Las TIC como mediación para la apropiación social del patrimonio cultural en Santa Cruz de Lorica
Vargas Arteaga, Jacob
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Lograr la apropiación social del patrimonio a partir de las mediaciones que brindan las
tecnologías digitales es una apuesta investigativa que surge de la necesidad de desarrollar
propuestas que logren materializar el conocimiento, disfrute, difusión y conservación del
legado cultural de los grupos sociales. Desde esta perspectiva, en este documento se
presenta el informe final de una tesis doctoral que parte de las representaciones que tienen
dos actores sociales del municipio de Santa Cruz de Lorica sobre su patrimonio cultural, para
desarrollar un programa piloto de formación virtual complementaria denominado Guardianes
del patrimonio, el cual es un NOOC orientado a dar significado y valor a los bienes
patrimoniales materiales e inmateriales a partir de su conocimiento, comprensión y el
establecimiento de vínculos que puedan hacerlos sostenibles en el tiempo.
A nivel metodológico la investigación se asume desde un enfoque mixto con un
diseño secuencial exploratorio que parte de un estudio de casos para indagar sobre las
representaciones que tienen los estudiantes de grado noveno de educación básica, y los
docentes de Ciencias Sociales de la zona urbana del municipio de Santa Cruz de Lorica
sobre el patrimonio cultural local. En la fase cuantitativa se propone un diseño
cuasiexperimental con grupo control y grupo experimental con prueba pretest-postest para
analizar los efectos del programa virtual en la apropiación social del patrimonio de los
estudiantes. Los datos recolectados a partir de instrumentos como la entrevista
semiestructurada y el cuestionario fueron analizados con técnicas cualitativas y cuantitativas
apoyadas en paquetes de software especializados para cada tipo de datos.
Los resultados se presentan de acuerdo a las fases propuestas en el estudio y se
soportan en la publicación de artículos científicos, capítulos de libro y ponencias en eventos
académicos a nivel internacional. Cada uno de los productos pone de manifiesto los
elementos a considerar en el desarrollo de programas de formación complementaria en
ambientes virtuales para la enseñanza del patrimonio cultural, utilizando técnicas de diseño
instruccional e integrando una metodología activa como lo es la gamificación.
Adicionalmente, dos productos que surgen en el desarrollo del estudio son la
creación de una plataforma colaborativa para la apropiación social del patrimonio cultural
( y el diseño y la validación de una escala para medir la
apropiación social del patrimonio cultural (EM-ASPC), la cual es un punto partido de partida
a nivel psicométrico para evaluar la efectividad de las estrategias de enseñanza y
aprendizaje en la apropiación social del patrimonio cultural
Achieving the social appropriation of heritage through the mediations offered by digital technologies is an investigative endeavor stemming from the necessity to develop initiatives that realize the knowledge, enjoyment, dissemination, and preservation of the cultural legacy of social groups. This document presents the final report of a doctoral thesis that commences with the representations held by two social actors from the municipality of Santa Cruz de Lorica have about their cultural heritage. It aims to develop a pilot program of complementary virtual education called "Guardians of Heritage," which is a NOOC (Nano Open Online Course) geared towards imparting meaning and value to tangible and intangible heritage assets through knowledge, comprehension, and the establishment of bonds that can render them sustainable over time. Methodologically, the research adopts a mixed approach with a sequential exploratory design, commencing with a case study to investigate the representations held by ninth-grade students of basic education and Social Sciences teachers in the urban area of the municipality of Santa Cruz de Lorica regarding local cultural heritage. In the quantitative phase, a quasi-experimental design with a control group and an experimental group using pretest-posttest is proposed to analyze the effects of the virtual program on students' social appropriation of heritage. Data collected through instruments such as semi-structured interviews and questionnaires were analyzed using qualitative and quantitative techniques, supported by specialized software packages for each type of data. Results are presented in accordance with the phases proposed in the study and are substantiated by the publication of scientific articles, book chapters, and presentations at international academic events. Each of these products highlights the elements to consider in the development of complementary training programs in virtual environments for the teaching of cultural heritage, employing instructional design techniques and integrating an active methodology such as gamification. Additionally, two elements that emerge during the course of the study are the creation of a collaborative platform for the social appropriation of cultural heritage ( and the design and validation of a scale for measuring the social appropriation of cultural heritage (EM-ASPC). The latter serves as a psychometric starting point in addressing studies related to the teaching and learning processes of heritage
Achieving the social appropriation of heritage through the mediations offered by digital technologies is an investigative endeavor stemming from the necessity to develop initiatives that realize the knowledge, enjoyment, dissemination, and preservation of the cultural legacy of social groups. This document presents the final report of a doctoral thesis that commences with the representations held by two social actors from the municipality of Santa Cruz de Lorica have about their cultural heritage. It aims to develop a pilot program of complementary virtual education called "Guardians of Heritage," which is a NOOC (Nano Open Online Course) geared towards imparting meaning and value to tangible and intangible heritage assets through knowledge, comprehension, and the establishment of bonds that can render them sustainable over time. Methodologically, the research adopts a mixed approach with a sequential exploratory design, commencing with a case study to investigate the representations held by ninth-grade students of basic education and Social Sciences teachers in the urban area of the municipality of Santa Cruz de Lorica regarding local cultural heritage. In the quantitative phase, a quasi-experimental design with a control group and an experimental group using pretest-posttest is proposed to analyze the effects of the virtual program on students' social appropriation of heritage. Data collected through instruments such as semi-structured interviews and questionnaires were analyzed using qualitative and quantitative techniques, supported by specialized software packages for each type of data. Results are presented in accordance with the phases proposed in the study and are substantiated by the publication of scientific articles, book chapters, and presentations at international academic events. Each of these products highlights the elements to consider in the development of complementary training programs in virtual environments for the teaching of cultural heritage, employing instructional design techniques and integrating an active methodology such as gamification. Additionally, two elements that emerge during the course of the study are the creation of a collaborative platform for the social appropriation of cultural heritage ( and the design and validation of a scale for measuring the social appropriation of cultural heritage (EM-ASPC). The latter serves as a psychometric starting point in addressing studies related to the teaching and learning processes of heritage
Palabras clave
Patrimonio, Patrimonial Cultural, Educación, Enseñanza del patrimonio, Educación patrimonial, Tecnologías de la Información y de la Comunicación TIC, Heritage, Cultural Heritage, Education, Heritage Education, Information and Communication Technologies ICT