Impulsividad asociada a conductas de riesgo de familias nucleares y monoparentales de un colegio de la ciudad de Cúcuta.
Ortiz Mejía, Mager Winninger
Quintero Garavito, Lisbeth Karina
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo establecer la relación entre impulsividad y las conductas de riesgo que se presentan en los adolescentes de 15 a 18 años, pertenecientes a familias monoparentales y nucleares del Colegio Nuestra Señora de Fátima, por medio de dos test, uno que permite identificar el tipo de impulsividad de los adolescentes y el otro que identifica las conductas de riesgo a las que se exponen. Se utilizó una metodología cuantitativa con alcance transversal. La población participante fueron 30 estudiantes con edades de 15 a 18 años pertenecientes a familias monoparentales y nucleares. En los resultados se pudo evidenciar que los adolescentes están expuestos a caer en las diferentes conductas de riesgo como, consumo de sustancias psicoactivas, consumo de alcohol y embarazo no deseado ya que en esta etapa se tienden a hacer las cosas sin pensar en las consecuencias que esto pueda ocasionar tanto para ellos mismos como para terceros. También se pudo evidenciar que los adolescentes pertenecientes a familias nucleares son los más propensos a tomar decisiones arriesgadas como el alto consumo de alcohol, esto puede decir debido a la falta de comunicación que se presenta en las familias, la falta de respeto del uno por el otro, la falta de compartir tiempo en familia
The objective of this research was to establish the relationship between impulsiveness and risk behaviors that occur in adolescents aged 15 to 18 years, belonging to single-parent and nuclear families of the Nuestra Señora de Fátima School, through two tests, one that allows identify the type of impulsivity of the adolescents and the other that identifies the risk behaviors to which they are exposed. A quantitative methodology with a transversal scope was used. The participating population was 30 students aged 15 to 18 years belonging to single-parent and nuclear families. The results showed that adolescents are exposed to different risk behaviors such as psychoactive substance use, alcohol consumption and unwanted pregnancy because at this stage they tend to do things without thinking about the consequences this can cause both for themselves and for third parties. It was also shown that adolescents belonging to nuclear families are the most likely to make risky decisions such as high alcohol consumption, this may be due to the lack of communication that occurs in families, the lack of respect for one by the another, the lack of sharing family time
The objective of this research was to establish the relationship between impulsiveness and risk behaviors that occur in adolescents aged 15 to 18 years, belonging to single-parent and nuclear families of the Nuestra Señora de Fátima School, through two tests, one that allows identify the type of impulsivity of the adolescents and the other that identifies the risk behaviors to which they are exposed. A quantitative methodology with a transversal scope was used. The participating population was 30 students aged 15 to 18 years belonging to single-parent and nuclear families. The results showed that adolescents are exposed to different risk behaviors such as psychoactive substance use, alcohol consumption and unwanted pregnancy because at this stage they tend to do things without thinking about the consequences this can cause both for themselves and for third parties. It was also shown that adolescents belonging to nuclear families are the most likely to make risky decisions such as high alcohol consumption, this may be due to the lack of communication that occurs in families, the lack of respect for one by the another, the lack of sharing family time
Palabras clave
Familia nuclear, Familia monoparental, Conductas de riesgo, Impulsividad, Adolescentes, Nuclear family, Single parent family, Risk behaviors, Impulsivity, Adolescents