnica Simón Bolívar. Para lograr los propósitos establecidos en este proyecto se utilizó una metodología de tipo mixta, que en este caso es cuali-cuantitativa con un diseño de triangulación concurrente; se trabajó con una población de 12 docentes, los cuales tenían como punto en común dar clases de lengua castellana; los instrumentos aplicados fueron: matriz de análisis, para identificar lo plasmado en algunos documentos de referencia usados en la Institución Educativa; escala Likert, con la que se revisó la percepción que los docentes tienen sobre su propia práctica; y lista de chequeo, a partir de una observación no participante a diez docentes en el desarrollo de sus clases, con el fin de continuar registrando datos que permitieron tener una información completa y veraz para los fines de la investigación. Al finalizar, los resultados permitieron conocer que en la práctica docente y en el uso de estrategias didácticas hay elementos que no se están teniendo en cuenta, los cuáles se requieren para la ejecución de un acto educativo acorde con las necesidades que se presentan en el aula y coherente con las establecidas en el modelo pedagógico de la institución.
This project presents a proposal of didactic strategies for an innovation in the teaching practice in Spanish Language, which is the product of a characteristic of the teaching task, where it was identified how are the teaching practices in Spanish language and how are the teaching strategies in the classes of this subject, in the context of Institution Educative departmental Technical Simón Bolívar. To achieve the purposes proposed in this project, a mixed type methodology was used, which in this case is qualitative-quantitative with a concurrent triangulation design, we worked with a population of 12 teachers, who had as a common point to give Spanish language classes; the instruments applied were: matrix of analysis, to identify what is reflected in some reference documents used in the Educational Institution; Likert scale, with which the perception that teachers have about their own practice was reviewed; and checklist, from a non-participant observation to ten teachers in the development of their classes, in order to continue recording data that allowed to have complete and truthful information for research purposes. At the end, the results allowed to know that in the teaching practice and in the use of didactic strategies there are elements that are not being taken into account, which are required for the execution of an educational act according to the needs that are presented in the classroom and consistent with those established in the pedagogical model of the institution.
This project presents a proposal of didactic strategies for an innovation in the teaching practice in Spanish Language, which is the product of a characteristic of the teaching task, where it was identified how are the teaching practices in Spanish language and how are the teaching strategies in the classes of this subject, in the context of Institution Educative departmental Technical Simón Bolívar. To achieve the purposes proposed in this project, a mixed type methodology was used, which in this case is qualitative-quantitative with a concurrent triangulation design, we worked with a population of 12 teachers, who had as a common point to give Spanish language classes; the instruments applied were: matrix of analysis, to identify what is reflected in some reference documents used in the Educational Institution; Likert scale, with which the perception that teachers have about their own practice was reviewed; and checklist, from a non-participant observation to ten teachers in the development of their classes, in order to continue recording data that allowed to have complete and truthful information for research purposes. At the end, the results allowed to know that in the teaching practice and in the use of didactic strategies there are elements that are not being taken into account, which are required for the execution of an educational act according to the needs that are presented in the classroom and consistent with those established in the pedagogical model of the institution.
Palabras clave
Estrategias didácticas, Innovación, Práctica docente, Teaching strategies, Innovation, Teaching practice