Avances y retos en el cumplimiento e implementación del punto 3 del acuerdo de paz “fin del conflicto” en Norte de Santander, años 2016 al 2020
Sánchez Sánchez, Luz Dary
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
El 4 de septiembre de 2012, el Gobierno Nacional y las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia – Ejército del Pueblo (FARC-EP) deciden iniciar una serie de conversaciones con el fin de buscar una salida negociada al conflicto que por más de cincuenta años generó este grupo revolucionario, el atentó de diversas formas contra la población civil, las Fuerzas Armadas, y la infraestructura del país, y lograr la paz que ha sido tan anhelada por todos los colombianos. Este proceso logró concretarse el 24 de noviembre de 2016 fecha en la cual se firmó el Acuerdo de Paz, que incluyó 6 puntos, los cuales a su vez tenían unos subtemas sobre los cuales versaron las negociaciones. Todos los puntos del acuerdo de paz, contemplaban temas de gran importancia para la desmovilización del este grupo insurgente, como para el Gobierno Nacional, destacándose entre los mismos el Punto 3, que fue denominado precisamente “Fin del Conflicto”, y en el cual se definieron el cese al fuego y hostilidades, la reincorporación de los miembros de las FARC-EP, las obligaciones de los excomandantes de esa guerrilla, y, las garantías de seguridad; siendo este el punto considerado más álgido, por ser el que más alberga temas que deben ser cumplidos por dicho grupo.
Objetivo general
Determinar los avances y retos que se han dado en el cumplimiento e implementación del punto 3 del Acuerdo de Paz “Fin del conflicto” en Norte de Santander, años 2016 al 2020
Objetivos específicos
Examinar jurídicamente el desarrollo del numeral 3 del Acuerdo de Paz FARC-EP - Estado Colombiano
Identificar los avances que se han dado en el cumplimiento e implementación del punto 3 del Acuerdo de Paz “Fin del conflicto” en Norte de Santander, años 2016 al 2020
Determinar los retos que enfrenta el cumplimiento e implementación del punto 3 del Acuerdo de Paz “Fin del conflicto” en Norte de Santander, años 2016 al 2020
Materiales y Métodos:
• Forma de Investigación: La investigación es jurídica
• Tipo de Investigación: analítico – descriptivo
• Método de investigación: analítico-sintético
• Fuentes de Información: secundarias (normatividad, libros, informes, trabajos de grado, tesis, artículos publicados en revistas indexadas, entre otros de carácter documental).
• Técnicas e instrumentos de recolección de datos: 1. Ficha de análisis normativo; 2. Fichas de análisis de contenido; 3. Ficha de análisis documental.
• Criterios para el análisis de la información: El proceso general del análisis cualitativo que se efectuó inició por una recopilación selectiva de la información a emplear, seguida de una reducción que se condensó en las matrices las cuales incluyeron la identificación, clasificación, síntesis y agrupamiento, y posteriormente, se hizo su codificación por categorías, y finalmente, se efectuó su proceso de análisis con apoyo de las técnicas de análisis de contenido.
Primer Resultado:
Examen jurídico del desarrollo del numeral 3 del acuerdo de paz FARC-EP - Estado colombiano.
Segundo Resultado:
Avances en el cumplimiento e implementación del punto 3 del Acuerdo de Paz “Fin del conflicto” en Norte de Santander, años 2016 al 2020.
Tercer Resultado:
Retos que enfrenta el cumplimiento e implementación del punto 3 del Acuerdo de Paz “Fin del conflicto” en Norte de Santander, años 2016 al 2020.
• Los principales avances y retos relativos al cumplimiento e implementación del punto 3 del acuerdo de paz, consisten en la reincorporación de las FARC a la vida civil, y para ello fue abordada desde el aspecto político por medio la conformación del partido político, el económico a través de los proyectos productivos colectivos e individuales que nacieron desde los Espacios Territoriales de Capacitación y Reincorporación.
• El desarrollo jurídico del punto 3 del acuerdo de paz en cuestión ha sido transversal porque si se observa, este parece ser necesario para desarrollar otros puntos, en ese sentido gira en torno a este.
• El punto 3 del acuerdo final de paz fue la construcción de una solución a base de experiencias, porque si observa esta reincorporación como eje fundamental del fin del conflicto es el reflejo del aprendizaje de la sociedad de que es necesario la inclusión en todos los sentidos.
• Los avances identificados en torno al punto 3 del acuerdo de paz se debe a la importancia en que fueron constituidos, es decir la piedra angular de todo el proceso, el objetivo principal siempre ha sido acabar con la guerra, por ello se observa que su implementación ha sido la más llevada cabo teniendo presente la complejidad de la misma.
• Los avances identificados constituyen una posibilidad alta que el acuerdo de paz, de los resultados positivos esperados, tales como la entrega de las armas, la concentración de los excombatientes en los ETCR, los proyectos productivos colectivos e individuales, la formación académica.
• Los principales retos que deben ser superados para poder implementar el punto 3 del acuerdo de paz, son; los grupos armados ilegales, mientras sigan existiendo y ejerciendo control en la zona será imposible que haya paz, además también es difícil sustituir los cultivos ilícitos porque estos no van a permitir que su fuente principal de ingreso le sea despojada, también la economía ilegal, y por último la falta de garantías de seguridad para los excombatientes y los líderes y lideresas sociales.
Background: On September 4, 2012, the National Government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia - People's Army (FARC-EP) decided to initiate a series of talks in order to seek a negotiated solution to the conflict that for more than fifty years generated this revolutionary group, he attempted in various ways against the civilian population, the Armed Forces, and the country's infrastructure, and to achieve the peace that has been longed for by all Colombians. This process was achieved on November 24, 2016, the date on which the Peace Agreement was signed, which included 6 points, which in turn had sub-themes on which the negotiations dealt. All the points of the peace agreement contemplated issues of great importance for the demobilization of this insurgent group, as well as for the National Government, highlighting Point 3 among them, which was called precisely "End of the Conflict", and in which they defined the ceasefire and hostilities, the reintegration of the members of the FARC-EP, the obligations of the former commanders of that guerrilla, and the security guarantees; this being the point considered the most critical, as it is the one that hosts the most issues that must be fulfilled by said group. Objective: General objective: Determine the progress and challenges that have occurred in the fulfillment and implementation of point 3 of the Peace Agreement "End of the conflict" in Norte de Santander, years 2016 to 2020. Specific objectives: Legally examine the development of numeral 3 of the FARC-EP Peace Agreement Colombian State. Identify the progress that has been made in the fulfillment and implementation of point 3 of the Peace Agreement "End of the conflict" in Norte de Santander, years 2016 to 2020 Determine the challenges facing compliance and implementation of point 3 of the Peace Agreement "End of the conflict" in Norte de Santander, years 2016 to 2020 Materials and Methods: • Form of Investigation: The investigation is legal • Type of Research: analytical - descriptive • Research method: analytical-synthetic • Sources of Information: secondary (regulations, books, reports, degree projects, theses, articles published in indexed magazines, among others of a documentary nature). • Data collection techniques and instruments: 1. Normative analysis sheet; 2. Content analysis sheets; 3. Documentary analysis sheet. • Criteria for the analysis of the information: The general process of the qualitative analysis that was carried out began with a selective compilation of the information to be used, followed by a reduction that was condensed in the matrices which included the identification, classification, synthesis and grouping, and subsequently, its coding by categories was made, and finally, its analysis process was carried out with the support of content analysis techniques. Results First Result: Legal examination of the development of numeral 3 of the peace agreement FARC-EP - Colombian State. Second Result: Progress in compliance and implementation of point 3 of the Peace Agreement "End of the conflict" in Norte de Santander, years 2016 to 2020. Third Result: Challenges facing compliance and implementation of point 3 of the Peace Agreement "End of the conflict" in Norte de Santander, years 2016 to 2020. Conclusions: • The main advances and challenges related to the fulfillment and implementation of point 3 of the peace agreement consist of the reincorporation of the FARC into civilian life, and for this it was approached from the political aspect through the formation of the political party, the economic through the collective and individual productive projects that were born from the Territorial Spaces for Training and Reincorporation. • The legal development of point 3 of the peace agreement in question has been transversal because if observed, it seems to be necessary to develop other points, in that sense it revolves around this. • Point 3 of the final peace agreement was the construction of a solution based on experiences, because if you observe this reincorporation as a fundamental axis of the end of the conflict, it is a reflection of society's learning that inclusion is necessary in all senses. . • The progress identified around point 3 of the peace agreement is due to the importance in which they were constituted, that is, the cornerstone of the entire process, the main objective has always been to end the war, for this reason it is observed that their implementation has been the most carried out bearing in mind its complexity. • The progress identified constitutes a high possibility that the peace agreement, of the expected positive results, such as the delivery of weapons, the concentration of ex-combatants in the ETCR, collective and individual productive projects, academic training. • The main challenges that must be overcome in order to implement point 3 of the peace agreement are; As long as the illegal armed groups continue to exist and exercise control in the area, it will be impossible for there to be peace. In addition, it is also difficult to replace illicit crops because they will not allow their main source of income to be taken from them, including the illegal economy, and finally, the lack of security guarantees for ex-combatants and social leaders.
Background: On September 4, 2012, the National Government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia - People's Army (FARC-EP) decided to initiate a series of talks in order to seek a negotiated solution to the conflict that for more than fifty years generated this revolutionary group, he attempted in various ways against the civilian population, the Armed Forces, and the country's infrastructure, and to achieve the peace that has been longed for by all Colombians. This process was achieved on November 24, 2016, the date on which the Peace Agreement was signed, which included 6 points, which in turn had sub-themes on which the negotiations dealt. All the points of the peace agreement contemplated issues of great importance for the demobilization of this insurgent group, as well as for the National Government, highlighting Point 3 among them, which was called precisely "End of the Conflict", and in which they defined the ceasefire and hostilities, the reintegration of the members of the FARC-EP, the obligations of the former commanders of that guerrilla, and the security guarantees; this being the point considered the most critical, as it is the one that hosts the most issues that must be fulfilled by said group. Objective: General objective: Determine the progress and challenges that have occurred in the fulfillment and implementation of point 3 of the Peace Agreement "End of the conflict" in Norte de Santander, years 2016 to 2020. Specific objectives: Legally examine the development of numeral 3 of the FARC-EP Peace Agreement Colombian State. Identify the progress that has been made in the fulfillment and implementation of point 3 of the Peace Agreement "End of the conflict" in Norte de Santander, years 2016 to 2020 Determine the challenges facing compliance and implementation of point 3 of the Peace Agreement "End of the conflict" in Norte de Santander, years 2016 to 2020 Materials and Methods: • Form of Investigation: The investigation is legal • Type of Research: analytical - descriptive • Research method: analytical-synthetic • Sources of Information: secondary (regulations, books, reports, degree projects, theses, articles published in indexed magazines, among others of a documentary nature). • Data collection techniques and instruments: 1. Normative analysis sheet; 2. Content analysis sheets; 3. Documentary analysis sheet. • Criteria for the analysis of the information: The general process of the qualitative analysis that was carried out began with a selective compilation of the information to be used, followed by a reduction that was condensed in the matrices which included the identification, classification, synthesis and grouping, and subsequently, its coding by categories was made, and finally, its analysis process was carried out with the support of content analysis techniques. Results First Result: Legal examination of the development of numeral 3 of the peace agreement FARC-EP - Colombian State. Second Result: Progress in compliance and implementation of point 3 of the Peace Agreement "End of the conflict" in Norte de Santander, years 2016 to 2020. Third Result: Challenges facing compliance and implementation of point 3 of the Peace Agreement "End of the conflict" in Norte de Santander, years 2016 to 2020. Conclusions: • The main advances and challenges related to the fulfillment and implementation of point 3 of the peace agreement consist of the reincorporation of the FARC into civilian life, and for this it was approached from the political aspect through the formation of the political party, the economic through the collective and individual productive projects that were born from the Territorial Spaces for Training and Reincorporation. • The legal development of point 3 of the peace agreement in question has been transversal because if observed, it seems to be necessary to develop other points, in that sense it revolves around this. • Point 3 of the final peace agreement was the construction of a solution based on experiences, because if you observe this reincorporation as a fundamental axis of the end of the conflict, it is a reflection of society's learning that inclusion is necessary in all senses. . • The progress identified around point 3 of the peace agreement is due to the importance in which they were constituted, that is, the cornerstone of the entire process, the main objective has always been to end the war, for this reason it is observed that their implementation has been the most carried out bearing in mind its complexity. • The progress identified constitutes a high possibility that the peace agreement, of the expected positive results, such as the delivery of weapons, the concentration of ex-combatants in the ETCR, collective and individual productive projects, academic training. • The main challenges that must be overcome in order to implement point 3 of the peace agreement are; As long as the illegal armed groups continue to exist and exercise control in the area, it will be impossible for there to be peace. In addition, it is also difficult to replace illicit crops because they will not allow their main source of income to be taken from them, including the illegal economy, and finally, the lack of security guarantees for ex-combatants and social leaders.
Palabras clave
Acuerdo de Paz, Conflicto, FARC-EP, Negociación, Justicia Transicional, Peace Agreement, Conflict, FARC-EP, Negotiation, Transitional Justice