Injuria renal por uso de agentes nefrotóxicos en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos en una Clínica de cuarto nivel de Barranquilla durante el 2020
De Agua Rodríguez, Nadin de Jesús
Herrera Olivares, Kelvin
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolivar
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
La nefrotoxicidad es la afectación ejercida por tóxicos sobre los riñones, Los medicamentos, son uno de los tóxicos exógenos con potencial riesgo de generar daño a nivel anatómico y estructura del riñón y se ha estudiado que su efecto es manifestado de forma clínica como una insuficiencia renal aguda. La injuria renal es conocida como el deterioro excesivo o busco de la (FR) función renal lo cual genera un descenso del filtrado glomerular (FG). se produce una acumulación de los productos conocidos como desecho.
Objetivo: la Injuria renal por uso de agentes nefrotóxicos en la Unidad de Cuidados
Intensivos en una Clínica de cuarto nivel de Barranquilla durante el 2020.
Materiales y Métodos: estudio descriptivo observacional de fondo analítico reconstructivo, La
población: en estudio fueron todos los pacientes que se encontraron internados en la Unidades de
Cuidados Intensivos de un Centro Hospitalario de alto nivel de complejidad en Barranquilla (ATl,
CO), durante el periodo comprendido entre Diciembre de 2019 y Marzo 2020. Muestra: La muestra
censal fue de 140 pacientes de los cuales 116 pacientes cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión y
Resultados: La población estuvo compuesta por 216 pacientes. Se evaluaron un total de 66
pacientes que cumplieron los criterios de inclusión y exclusión. La proporción sexual fue de 1:1
hombre:mujer, sin diferencia entre los sexos (p > 0.05). La edad promedio global fue de 53.9±18.3
años, la edad mínima registrada fue de 19 años y fue registrada para las mujeres y la edad máxima
registrada 85 años y fue registrada para los hombres. La edad promedio de los hombres fue de
61.06±14.7 años y de las mujeres fue de 46.8±19,0 años, se encontró diferencia estadísticamente
significativa entre los sexos (t: 3,39; p-valor: 0,0011). Al evaluar el principal marcador de la función
renal con el APACHE II y la escala de fragilidad en los pacientes que hicieron AKI, encontramos que
no había una relación entre la CrSr para estas dos variables para los pacientes que desarrollaron
injuria en la Unidad (p > 0.05).
Conclusión: Las patologías de mayor recurrencia con respecto a la Injuria Renal Aguada
son las del grupo I, que corresponde a las patologías infecciosas. Lo marcadores para AKI
como Creatinina, Urea pueden presentarse diferencialmente entre los sexos. Aunque los
AINES son nefrotóxico, para nuestros datos no mostraron una asociación directa con el
desarrollo de la AKI.
Nephrotoxicity is the affectation exerted by toxins on the kidneys. Medicines are one of the exogenous toxins with a potential risk of generating damage to the anatomical level and structure of the kidney and it has been studied that its effect is manifested clinically as a acute kidney failure. Kidney injury is known as the excessive deterioration or seeking of renal function (RF) which generates a decrease in glomerular filtration (GFR). there is an accumulation of the products known as waste. Objective: renal injury due to the use of nephrotoxic agents in the Intensive Care Unit of a fourth level Clinic in Barranquilla during 2020 Materials and Methods: descriptive observational study of reconstructive analytical background, The population: the study was all patients who were admitted to the Intensive Care Units of a Hospital Center of high level of complexity in Barranquilla (ATl, CO), during the period between December 2019 and March 2020. Sample: The census sample consisted of 140 patients, of which 116 patients met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Results: The population consisted of 216 patients. A total of 66 patients who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria were evaluated. The sexual ratio was 1: 1 male: female, with no difference between the sexes (p> 0.05). The global average age was 53.9 ± 18.3 years, the minimum registered age was 19 years and was registered for women and the maximum registered age was 85 years and was registered for men. The mean age of the men was 61.06 ± 14.7 years and of the women it was 46.8 ± 19.0 years, a statistically significant difference was found between the sexes (t: 3.39; p-value: 0.0011). When evaluating the main markers of renal function with the APACHE II and the frailty scale in the patients who did AKI, we found that there was no relationship between the CrSr for these two variables for the patients who developed injury in the Unit (p> 0.05). Conclusion: The most recurrent pathologies with respect to Aguada Renal Injury are those of group I, which corresponds to infectious pathologies. Markers for AKI such as Creatinine, Urea can be present differentially between the sexes. Although NSAIDs are nephrotoxic, for our data they did not show a direct association with the development of AKI.
Nephrotoxicity is the affectation exerted by toxins on the kidneys. Medicines are one of the exogenous toxins with a potential risk of generating damage to the anatomical level and structure of the kidney and it has been studied that its effect is manifested clinically as a acute kidney failure. Kidney injury is known as the excessive deterioration or seeking of renal function (RF) which generates a decrease in glomerular filtration (GFR). there is an accumulation of the products known as waste. Objective: renal injury due to the use of nephrotoxic agents in the Intensive Care Unit of a fourth level Clinic in Barranquilla during 2020 Materials and Methods: descriptive observational study of reconstructive analytical background, The population: the study was all patients who were admitted to the Intensive Care Units of a Hospital Center of high level of complexity in Barranquilla (ATl, CO), during the period between December 2019 and March 2020. Sample: The census sample consisted of 140 patients, of which 116 patients met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Results: The population consisted of 216 patients. A total of 66 patients who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria were evaluated. The sexual ratio was 1: 1 male: female, with no difference between the sexes (p> 0.05). The global average age was 53.9 ± 18.3 years, the minimum registered age was 19 years and was registered for women and the maximum registered age was 85 years and was registered for men. The mean age of the men was 61.06 ± 14.7 years and of the women it was 46.8 ± 19.0 years, a statistically significant difference was found between the sexes (t: 3.39; p-value: 0.0011). When evaluating the main markers of renal function with the APACHE II and the frailty scale in the patients who did AKI, we found that there was no relationship between the CrSr for these two variables for the patients who developed injury in the Unit (p> 0.05). Conclusion: The most recurrent pathologies with respect to Aguada Renal Injury are those of group I, which corresponds to infectious pathologies. Markers for AKI such as Creatinine, Urea can be present differentially between the sexes. Although NSAIDs are nephrotoxic, for our data they did not show a direct association with the development of AKI.
Palabras clave
Enfermedad renal aguda, Nefrotóxicos, Infecciones, Unidad de cuidados intensivos, Acute kidney disease, Nephrotoxic drugs, Infections, Intensive care unit