Prevalencia del VIH sida en mujeres gestantes de 13 a 45 años de edad. Hospital general de Barranquilla, año 2009
Cassiani Valdez, Nini
Guzmán Acuña, Kelly
Ortega De La Hoz, Lilibeth
Ortiz Utria, Norelys
Vargas Maza, Shirley
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
El SIDA es una enfermedad infecciosa; en 1981 fue reconocida por primera vez en estados unidos. Su patrón de infección ha cambiado durante los últimos 10 años con un aumento en las mujeres jóvenes convirtiéndose en un grave problema de salud pública a nivel mundial. Se realizó una investigación acerca de la prevalencia de esta enfermedad en las gestantes de 13 a 45 años que ingresaron al hospital general de Barranquilla en el periodo 2009; puesto que no se conocen estudios formales que describan el comportamiento de esta patología.
En esta investigación se utilizó como fuente de información registros clínicos que permitieron obtener los datos de la población de estudio, se realizó una prueba piloto mostrando que un 76% de la población en riesgo no se realizó controles prenatales, el 40 % tiene poco conocimiento de esta enfermedad, el 80% son amas de casa y la población mas afectada según grupo etáreo es de 18 a 22 años con un 30%, mostrando de esta forma el numero de casos de VIH/SIDA en gestantes de 13 a 45 años que ingresaron al hospital de Barranquilla en el año 2009.
Aids are an infectious disease; in 1981 its first case was diagnosed in the USA. its pattern of opportunistic infection and method of contracting AIDS has changed drastically in the last 10 years . This has lead to a high percentage of young women infected with this disease. Due to this high percentage, AIDS has become the biggest health epidemic problem world wide. In this Investigation we used as a form of information clinical registrations that had given consentí to release medical information from the States clinical studies and investigations. A pilot project has shown 70% of the population who is infected never had any prenatal care. Out of that 76%, 40% has had little to no education on this disease. A great total of 80% are stay home mothers and homemakers. This study makes them the highest at risk group; according to a statistic group the age rate is between 18 to 22 years of age are HIV + of which 30% are cases HIV/ AIDS. The ages of HIV/AIDS cases are between 13 to 45 years of age that were admitted to the General Hospital of Barranquilla, Colombia in the year of 2009.
Aids are an infectious disease; in 1981 its first case was diagnosed in the USA. its pattern of opportunistic infection and method of contracting AIDS has changed drastically in the last 10 years . This has lead to a high percentage of young women infected with this disease. Due to this high percentage, AIDS has become the biggest health epidemic problem world wide. In this Investigation we used as a form of information clinical registrations that had given consentí to release medical information from the States clinical studies and investigations. A pilot project has shown 70% of the population who is infected never had any prenatal care. Out of that 76%, 40% has had little to no education on this disease. A great total of 80% are stay home mothers and homemakers. This study makes them the highest at risk group; according to a statistic group the age rate is between 18 to 22 years of age are HIV + of which 30% are cases HIV/ AIDS. The ages of HIV/AIDS cases are between 13 to 45 years of age that were admitted to the General Hospital of Barranquilla, Colombia in the year of 2009.
Palabras clave
VIH/SIDA, Gestantes, Prevalencia