Factores de riesgo asociados a la presencia de hipertensión arterial; en la población mayor de 45 años del centro Caifam. Localidad suroccidente Barranquilla 2010
Cerchar González, Arielkys
Flórez Figueroa, Vanessa
Hernández López, Stephanie
Menco Retamoza, Candy
Santamaria Pacheco, Viviana
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
La hipertensión representa alta carga de salud por su prevalencia, por su bajo nivel de diagnostico y control y por ser factor de riesgo primario de otras enfermedades cardiovasculares.
Según el JNC 7 report, son hipertensas las personas con cifras de 140/90mmHg o mayores y deben tratarse con esquemas que disminuyan las cifras por debajo de 120/80mmHg y tengan en cuenta la morbilidad asociada y la presencia de otros factores de riesgos. En este estudio se evaluó la presencia de factores de riesgos asociada a la hipertensión arterial en una muestra de 13 hipertensos que asisten a programas de control de tensión arterial en el centro CAIFAM. Un grupo de estudiantes de enfermería educadas contacto a los hipertensos cuando asistían a su control de rutina de presión arterial y, tras obtener su consentimiento, procedieron a la medición de la presión arterial y de otros datos antropométricos, y a consignar en el formulario los datos relacionados con factores de riesgos.
Hypertension represents high health burden because of its prevalence, its low level of diagnosis and control and being a primary risk factor for cardiovascular diseases. According to the JNC 7 report, are hypertensive persons with figures of 140/90mmHg or higher and must be dealt with schemes that reduce the numbers below 120/80mmHg and take into account the morbidity and the presence of other risk factors. In this study, the presence of risk factors associated with hypertension in a sample of 13 hypertensive patients who attend stress management programs at the center CAIFAM blood. A group of nursing students educated hypertensives touch when they attended their routine control of blood pressure and, after obtaining their consent, proceeded to the measurement of blood pressure and other anthropometric data, and enter on the form related data with risk factors.
Hypertension represents high health burden because of its prevalence, its low level of diagnosis and control and being a primary risk factor for cardiovascular diseases. According to the JNC 7 report, are hypertensive persons with figures of 140/90mmHg or higher and must be dealt with schemes that reduce the numbers below 120/80mmHg and take into account the morbidity and the presence of other risk factors. In this study, the presence of risk factors associated with hypertension in a sample of 13 hypertensive patients who attend stress management programs at the center CAIFAM blood. A group of nursing students educated hypertensives touch when they attended their routine control of blood pressure and, after obtaining their consent, proceeded to the measurement of blood pressure and other anthropometric data, and enter on the form related data with risk factors.
Palabras clave
Prevalencia, Hipertensión arterial, Medidas antropométricas, Factores de riesgos, Prevalence, High blood pressure, Anthropometric measures, Risk factors